We have been following closely recent events in the
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in particular in
the East. We are deeply concerned about the
instability these events have created and, in
particular, the threat to the transition process and
the Transitional National Government. We condemn the
deaths of innocent civilians and appalling human
rights violations in Bukavu.

In response to these events, we have spoken to
President Kabila of DRC, President Kagame of Rwanda,
the UN Secretary General and his Special
Representative, Bill Swing, Head of the UN mission to
Express our support for the transition process in the
DRC and for the Transitional National Government,
which must continue to work together
Reiterate our support to the Special Representative of
the UN Secretary General Bill Swing and MONUC's
efforts in the DRC and our condemnation of attacks on
MONUC personnel and infrastructure.
Encourage the Government of Rwanda to do what it can
to enable a peaceful resolution to the current crisis
and to co-operate with any UN investigation into
allegations of Rwandan involvement.
Underline that were any evidence of a Rwandan return
to DRC or assistance to rebel elements to be found,
this would be unacceptable to the international
Encourage the Governments of DRC and Rwanda to act to
calm the situation; and to work together and with
Underline the importance of tackling the underlying
causes of regional tension, in particular making
progress on army integration and demobilisation and
reintegration of Congolese forces and demobilisation
and repatriation of foreign armed groups
We are continuing to watch events in the region
closely and we will make further calls as necessary.

Jack Straw MP, Foreign Secretary
Hilary Benn MP, International Development Secretary

Notes for Editors
The UK has been closely involved in supporting the
Great Lakes peace process and is a member of the
International Support Committee, CIAT (created by the
Global Accord), convened by SRSG Swing. The UK is
committed to supporting regional peace and stability
and post-conflict reconstruction and poverty reduction
in the DRC. Since the installation of the Transitional
National Government almost a year ago, we have been
stepping up our engagement.
The UK also supports the efforts of the UN to achieve
the military and political stabilisation. We hold five
key posts in MONUC, the UN mission in DRC, which has
been making progress thanks to a strengthened presence
and a more robust Chapter VII mandate. We are
encouraging them to do more.
The UK's bilateral aid programme in 2003/4 amounted to
£20 million (in addition to our contributions of £70
million through the EU, UN and World Bank) to support
the transition process and establish basic systems of
governance for conflict prevention and poverty
reduction. A programme of £34m is currently available
for 2004/5. Key areas of UK focus are: humanitarian
assistance, support to the transition institutions,
demobilisation and reintegration of ex-combatants,
reform of the army, police and justice sectors and
support to the Poverty Reduction Strategy process. We
are working closely with bilateral and multilateral
partners in this.
The UK's Department for International Development
(DFID) has built up Development partnerships with a
number of other countries in the region, notably
Uganda and Rwanda. These partnerships are based
primarily on the partner government's commitment to
poverty alleviation

Travel Advice: Democratic Republic of Congo
Country Profile: Democratic Republic of Congo

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