
You're very st............... On one hand you acuse Buganda of sectarian, segregative, and that its against non Baganda. When proof of evidence is shown, you come out with gabbage like your heading "Bombay to run Buganda". Why dont you shut up if you have nothing better to talk about?.

J. Ssenyange


From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 18:57:39 -0400

Buganda appoints Asian By Robert Mwanje June 20, 2004

KAMPALA - Buganda government officials have commended the appointment of an Asian on the Kingdom's welfare and works committee. The Katikkiro of Buganda, Mr Joseph Ssemwogere, said new people would moot new ideas - for development.

He explained that whoever lives in Buganda is a subject of the Kabaka and should be ready to serve the Kingdom. "We are not segregative any more. Anybody who lives in Buganda should participate in its development," he said.

Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi last week appointed Kampala central division councilor, Mr Singh Parminder Katongole on the welfare committee.
Katikkiro Semwogerere said the Kabaka would continue to appoint non-Baganda who live in the region and are willing to serve. "This is not the last to happen, more people may be appointed to serve the Kabaka," Ssemwogere said.

The official, Mr Singh, plegded to serve the Kabaka and his people. He said that Buganda is strategically located and has more chances to develop rapidly.

"What Buganda needs is to refocus its strategies depending on its resources, there is no reason why Baganda are not rich," he said.

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