Generals Muntu, Ali quit army today
By Grace Matsiko

July 21, 2004

KAMPALA — Major Genenal Mugisha Muntu (right) and Lt. Gen. Moses Ali are among the top military officers set to retire today at a ceremony at Bombo General Army Headquarters.

Muntu, one of Uganda’s representatives to the East African Assembly and Ali, the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Disaster Preparedness are scheduled to retire from active military service at a function presided over by the Army Commander, Lt. Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, military sources said yesterday.

Army and Defence spokesman, Maj. Shaban Bantariza yesterday confirmed the event, but declined to give details. “Everybody who has asked to retire, will retire but at different times,” Bantariza said. He said, on the same occasion, newly promoted Brig. Andrew Gutti will be pipped. Gutti who was last week cleared by the General Court Martial of charges of creating ghost soldiers in which the UPDF lost millions of shillings was promoted from the rank of Colonel to Brigadier and made the Chief of Training.

Muntu, a former Army Commander and Army representative to Parliament, is one of the National Resistance Army (NRA) now UPDF Historicals except Gen. Ali who joined UPDF from the Uganda National Rescue Front (UNRF), a rebel group he formed to fight President Yoweri Museveni’s government.

Other officers who have asked to leave the UPDF include the Secretary General of the East African Community, Maj. Amanya Mushega, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Maj. Tom Butime, Member of Parliament for Ibanda North (Mbarara) Capt. Guma Gumisiriza and Lt. Gen. Salim Saleh aka Caleb Akandwanaho.

Military sources said the Army Commissions and Promotions Board sitting in Bombo in consultation with President Yoweri Museveni, the Commander-In-Chief allowed Gen. Mugisha Muntu and Gen. Moses Ali to leave the forces.

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