There are elements within Yoweri Museveni's  NRM and and Paul Kagame's Rwanda 
Patriotic Front who have and will continue to created political  instability in DRC.  
This fact cannot be over emphasised. Anybody who is interested and is following the 
politics of the great Lakes Region in general and DRC in particular  must bear this 
fact in mind. 

Political observers believe that both Yoweri Museven and Paul Kagame  stand  
enormously in economic terms ffrom istablity in DRC Congo. 


Grave Humanitarian Crisis Worsening In Eastern Congo, Where 3.5m Have Already Perished

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July 23, 2004 
Posted to the web July 23, 2004 

Jill Sudhoff-Guerin
Washington, DC 

Violence continues in eastern Congo, where rebel groups have clashed with United 
Nations peacekeepers and government forces, in violation of the peace accords signed 
in 2003, Rep. Ed Royce (R-California) said Thursday at a House Subcommittee on Africa 

The peace pact was based on the Lusaka Agreement of 1999, which called for 
inter-Congolese political negotiations, disarming of Rwandan Hutu rebels present in 
the Congo and normalization of border security.

"This turmoil has perpetuated the gravest humanitarian conditions that have existed 
since the Rwandan genocide erupted ten years ago," Royce said. "An estimated 3.5 
million Congolese, mainly in the east, have perished over the last six or so years due 
to war-related starvation and disease."

Rwanda's involvement in Bukavu, eastern Congo, through supporting rebel forces in the 
region, threatens the possibility for peace, Royce said. The United Nations released a 
report Thursday citing evidence that Rwanda has broken the arms embargo by supplying 
rebels with arms and munitions.

Learned Dees, senior program officer for Africa at the National Endowment for 
Democracy, called the humanitarian failure in the Congo similar to the crisis in 
Darfur, Sudan. "In humanitarian terms, over the long term, Congo represents a greater 
humanitarian crisis because more people have been displaced, more people have been 
killed, and you have the potential of reaching another level of violence in the 
Congo," he said.

The United States is working closely with the United Nations and allies in the region 
to halt the violence, said Constance Berry Newman, assistant secretary of State for 
African Affairs. Newman reported on the progress of MONUC, the UN Mission for the 
Congo peacekeeping force. "MONUC is one of the largest UN peacekeeping operations in 
existence, but it is not a large force when one considers that the DRC is equal in 
size to the United States east of the Mississippi," she said.

Gareth Evans, International Crisis Group's president, called for the doubling of 
MONUC's troops, improved technical and intelligence capacity, and a broader mandate in 
order to enhance MONUC's capability.

Newman said MONUC's mandate has been expanded to include assisting the transitional 
government in the DRC, working towards disarming and demobilizing the Rwandan Hutu 
rebels in the DRC and assisting in preparations for elections that were scheduled for 
2005. The recent violence has called into question the government's ability to run the 
scheduled elections successfully.

The occupation of Bukavu has caused a break in humanitarian efforts in eastern Congo, 
Newman said, but "with the national army now in control of Bukavu, most relief workers 
have returned and services have resumed."

Rep. Donald Payne (D-New Jersey) questioned Newman's testimony that, "the situation in 
the DRC remains very serious, but the essential requisites for a peaceful solution are 
in place." With illegal uranium mining, clear-cutting of tropical forests, and the 
outright violation of the peace accords by the Rwandans, Payne said that the situation 
seemed much less hopeful than Newman's testimony suggested. "We need solutions," he 

Payne and Royce identified Rwanda as having violated the peace accords in order to get 
access to the DRC's natural wealth. "This conflict is driven by natural resource 
exploitation," Royce said. "U.N. and other reports have identified Rwanda and other 
countries as maintaining considerable illicit commercial interests in the DRC. What 
are the U.S. and the U.N. doing to deter this scramble for resources?'

Relevant Links 
Central Africa 
United States, Canada and Africa 
Conflict, Peace and Security 
Newman said the U.S. was making every effort to hold parties accountable. "Bad 
behavior is not going to be rewarded by the international community, she said. "People 
will express strong action against the violation of the peace agreement."

"The transition in the DRC is not irreversible, and recent events have shown how 
easily the process can be derailed, the consequences of which should be apparent to 
anyone who has follwed the history of the last 10 years in the Great Lakes region of 
Africa," says Evan. "It is in the interest of the United States to promote peace and 
stability in Africa, but this cannot be achieved if there is continued conflict and 
instability in the heart of the continent."

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