1. It was a typical Sharpton speech, and 2. as I have stated in a previous post there were some misconstruing of history, specifically as relating to Reconstruction and the respective roles of the two parties (Rep. and Dem.)

Allow me to take this opportunity to re-emphasize my personal position and view on the US elections;

Generally speaking in history the interests of the African people has been neglected by both parties. For reasons related to specific historic circumstances, our people have given most of their votes to one of the other party consistently for a long period of time, thus after the Civil War and through the era of 20 th century African republican politicians such Oscar De Priest here in Chicago, our people had been loyal to the Republicans, with the notable exception of the one term flirtation with Woodrow Wilson, who after getting the votes, reintroduced segregation in the federal government, provided the White House as a venue for the screening of The Clansman, now known as The Birth of A Nation,  a notorious Ku Klux Klan propaganda film and similar actions...hence as I said in a previous post the Africans did not vote Dem. in large numbers again until FDR and that pattern continues to this day.  Whether rep. or dem., we must receive benefits from our votes, which is not happening, and has not traditionally happened.  For example, even after the fall out between Monroe Trotter and the civil rights movement of that era with Wilson policies, DuBois still made an effort in Paris to secure Wilson's support for the decolonization of Africa within the framework of the League of Nationn to no avail.

What I am trying to say, is this, I agree with Farrakhan, we cannot just allow ourselves to be pimped just so an individual, Sharpton, Powell or anyone else can live a better life.

It is as a elderly sister said decades ago, the food that Ralph Bunche eats does not fill her stomach.

Having said that, I still think people should oppose Bush and his coterie of mad men/women.

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