Dear Commrades,
On behalf of the UPC community in USA and Canada, I wish to express my deepest appreciation following the last two positive consultations among ourselves to make this trip to Seatle Washington a reality. As you all know it is important that we stand out and be counted as those Ugandans who take our responsibility seriously. We must liberate our country. Our worldwide effort to acheive this objective is only just and democratic, and our live presence in all such fora only helps us the more with our cause. We are in a democratic country, let us use this opportunity to apply it.
To this, therefore, I am pleased to let you know that I have made all the final arrangements to facilitate our peaceful demonstration in Seatle during the UNAA convention in this beautiful city. I will be communicating with you with all the details.
Meanwhile I am inviting all other Ugandans of same intention to join us in Seatle Washington. Our email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Please Come One, Come All. Uganda does not belong to UPC alone. It is our concerted effort that will liberate our country.
God Bless,
Magomu Wacha

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