Dear Bro Walker,

In some distant past AZAPO asked to join or have a working relation with the ANC.

 The ANC snubbed them, instead, preferring to cement relations with the NNP (or a section of the NNP that reflects Afrikaner rather than Anglo-Jewish interests in SA).

The personalities, like Tony Leon of the DA, that are associated with these Anglo-Jewish interests teamed up with Mongostu 'Gastha' Buthelezi's Inkhata Freedom Party - IFP.

I have no idea with which lot the conservative wing of the coloreds - and they are a significant number -  have teamed up with.  Much as they hate the ANC I don't see them joining with 'Gastha'.

It is also very interesting to see Thabo Mbeki crying that the SABC (South African Broadcasting Corporation), a state media, is censoring/muzzling his messages to the people; especially when he contradicts Tony Blair!!

Does the man have no power at all to make heads roll, and put a new face on this state monopoly? 

A decade has past.  What have they done in setting up an alternative media to air the views of the people? For how long are they to remain in the slumber thinking that the media monopoly of Anglo-American Oppenheimer settler apartheid is on our side?  

Surely Tony Blair is gunning to screw up Mbeki - he is never going to forgive him for his stand on Zimbabwe. Already he has set up his committee to 'map a new agenda for Africa'. A blue-print he wants to be ready by the time he starts to chair the G8. This is indeed to emasculate Mbeki's NEPAD.

It seems Mbeki wants to have one leg in the revolutionary camp and another one in the Masters' camp. He will end up pleasing nobody.

It also must be remembered that when the Dutch East India Co first arrived at the 'Cape of Good Hope', the indentured white Dutch servants begot children with the local black women.

Pik Botha and many Afrikaners are the descendants of that union though you will find none of the Afrikaners today that will admit this.

These are our mulattoes, that for so long have been in the service of our imperialist enemies.

The question is, if former CIA agents like Pik Botha (and his ilk) are to be incorporated into the ANC are we to understand that they have changed their allegiance?

Like AZAPO, the PAC has in the past suggested some working relation with the ANC. We were rebuffed then. 

So, maybe before the PAC makes a decision on the nature of an alliance with the ANC, at the minimum, we ought to know where they stand and where they are headed.  

Mitayo Potosi


>CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lester Lewis)
>Subject: ugnet_: Faction of PAC proposes unity with ANC
>Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 18:43:54 EDT
>This article on developments in Azania/South Africa is very important to all
>of us; we thank Br. Lester Lewis, one of the drivng force motivating the 2005
>Global Pan African Congress meeting in Zimbabwe, for keeping us informed on
>such vital matters.
>Date:   08/03/2004 4:23:03 PM Central Daylight Time
>From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lester Lewis)
>To:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lester Lewis)
>PAC faction wants to join up with ANC
>Party's deputy leader seeks co-operation at all levels
>THE Pan Africanist Congress has proposed a political framework that seeks
>co-operation between itself and the ruling African National Congress at both
>government and party level.
>The proposal to form an official political alliance with the ANC is already
>causing bitter divisions in the PAC and could spell yet another split if the
>party's bosses go ahead with it.
>Documents leaked to the Sunday Times reveal an ambitious PAC strategy to join
>the ANC at all levels of government.
>The chief proponent of this new strategy is the organisation's deputy
>president, Themba Godi, who is understood to have been involved in detailed talks
>with the ANC's secretary-general, Kgalema Motlanthe.
>PAC national executive committee insiders say a faction led by the party's
>president, Motsoko Pheko, is opposed to the idea of "joining the ANC" both in
>government and at party level. This, they say, could lead to the PAC splitting
>into two factions if the party went ahead with Godi's proposals.
>The party has been racked by internal divisions ever since 1959, when its
>founding leader, Robert Sobukwe, led a breakaway from the ANC.
>Godi and Pheko are the party's sole MPs.
>In a document setting out the framework for co-operation between the PAC and
>ANC, Godi says the basis for such co-operation is "the realities and
>challenges that face us as progressive forces... and as a liberation movement".
>"There exists a unipolar world order with an environment unreceptive to
>progressive ideals generally and the liberation movement in particular," says Godi
>in the document.
>He argues that this environment has produced "an agenda that seeks to reverse
>the gains made through the struggle".
>He says Africa's independence from colonial rule has been undermined by
>unchanged colonial economic and political relations.
>"There is a call from many progressive forces for South Africa to play a
>significant role in moves to combine continental efforts to regenerate Africa," he
>"There is also the reality of our own South African forces of reaction that
>are working assiduously to undermine our liberation [and] resist and derail
>transformation efforts."
>Godi argues that the ANC and PAC's history as liberation movements and the
>strategic objective of their struggle "points to the inescapable imperatives of
>unity". This, according to Godi, means the progressive forces in South Africa
>must consolidate that unity.
>"A South Africa united and thus strengthened will then be able to play its
>positive role in helping to ward off the unwelcome designs on Southern Africa
>and make the region the springboard for the rejuvenation of Africa, the diaspora
>and a new world. The ANC and PAC have that historic challenge and obligation
>to form a pivot around which progressive and patriotic forces can be welded."
>The starting point, according to Godi, is "to get the ANC-PAC co-operation
>going, generate its own momentum and rally the nation".
>Godi foresees interaction and co-operation at party and government levels as
>well as in legislatures.
>In his plan, the ANC and PAC will hold joint functions and issue invitations
>to each others' functions. Co-operation would also involve the youth, women's
>and students' components of the two parties.
>Interaction at party and government level will ensure the creation of space
>for the best PAC talent to serve "our government and state. This implies a
>deliberate opening up for access to deployment..."
>Godi suggests that co-operation in the National Assembly, provincial
>legislatures and local government will ensure the smooth functioning of these
>Another document proposes that a working committee with a secretariat be
>established by the two parties to make recommendations to the President.
>Recommendations will include providing a list of PAC members to serve in all
>government structures, including the judiciary, Reserve Bank and black
>economic empowerment ventures.
>Motlanthe could not be reached for comment yesterday.

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