Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2004 9:44 AM
Subject: [congokin-tribune] JESUS IS THE ANCHOR OF MY SOUL


How am I surviving in this toubled world where wars, genocides,  famines and insecurity are rampant?  Jesus is the anchor of my soul. Without him I would be blown away like chaff in the wind.
In this time of uncertainty one should pray more. In view of what is going on in the country, I encourage my fellow congoleses to pray all the more for a long lasting peace in our beloved Congo, that God will surround the country with the blood of Jesus as an hedge of protection against the blood- thirsty axis of evil rwanda-burundi-uganda.
We must confront all demonic forces, principalities and powers that have been waging wars against Congolese people since 1998 through the hands of Kagame and Mu-7, hands that have killed 5 millions of fellow countrymen including beloved mothers, brothers, sisters, aunts, fathers, uncles, grand-pa...folks who just wanted to live longer and enjoy God's blessings. Their lives were cut short by those two greed-driven criminals and "natural born killers" whom God will surely cast in the lake of Fire on judgment Day. Do you know how long it will take to rebuild what those individuals have destroyed in the Congo? Only a strongly united Congo can bring those criminals before an international court of justice. UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.
God bless the beloved Congo.
Axel Luyengi

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