DFWA-U will simplify land laws in four pages and revise the land act:

The revised land act has been passed – will it solve African problem where some 
people live a largely rural life – The Democratic Farmers Workers Alliance –Uganda 
does not believe so. Without any sort of state provision in terms of medical, 
transport, housing, insurance, and educational and much more to entrust land into the 
hands of state functionaries is to generate absolute poverty.

- Uganda’s lawmakers should stop creating social and economic problems by merely 
ignoring facts that ruled here before western civilisation and robbery law emerged. 
- Ugandans by virtual of their geographical location are basically farmers therefore 
land is a basic necessity rather than economic and social status for their survival.
- Study of communal African land ownership and distribution should be studied and 
integrated into the national laws.
- Land ownership is so basic in human being’s worldly goods. Every man and woman and 
their siblings must therefore be able to have ownership to land, irrespective of his 
or her money disposition. 
- For centuries land in Africa has been communally owned that is to say individual 
persons settled on land in trust of the community – indeed there were less conflict 
and no landless - therefore transmigration was not a crime or hindered. 
- The solution to land problem is in African organisation structuring blended into 
modern laws. 
- There is no land issue in Uganda but rather a misrepresentation of facts and 
political egoism enjoined with systematic and objective malice. 
- Politicians and landowners use artificial land shortage for economic, social and 
political goals conspicuously.
- Ownership to land by the citizens of Uganda must NOT be determined by money 
possession. Ownership to land is ownership to life possibilities.
- The state of Uganda must NOT own land and therefore get involved into speculative 
land distribution but only provide means and ways of arbitration through the district 
land boards.
- District land boards must with 72 hours arbitrate any land conflict- this must be 
mandatory with legal repercussions.
- The state must own land for public utilities; road infrastructures, airports, urban 
centres, communication infrastructures, sewage, telephony, electricity, public 
buildings, national parks etc.
- With emergency of speculative but not monetary economies since old African societies 
used money – speculation has created artificial land shortage for speculative 
monetary rewards.
- To solve the landless problematicities, among our people land speculation must not 
be rewarded but punished and the social behaviour they generate penalised.
- Individual people (notice not communities) owning huge chunks of land (more or 
greater than three square kilometres) that is not classified as containing; minerals, 
zoological, botanical, aquatic, marine and forest resources and wealth, must be pay a 
mandatory ground rent up to 33% of the land value plus a value added tax of 17%. All 
money deducted by Uganda Revenue Authority, which money must be returned to that 
particular community’s development project every financial year.
- As of the above land which is classified as containing; minerals, zoological, 
botanical, aquatic, marine and forest resources and wealth must pay value added tax of 
17% whether the resources on it are used or not.
- Under community ownership the individual person must hold land in trust of the 
- The community composed of a particular society grouping must by law provide any 
person deemed to be a citizen of Uganda and landless land.
- Any community composed of a particular society which does not offer a landless 
person land or comply with this law and by such act violates that persons birth right 
to land ownership as enshrined in African social conventions and as per Uganda 
constitution will be liable to pay that person a fee of not less than one million 
Uganda shilling. 
- In case the person subjected to such suffering is a head of a family or pregnant 
woman each family member will be entitled to a sum of one million shillings each plus 
rent at 17% until another community can settle or provide such a person land to his or 
her family.
- All land sold or changing hands in Uganda boundaries must be registered with the 
land registry and co-ordinates of such land clearly stated, surveyed within a period 
of not less than three weeks
- All land sold or changing hands for a profit – land, which is bigger than 
three-square kilometres must procure a value added tax of 17%, promptly paid to Uganda 
revenue authority a mandatory one weeks or seven days period from date of transaction. 
Failure to do so must cost the defaulter 20 % per charge on the price of land.
- DFWA-U is not stopping Ugandan citizens from selling land, it to is stopping the 
greed and injustice brought about by land speculation.
- DFWA-U land policy must consider public and private use for land.


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