Museveni and Kony Both Should Face War Crimes Tribunal

P. Okema Otika contributing editor
August 18, 2004

A victim of an LRA rebel attack on February 21, 2004. (Photo: Peter
Busomoke/AFP-Getty Images)

Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni recently asked the International
Criminal Court at The Hague to investigate and prosecute rebels and
rebel leader Joseph Kony of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).

The LRA which started as a small group after the demise of Odong
Latek's Uganda People's Democratic Army (UPDA) and Alice Lakwena's
Holy Spirit Movement rebel groups in the late 1980's, has for decades
been known for heartless atrocities against innocent unarmed
civilians mostly in the Acholi region of Uganda. The rebels are known
for abducting tens of thousands of children, killings and brutalities
like the chopping of lips, legs and arms of innocent civilians. The
rebels' excuses for these atrocities have always been that the
civilians are betraying them by reporting their presence to the
government army and therefore deserving the atrocities.

To anyone who is unfamiliar with the war in Northern Uganda that
started in 1986 when Museveni had just come to power, Museveni's
quest to prosecute Kony might sound like a sound idea coming from a
responsible person. However, to those who have suffered through the
years and experienced atrocities perpetrated by both the rebels and
the Ugandan army, the Uganda People's Defense Forces (UPDF), Museveni
is just as criminal as the Kony he is trying to prosecute.

Since 1986, Museveni's army has been known to commit some of the
worst atrocities on the ethnic Acholi people who occupy the regions
of Gulu, Kitgum and Pader. The UPDF, also formerly known as the
National Resistance Army (NRA) became infamous for burning civilians
alive in huts, killings, and the rapes of both women and men in what
the Acholi called tek gungu. Tek Gungu referred to rape of men and
women by Museveni's soldiers who would force a man or woman to kneel
down (gungu) before the rape is committed against the male or female
victim. These rape incidents have been documented by Human Rights
Watch and yet remain ignored by most so-called mainstream media.
Museveni, despite his army's atrocities remains a Western "darling."

The period 1987-1988 was the worse in the history of the Acholi and
it was also at that time that Museveni's army intensified atrocities
on the civilians. It was during this period that Museveni declared a
state of emergency. He entrusted his commanders like his brother
Salim Saleh and Major General David Tinyefunza to help him do the
job. Their atrocities included the terrible forcing of Acholi
civilians in a pit dug into the earth in a place called Bur Coro. The
top of the pit was then covered with soil and grass, which was then
set ablaze. The civilians slowly suffocated from the smoke. These

'Children Overboard' Scandal Resurfaces
Rich Bowden, contributing editor, August 23, 2004

Foreign Envoys Speak Out on Kony
The New Vision (government-owned), Kampala, Uganda, Aug. 20, 2003

Murder, Money, and Salvation in Serbia
Katarina Subasic, World Press Review correspondent, Belgrade, Serbia
and Montenegro, May 8, 2002

Serbia: Once Again, Life Under Threat
Dragoslav Rancic, Politika (pro-government), Belgrade, Serbia, April
3, 2002

FBI Probes Pentagon for Israeli Spy | Aljazeeranet (English-
language), Doha, Qatar, August 28, 2004.

Al-Sadr Fighters Leave Najaf Shrine as Peace Deal Takes Hold | Abdul
Hussein Al-Obeidi, The Gazette (centrist), Montreal, Canada, August
28, 2004.

Money Talks in Afghanistan's Scramble for Reconstruction | Tanya
Goudsouzian, The Daily Star (English-language), Beirut, Lebanon,
August 28, 2004.

Al-Qaeda Outsmarts Sanctions, Says UN | Stephen Fidler, Financial
Times (centrist), London, England, August 28, 2004.

American Freed From Death Row Says Britons Saved His Life | Audrey
Gillan, The Guardian (liberal), London, England, August 28, 2004.

Golden Triangle Puts Its Poppies to Sleep | Alan Boyd, Asia Times
Online (English-language), Hong Kong, August 28, 2004.

Zimbabwe's Moyo in Farm Purchase Row | Dumisani Muleya/Gift Phiri,
The Independent (pro-opposition weekly), Harare, Zimbabwe, August 28,

killers have never been punished.

Later, the army exported such atrocities into Teso in Eastern Uganda.
In an incident that was also documented by international human rights
agencies, people were forced into a train wagon in a place called
Amakura and were suffocated. This incident is known in Uganda as the
Amakura massacre. To make it more effective and unknown to the
international community, Museveni banned media reporting on war and
no journalists were allowed to enter the war zone.

By 1990, Museveni had accomplished most of what he wanted; leaving
tens of thousands of Acholi dead and thousands languishing in Luzira
prison for alleged treason. All these are well documented and still
remain fresh in the minds of the Acholi who had trusted Museveni and
thought he would treat them as citizens of Uganda rather than his

As if his terror was not enough, in 1996 Museveni declared a
presidential order that stipulated that all local Acholi living in
their homes in the villages be forcefully moved into concentration
camps to be surrounded by government troops ostensibly to guard them
against LRA rebels' atrocities. Where else in the world but in Africa
would the international community today stand for such gross
violation of human rights?

Museveni's troops immediately started beating up locals to run to the
camps. They burnt down crops and houses of the locals so that they
would not go back to their homes. The result was the creation of
communal homelessness for over 500,000 people who up to now have no
permanent home, and live in some of the worse human conditions in the
world. Although Museveni prefers to call the camps "Protected Camps,"
the locals who live there know it as a concentration camp in which
terror reigns and individual freedoms don't exist.

Government soldiers claiming to be guarding these camps are well
known for their atrocities on the hapless civilians. They rape the
women and have contributed to the increase in the rate of HIV/AIDS -
now the highest in that region.

These are just few recorded incidents and yet the majority remained
unreported. Similarly, the government is indiscriminately using its
Helicopter Gunship and night-guided vision technology to try to spot
and kill the LRA rebels. However, the majority of the unfortunate
victims are innocent civilians.

Putting these and many other such government-sanctioned abuses side
by side with Kony's rebels' atrocities, it is clear that Museveni too
should be tried in an international criminal court for crimes against

By jumping out first to the ICC, looking for an opportunity to
prosecute Kony, Museveni is behaving like a member of a band of
killers who conspicuously breaks away and starts pointing fingers at
his fellow thugs knowing full well that he too will have to face

To heal the wounds and scars of the 18-year old genocide in Acholi,
both Kony and Museveni must appear before a war crimes tribunal.

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