Medical Insanity
By Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
International Medical Veritas Association

        When medical science abandons safe medical practices for highly dangerous ones we have a serious situation that we need to look at under a microscope. When the law protects organizations, people and corporations that inject, for example, mercury containing vaccines into newborn infants and children in the first years of life, a substance that burns their brain [1], sometimes kills [2], or more frequently causes autism and many other neurological disorders [3], we have a huge catastrophic problem that casts a serious doubt on the sanity of those involved. When we contrast this horror with another one that puts people in jail for using a drug fantastically safer, [4] we have a psychological wind shear that highlights, in no uncertain terms, an until now hidden mass insanity creating enormous problems for society.
        Kids who received 100 micrograms of thimerosal were over ten times more likely to have autism than the kids who received no mercury containing vaccines.
        Dr. Mark Geier
        The United States government and most medical organizations will defend to the bitter end the safety of injecting mercury into little children while spending vast resources [5] to arrest and imprison up to 700,000 people a year in the United States alone for the use of one of the safest drug in existence [6] in their war on drugs. [7] According to House of Lords (UK) Report on Cannabis for Medical Purposes, "no-one has ever died as a direct and immediate consequence of recreational or medical use." [8] That makes marijuana the safest drug in the world, safer than Bayer Aspirin when you look at the fact that somewhere between five hundred to one thousand people die each year in the United States from aspirin, [9] (and thousands more from other similar nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In the United States, more than 100,000 people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis are hospitalized every year for gastrointestinal problems caused by NSAIDs--and at least 16,500 of them die from internal bleeding. [10]
        Marijuana is the safest therapeutically active substance
        known to man, safer than many foods we commonly consume.
        DEA Judge Francis L. Young. [11]
        In contrast we have thimerosal which is fifty percent mercury by weight. In what was perhaps the best-kept secret of the 20th century a highly toxic mercury-based chemical named thimerosal, originally developed by the Eli Lilly Company, has been used widely as a preservative in vaccines. "Thimerosal is one of the most toxic compounds I know of, I can't think of anything that I know of that is more lethal," says Dr. Boyd Haley, Chemistry Chairman Kentucky University. [xii]
        This essay is not pro-marijuana. It is about better medicine and better outcomes for patients, better quality of life and perhaps the saving of lives that would otherwise be lost. Marijuana use is a complex subject and presently there are circulating highly dangerous forms of it. For example, part of the current marijuana in the US is nitrogen based - extremely hallucinogenic and not organic, certainly not medical grade. This and other highly altered types of drugs are very addictive, ravage people,s homes and destroy peoples, lives. [xiii] Many people can use drugs recreationally without much of a problem, some even gain conscious insights and grow. But many more use them to mask and hide feelings and avoid reality. When you include Television as an electronic drug we can begin to see the huge dimension of our present civilization,s need for diversion. What is wrong with modern society and why people take flight in drugs is an important subject but one thing should be clear:
        The 'drug war' is one of the most insane irrationalities ever
        prosecuted by medical and other authorities in the civilized world.
        Robert Priddy
        Insanity is an interesting word. The greatest thing to understand about insanity is that to the naked eye insanity seems normal. That father who is abusing his daughter or the priest one of his choirboys seems normal, in almost all other regards. The rapist or child molester can be president of a firm, a lawyer, normal college student, or the garbage man from down the street. It is rare the direct perception of insanity. You cannot look at a person and see their insanity. Insane people usually seem and appear normal. And then they do something that is not normal at all. Dictionaries basically define insanity as being a deranged state or unsoundness of mind, lack of understanding, extreme folly, or something utterly foolish or unreasonable. Medical insanity is a psychological disorder that needs definition, needs to be brought into clear focus to insure that medicine does not destroy humanity as it is now doing, in ever increasing numbers, through iatrogenic death and disease. [xiv]
        Many of the practices of modern medicine fall under the shadow of such descriptions but the most profound and intolerable is the use of mercury in vaccines and in dental products. [xv] To the vast majority doctors, nurses and dentists, the use of the most deadly substance known to man is perfectly normal and not regarded with appropriate fear or caution. Only the smallest minority of people is aware of the clear and present dangers of mercury. Thus the masses think nothing of protecting their kids from grave danger, from something unreasonable, foolish, stupid and cruel; in short, from medical and dental insanity. [xvi] The phenomena of making safer drugs illegal while promoting the use of poisonous and deadly substances represents something strange, indecent, certainly it,s not a scientific or medically sound idea. Insanity is a strong word that does not bring up comforting feelings, but it is a word that serves us well in talking about a subject that on one end poisons kids and on the other criminalizes society. Instead of institutions working to better humanity and resolve some of the deeper problems and conflicts so many people face; instead of dealing with public health in a multidimensional creative and productive way, government and medical institutions are sponsoring pharmaceutical terrorism and an insane war on drugs.
        Our principal reason for recommending that the law be changed, to
        make legal the use of cannabis for medical purposes, is compassionate.
        The House of Lords
        Yet the United States Government throws out all wisdom and compassion and would rather build the world,s biggest jail system and fill them up with victims and prisoners in its war against drugs. The U.S. currently houses over 2 million people in its prisons, more per capita than any other country on the globe. Up to 60% of those are incarcerated for non-violent drug offences and an estimated 750,000 children in this country have a parent in prison, largely as a result of long sentences for drug crimes. Judges in the United States have dished out millions of years in prison time to non-violent drug law violators during this war on drugs. Each inmate costs the taxpayer about 25,000 dollars a year; thus more than $30 billion is squandered annually by the government to fight a drug war that can never be won. So instead of looking logically at the totally inappropriate, criminal and cruel use of compounds like mercury, governments around the world become obsessed with something incredibly more safe and put unknown scores in jail for using it. Notable exceptions are countries like Canada, which is the first country to legalize the use of medical marijuana. [xvii]
        It is difficult to believe that the possession of an ounce
        of cocaine or a "street sale" is a more dangerous or serious offence
        than the rape of a ten year old, the burning down of a building occupied by people,
        or the killing of another human being while intending to cause him serious injury.
        Judge James L. Oakes
        United States Court of Appeals
        In November 1996 the people of California approved Proposition 215. Under the state law, patients or their primary caregivers who possess or cultivate marijuana for medical treatment recommended by a physician are exempted from federal criminal prosecution, or so it was hoped. Marijuana has a wide variety of therapeutic applications that includes relief from nausea and increase of appetite, reduction of inner eye pressure in Glaucoma patients, reduction of muscle spasms; and relief from chronic pain. In AIDS marijuana can reduce the nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite caused by the ailment itself and by various AIDS medications. In Cancer it can stimulate the appetite and alleviate nausea and vomiting, which are common side effects of chemotherapy treatment. And in Multiple Sclerosis marijuana can limit the muscle pain and spasticity caused by the disease, as well as relieving tremor and unsteadiness of gait. It has also been suggested that Cannabis could be very effective in treating anorexia. [xviii]
        Scientific evidence overwhelmingly indicates that cannabis
        is substantially less harmful than alcohol and should be treated
        not as a criminal issue but as a social and public health issue.
        Senator Pierre Claude Nolin
        Chairman Committee on Illegal Drugs

Continuing on 2
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            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
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