(Our comrade/brother's comment on the spin placed on the Kenya land struggle in the NY Times article is designed to deny our right to full resitution of our legal rights and capital property --  this kind of journalism is reminiscent of the type prevalent in the media about the Congo in the 60s,  dishonest journalism that Omowale Malcolm X denounced in the following mannet as part of his address to a forum of Socialist Workers Party activists -- overwhelmingly European/white --, I quote a small portion of Omowale's analysis here:

The press whips up hysteria in the white public. Then it shifts gears and starts working trying to get the sympathy of the white public. And then it shifts gears and gets the white public to support whatever criminal action they're getting ready to involve the United States in.

Remember how they referred to the hostages as "white hostages." Not "hostages." They said these "cannibals" in the Congo had "white hostages." Oh, and this got you all shook up. White nuns, white priests, white missionaries. What's the difference between a white hostage and a Black hostage? What's the difference between a white life and a Black life?

You must think there's a difference, because your press specifies whiteness. "Nineteen white hostages" cause you to grieve in your heart.

During the months when bombs were being dropped on Black people by the hundreds and the thousands, you said nothing. And you did nothing. But as soon as their lives became involved, you got concerned.
---end of quote
Our brother Milton is right...the European press in America does not want us to reclaim our land, which is a fundamental part of our collective legacy; as Dr. Kwame Nkrumah had advised us, we must reclaim all our land, and all the mines attached thereto... Roy )


Subj: RE: [SOA] Kenyan land struggle-Kenyan gov. uses violence to maintain settler's land theft
Date: 08/29/2004 4:02:44 PM Central Daylight Time
From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (milton allimadi)

Comrades did you all catch the headline on The New York Times' spin? "Tribesmen ..." What the hell are tribesmen. The Times coded message to whites is "Niggers want white land that they don't deserve." The message is clear when contrasted with Zimbabwe's case.
All Pan-Africans should send a letter of protest to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call the paper at 212-556-1234 to resist this coded racism and apology for those who stole the land. (The article did not mention a word about compensation nor dicuss the absurdity of a 950 years "lease")
--milton allimadi

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