Ssemakula Ann Mugisha was a CC on the letter but the program did not show it.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] AND THE FARACAS OF UNAA CONTINUES (I told you !!!!!)

This note seems to be signed by two people but all the text is in the first person.
What is going on?

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Rosette:

I hope you are well. I know that we have only a few days left to kick off our Convention in Seattle and I am concerned that one very important issue remains unresolved. I hasten to follow up on our telephone conversations and to urge you, the UNAA Board, and the local organizing committee in Seattle to reinstate Ms. Anne Mugisha on the political forum panel. Over the last few weeks and days, a lot of information, we all know, were exchanged. Our Ugandan community in North America is large and very diverse. It is very likely that because some of us have never met and are less familiar with one another and the way we conduct ourselves, it becomes easy to get into a misunderstanding especially when our primary points of contact are electronic. But that should not be an excuse for violating the noble objectives of UNAA, which are to promote social, cultural, and economic partnerships among us while remaining nonpartisan.

We all came to the U.S. a nd Canada for many reasons. But we share a common bitter memory: that our Ugandan society at home has perpetually been torn apart by raw and divisive politics. We know very well that this should not be. And we cannot afford to implant it in UNAA. In fact, a conversation with the majority of Convention participants indicates that the degree of social interactions bolstered by the political accommodation we have displayed over the last few years is a big attraction and makes everyone proud. We are a hope for Uganda. How ironic it would be if we resort to practising the same type of intolerance and divisiveness for which we blame the leaders who have drained and denigrated Uganda. Many of our children will be in Seattle. This is not what we should teach them.

I was invited to be on the panel mainly because I represent the Democratic Party of uganda. DP has been at the forefront of struggling for justice, the right to associate, and freedom of speech since preindependence, a nd I cannot simply stand aside as this injustice unfolds. As a fellow panelist I strongly uphold Anne Migisha's right to peacefully protest and I see no conflict between that act and her addressing the forum. I would not even worry about security because the Seattle administration and police are fully aware and are in control.  Additionally, federal authorities are well informed about the conditions for the visiting President. For your information, over the next five days the Republicans will hold their Convention in New York City. To date, City
administration has issued 30 permits to allow different groups of protestors, ranging from 50 to half a million, to be on the streets demostrating against President Bush. Yet it was New York that worked so hard to win the bid to host the Republican Convention this year! That is democracy.

I hope that you will do the right thing to reinstate Anne on the panel. I know Anne as a mature and very intelligent lady who certainly understands well her responsibilities in this case. I would not want to see us create unnecessary rifts within our community at a time when UNAA should be focusing on improved services and growth for a better future. Imagine if the entire panel and the audience decide to join the protest!

I thank you so much for your attention and positive action.

Richard E. Ottoo, Ph.D.
Chairman, DP USA Chapter, Inc. and
Vice President, Ugandan American Association of Greater New York.    

Anne Mugisha

Member, Forum for Democratic Change

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
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