Mr. COO,
You are right about Museveni's duplicity.
BUT, you are absolutely wrong about Buganda abandoning the other kingdoms. Here are the plain facts  as they were reported in the papers recently:
1. Our Katikkiro invited his counterparts to discuss a common position. The talks were not satisfactory.  This was recently reported in the papers after the collapse of the Mmengo-Govt talks. It was reported in the Lukiiko and and the Katikkiro's speech was reported in the press --verbatum
- prior to that the Kabaka of Buganda met with the Omukama on federo. The meeting was reported in the press (Kabaka n'Omukama basisinkanye ku bya Federo - Bukedde Saturday, 31st July, 2004)
Later Bunyoro decided that it did not want federo -- a  a pre-agreed position the Mukama of Bunyoro "did not betray" to the Kabaka when they met.  This too was in the press. Following this (I think) we saw various articles e.g.
Pulkol visit riles Bunyoro leaders - New Visioon: Wednesday, 16th June, 2004
Hoima leaders dismiss federo- New Vision Wednesday, 28th July,
Bunyoro ekomye ebya kiiso kya mbuzi - Bukedde  Saturday, 7th August, 2004
Banyoro want lost counties and not federo - New Vision  Wednesday, 11th August, 2004
Bunyoro has decided: No federo ca. Aug 11, 2004
Look forward, Buganda, Bunyoro -New Vision Editorial: Monday, 16th August, 2004
Thus, Bunyoro's position on federo is well known and they welcome to it.  Let's wait for their tune if and when oil starts flowing.
Tooro rejected federo, and our VP recently cheered them on: VP praises Tooro for rejecting federo - Monitor Sept 13, 2004
Elsewhere, prior to that, Teso's elders met on federo -- see Teso elders to meet over federo - New Vision: Monday, 28th July, 2004.   I think eventually they decided against federo.
Wehn some in Ankole dared to demand foe federo, the Ssaabagabe did not warn them against it and promise to fight any Munyankole who advocated it, but he also praised Ankole for not falling for the Charter arrangement that is in the 1995 Consntitution -- which Buganda also rejected, but Spe wanted for Busoga. 
Anyhow, as it happened, the Basoga made their own separate trek to State House on federo -- see:
Busoga babadde wa Museveni ku federo - Bukedde Friday, 27th August, 2004
Now what is all this nonsense about Buganda the others?  We the Baganda would be ill-advised to decide what everyobdy else wants. The reverse doesn't, unfortunately, seem to hold.
Nonetheless, we want federo for everybody who wants it. We have state so officially, openly and repeatedly to the point where only the simultaneously deaf, dumb and blind do not know of that fact. e.g. Mengo is not conservative - New Vision Wednesday, 28th July, 2004
None other Nabudere was assured by our positio, good faith and intent, e.g.
Mengo makes positive switch in federo quest - Monitor July 6, 2004.
Whatever transpired at the negotiations  has been reported at various times, e.g.:
Mengo to get 5 ministries - New Vision: Monday, 19th July, 2004
What Mengo, Museveni agreed on - Monitor, Aug 9, 2004 
 Ebivudde mu nteeseganya za federo biibino -- Bukedde Monday, 30th August, 2004
So, Mr. COO,  unless you have no access to Ugandan newspapers and/or Ugandan radio broadcasts; or rather expected Buganda not to pursue her interests, I do not understand what your problem is.
Would you care to elaborate?
I'd hope that you are capable of following the time-lines of the above articles and coming to a logical conclusion as to who abandoned whom.
Just in case, let me quote from of those articles:

“ … It would appear that Ofwono has not

objectively considered Buganda’s position. He harbours

dark illusions of Buganda and its agenda.

The truth is that Buganda’s leadership is progressive

and principled. Examples on the progressive character

of the Kingdom are many:

-Its struggle for federalism for the whole country or

- in alternative for those areas that want it - a

major departure from the 1962 position

-It proposes to have a democratically elected Lukiiko

and Katikkiro;

-It recognizes that Kampala is the capital city of

Uganda whose control and management should vest in the

central government—in spite of the fact that it lies

at the heart of its geographical and political space;

-It has an accommodating land policy—that has allowed

virtually any Ugandan to acquire and enjoy peaceful

ownership of land, also one that has allowed the

Government’s Joint Clinic Research Centre to work in

Butikkiro without paying rent since 1993;

-The Kingdom accepts non-baganda to positions of

authority at all levels including the Lukiiko and

within the king’s own Court.

Buganda has several non-Baganda Members of Parliament. …”


Apollo Makubuya, Bulange, in: Mengo is not conservative - New Vision Wednesday, 28th July, 2004
Musamize Ssemakula
ps: do you subscribe to the "what is good for Buganda is bad for the rest of Uganda" school of thought?

Chris Opoka-Okumu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
No inside knowledge but it is as plain as light. The truth that YKM is speaking is that he was never serious about negotiations, and we said so. Secondly over a forthnight ago, he spoke as if giving federo to Buganda and now somewhere he is warning Banyankole never to talk of federo for Ankole. If the federo we want is for the whole of Uganda, why should YKM leave Banyankole out of it? Answer: Because he has no intention of giving federo as Buagnada wants it but only as decentralization which he wants and Mmengo rejects. That is the truth of what YKM intends. BUt he has had to bait Buganda for ekisanjja and and Mmengo fell for it and abandoned the common platform and negotiations it had hammered out with other kingdoms and other communities and decided to go to YKM/''s trap. In so doing, it angered iother parts of Uganda who now consider Mmengo self centred and we see they are bent  to reject federo simply bercause of Mmengo's blunder. Now YKM has started to speak the truth of his hidden intentions.   On kampala he says Kampala belongs to the whole of Uganda. I agree and there are historical reasons to back this up which is the subject of an article I will shortly do
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [FedsNet] Mengo won't get Kampala - Museveni , Monitor 15/9/2004

Mr. Opoka-Okumu,
What is the truth that Museveni is 'speaking' this time? You seem to have some inside knowledge, please tell us!

Chris Opoka-Okumu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear all,
May be we should listen to YKM this time. "YKM is speaking the truth this time"!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 3:53 PM
Subject: [FedsNet] Mengo won't get Kampala - Museveni , Monitor 15/9/2004

Mengo won’t get K’la - Museveni
By Felix Basiime

Sept 15, 2004 - Monitor

MBARARA - President Yoweri Museveni has said he will not hand over Kampala to Buganda kingdom. “The city is for all Ugandans,” he said.

“We shall never hand over Kampala to Buganda kingdom. This is nonsense. Kampala is for us all,” Museveni said Monday night on Mbarara based Radio West.

Museveni was responding to the moderator of the programme, Mr Sulaiman Matojo, who asked about the fate of non-Baganda living in the city in case it was handed over to the kingdom. Museveni said Mengo, the seat of Buganda and Lukiiko, had its own agenda.

“I have said no to them. I will not allow a cultural leader to join politics,” he said. He said, “I once invited all LC3, LC5 and Movement chairmen from the 12 districts in Buganda but only six opposed our idea (of two Nkiikos). This means Mengo is pursuing its own line,” he said.

He said talks between him and Mengo were initiated out of his own hospitality. He said the talks were not lawful or binding. Museveni’s remarks come after another round of talks failed to bear any tangible results.

Buganda stuck to its demands for federo and the 9,000 Mailo land. The two parties are also deadlocked on the composition of the Lukiiko at Mengo. The government proposes two Nkiikos, one cultural and the other administrative, a position Buganda opposes.

Museveni said it is only through district councils or Parliament that the issues in question can turn into law. “The Lukiiko is not elected out of the 12 districts in Buganda.

The Lukiiko neglects the district councils, they fear polls but when my proposals go through Parliament, it will work. Talking to them does not make any law. It is the district councils or Parliament,” he said.

Museveni thanked the western region for not buying the idea of Charter (bringing together districts). He said he was going to monitor the Kampala-based radios CBS and Simba, which he accused of using divisive language in their programmes.

He was particularly responding to a caller who alleged that Simba and CBS abused Museveni and therefore the President should send troops to close them for a week. “You will not lose support for that,” the caller had suggested.

Museveni responded, “That is a good question. I had not bothered before. I don’t get angry for abusing me but those who divide the people shall be dealt with. We shall listen and record them (radios)”.

Asked whether the government would compensate those who lost property in the north and west, he said it needed a constitutional amendment to allow the President to sanction such payments.

He said those who lost commercial vehicles would be compensated although it was not the government that burnt their property. Asked by a caller, Mr Elius Kabagambe a teacher at Mutara in Bushenyi why most African leaders get stuck in power and do not want to quit, Museveni said, “Who in Uganda has stuck to power? There are always elections and if some one is elected, he continues.”

Meanwhile, Robert Mwanje reports that Mengo dismissed the president’s statements that they were not based on research. Buganda local government minister Mr Arthur Bagunywa said that Ssempebwa’s commission and Odoki’s report clearly indicated that the majority wanted federal system of governance in Buganda. “That’s his personal thinking which is not based on research,” Bagunywa said.

He said Buganda’s delegation to the talks on federo is composed of people who called for federo status in the Constitutional Review Commission.

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