Support Rally for President Mugabe at the
United Nations General Assembly

By Amadi Ajamu

"Mugabe is right!  Free the land!" chanted the large crowd waving jumbo posters bearing pictures of President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and at the support rally for President Mugabe and Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front's (ZANU-PF) land reform program.  The rally, held at the United Nations on Wednesday, coincided with President Mugabe's address to the 59th General Assembly.  Organizers of the spirited rally were the December 12th Movement and Friends of Zimbabwe.  

Spokesperson, Omowale Clay stated, "President Mugabe is a true leader of the Zimbabwean people and a freedom fighter who fought the racist Rhodesian colonizers for the independence of Zimbabwe.  The land reform program is a continuation of the liberation struggle.  African people must be free, politically and economically, and we are here in Pan African solidarity."

Speakers at the rally included Mayoral candidate and City Councilman Charles Barron.  Barron reminded people that he and a small delegation of City Council members went to Zimbabwe on a fact finding mission and then brought President Robert Mugabe to the New York City Council chambers to speak to the people of New York in 2002.  He gave his full support of the critical changes implemented by the land reform program in Zimbabwe.  "I came under fire from all quarters when I invited President Mugabe to City Hall, but I will never compromise on the issues facing African people.  President Mugabe is leading the people of Zimbabwe toward economic self-determination.  Free the land!"

Betty Dopson of the Committee to Eliminate Media Offensive to African People (CEMOTAP), spoke on the media distortion of Zimbabwe's land reform issue and its effects.  "I visited Zimbabwe and saw for myself the tremendous developments taking place there.  We saw the farms, African people were working their own land, tending to their own crops.  Mugabe is right!"

While the rally took place a small delegation went inside the United Nation General Assembly to hear President Muguabe's speech.  When they returned, Viola Plummer of the December 12th Movement, gave a report on the salient points of the speech including President Mugabe's criticism of the UN itself and its need to be a more democratic institution and not dominated by the one super power and its close allies.  President Mugabe also criticized the United State actions in Iraq as "blatant and completely illegal acts of aggression."  

On the domestic front President Mugabe spoke about the extended and successive periods of inclement weather in the southern region of Africa, principally drought, that have wreaked havoc on the economy.  In addition, the health and education sectors have worsened due to brain drain and the devasting effects of HIV and AIDS pandemic.  He said they are beginning to emerge from this difficult phase.  They had a relatively good agricultural season this year and the Land Reform program has begun to make a significant contribution to the turn around of our economy.

President Mugabe spoke about the declared and undeclared economic sanctions imposed by Britain and its allies who are bent on bringing down our legitimate government.  He said, Tony Blair has arrogantly and unashamedly announced that his government was working with the Zimbabwe's opposition party to bring about regime change with total disregard to the democratic elections held in Zimbabwe.

Ironically, as the report was given, five people representing Zimbabwe's opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), attempted to disrupt the peaceful support rally.  They were summarily dismissed and escorted out of the rally space.  Interestingly, a man among them, later identified himself as a reporter for the Daily News, and balked at his dismissal.  He ran over to UN police officers who told him "You are suppose to report the news not make the news.  These people have been demonstrating here with no problems all day, the only problem is you.  They have a permit for the space and they do not have to talk to you."

As the rally gradually dispersed, they continued the chants, "Mugabe is right!  Free the land!"

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