Acholi Abroad to Boost North


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John Muto-Ono P'lajur

The Acholi living and working in the diaspora want to come back home and offer expertise services to their community, the leader of Kacoke Madit Diaspora Volunteers Scheme (KMDVS), Mr Tom Odoki Olam, has said.

He said since KMDVS' inception in 1996, many Acholi in the diaspora have shunned the rebellion in northern Uganda. The organisation has since held three grand meetings between those in the diaspora and at home.

This was at a one-day consultative workshop at the Gulu University Main Hall. It was attended by 10 of the volunteers, local community and opinion leaders.

The Acholi community on October 29, 2004 welcomed and endorsed the KMDVS, funded by the Department For International Development (DFID).

Another volunteer, Mr Zeru, said the Secretariat had received 25 applications, but there were funds available for only 10 people.

Two of the volunteers will work in Gulu University in the department of Conflict management and Information Technology (IT).

Rwot George William Lugai (Pajule Clan) told those in the diaspora that they they would only understand the complexity and suffering in Acholi land if they returned home to interact with the people.

Rwot Otinga-Atuka Otto-yai (Lamogi) and the Gulu University don, Mr Leander Komakech, said the LRA conflict had affected their relationship with neighbouring tribes.

Gulu LC5 Chairman, Lt. Col. Walter Ochora-Odoch, said the Acholi have a right to stay in Britain to read and make money because the British are responsible for their problems that resulted from bad colonial policies.

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Acholi land has for over 17 years suffered from atrocities caused by the LRA rebellion, led by Joseph Kony in northern Uganda.

Several attempts have been made both locally and internationally to end the war.

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