Bidandi quits NRM-O post
By Andrew Mwenda
Nov 5, 2004

KAMPALA — The Second Vice Chairman of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Organisation, Jaberi Bidandi Ssali, has resigned.
In a stinging letter to the chairman of the party, President Yoweri Museveni, Bidandi said his resignation “takes immediate effect.”

“I have taken this painful decision after failing to reconcile myself with the approach Your Excellency and the group around you have opted for in establishing NRM as a political organisation,” the two-page letter dated November 3 2004 reads in part.
“Your Excellency seem to have opted for the voter mobilisation approach targeting Kisanja and 2006 and not the laying of a firm foundation for the political institution that will incarnate our movement ideas and principles in perpetuity,” the letter says.

Sources at State House yesterday told The Monitor that President Museveni received Bidandi’s letter yesterday, read it and c losed it again without saying a word.
In an interview with The Monitor last evening, Bidandi said he had not yet received a reply from the President.
The Movement spokesman, Mr Ofwono Opondo, confirmed Mr Museveni received Bidandi’s resignation letter.
“I can confirm that the chairman (Museveni) received Bidandi’s letter and he is studying it and will give an appropriate response,” Opondo said.

Bidandi’s letter attacks “the recent crude dishing out of money to Members of Parliament to consolidate their support for the white paper in parliament” as having “not only compromised their integrity within society but also undermined the independence of the highest democratic institution, the parliament.”

The veteran politician, however, says he will remain a promoter of the NRM-O, and therefore a member of the interim executive committee of the party, but notes that the “emphasis placed on money” to consolidate Movement support “is wrecking havoc not only amongst NRM leaders at the national level, but also amongst our cadres and supporters throughout the country.” Opondo said, “Since he has resigned on his own we cannot force anyone to serve on the NRM executive but since he has decided to remain in the party it means he is still available for deployment elsewhere,” he said.

He prized Bidandi’s contribution in building the Movement, “We thank him for all the effort he has put in founding, registering and moving NRM to where it is today and we hope he will continue to contribute his expertise and wisdom to the party,” Opondo said.

In a concluding note, Bidandi also appeals to President Museveni” “Please do not allow the support for kisanja to divide the NRM further. There are many of us who are avowed members of the NRM but who are opposed to amending the constitution for the sake of kisanja.”

Additional reporting by Mwanguhya Charles Mpagi

© 2004 The Monitor Publications

Inside Bidandi’s quitting
By Andrew Mwenda
Nov 5, 2004

The resignation of the second vice chairman of the National Resistance Movement, Jaberi Bidandi Ssali, is the price of taking an independent stance with an increasingly intolerant party.
Inside sources tell The Monitor that a clique of political operators close to President Yoweri Museveni were plotting to humiliate Bidandi by dismissing him for the position of vice chairman, and membership of the party all together.

According to inside sources, Bidandi was to be dismissed next week.
“He has jumped before he could be pushed,” a highly placed NRM insider intimated to The Monitor, “Bidandi had been fired from cabinet before he resigned on this same position. He did not want history to repeat itself this time round.”

Last Monday, the clique around President Museveni within the NRM sponsored Moroto Municipality MP Sammy Loote to move a vote of no confidence motion in Bidandi as second chairman of the NRM. But the motion caused murmurs of disapproval from the assembled delegates prompting President Museveni to stop it.

Bidandi had circulated a document to the conference in which he criticised the President who is also chairman of the NRM. Bidandi’s document also accused “a clique” around the President of using money to bribe Members of Parliament (MPs) to support a third term for Museveni. Bidandi was forced to withdraw this latter claim.

However, under President Museveni’s personal charge, the meeting wanted to punish Bidandi but could not do so because the NRM had not formed a disciplinary committee.
Museveni’s handlers had already written a resolution to form a disciplinary committee to “take care” of errant members like Bidandi.

According to an NRM insider, on Wednesday (the day Bidandi resigned) the NRM called a meeting whose purpose was to form the disciplinary committee. According to this source, Bidandi was invited but he did not attend.< BR>Sources close to Bidandi’s confirmed to The Monitor that the veteran politician received the invitation but stayed away.
The source said that after consultations, Bidandi smelt that the meeting was meant to squeeze him into a corner.

Sources close to Bidandi told The Monitor that if he had attended the meeting in his capacity as second vice chairman, he would have presided over the selection of members of the disciplinary committee, who were being chosen to punish him and would therefore have been bound by the decision of the meeting.

However, since Bidandi would have been outnumbered among the members of the interim executive committee who were supposed to select the disciplinary committee, the committee would have been overwhelmingly composed of those who would want to humiliate him.
From this perspective, Bidandi resigned because he saw the clouds settling on his head. But there is another reason: last year,
President Museveni sacked Bidandi f rom cabinet after the veteran politician took a strong stance against amending the constitution to remove term limits on the president otherwise called Ekiasanja.

Bidandi’s subsequent criticisms of the way the Movement and President Museveni were running the country were construed by some as sour grapes over loss of his ministerial job. Sources say Bidandi resigned early to avoid the humiliating of being voted out of his job, and also of retaining the credibility to criticise the NRM without being accused to being disgruntled over dismissal.
Bidandi yesterday told The Monitor that he will remain a “sort of back bencher within the NRM and also as a member of the interim executive committee.”

Bidandi further said that by a resolution of the party, any member who is a promoter is automatically a member of the interim executive committee.
Bidandi has been weary of the way things are being handled by the inner executive of the NRM. Regarding the Shs 5m bribe NRM has been dishing out to members of parliament to buy their support for third term, Bidandi told a friend recently that “there is no way I can stand before people and say this money belongs to the NRM. That would be deceit. At no time did we as a party discuss this money.”

Further, sources inside the NRM told The Monitor that during the party meeting last week on Monday, the Prime Minister, Prof. Apolo Nsibambi, told the president that members had been “talking about facilitation” for the third term.
However, the source said Museveni was silent and did not answer the concern raised by his prime minister.

“Poor Nsibambi,” the source said, “did not know that the money had already been arranged and was going to be distributed by a state minister close to the President using MPs whom he often uses to do the dirty work.”
Although the state minister responsible for this scam is known, his name remains withheld for obvious reasons.

© 2004 The Monitor Publications

Bidandi letter in full

Nov 5, 2004

The Chairman,
Interim Executive Committee,
National Resistance Movement.

Your Excellency,
I hereby submit my resignation from the office of Vice Chairman, I.E.C, with immediate effect. I have taken this painful decision after failing to reconcile myself with the approach Your Excellency and the group around you have opted for, in establishing the NRM as a political organsiation.

Your Excellency seems to have opted for a voter mobilisation approach targeting Kisanja and 2006, and not the laying of a firm foundation for a political institution that will incarnate our Movement ideas and principles in perpetuity.
Furthermore, the emphasis placed on money and the bragging over its impact in consolidating ‘Movement Support’ is already wreckinghavoc, not only amongst NRM leaders at the national level, but also amongst our cadres and supporters throughout the country.

In fact the recent crude dishing of money to members of Parliament to consolidate their support for the White Paper in Parliament has not only compromised their integrity in society but also undermined the independence of our highest democratic institution, the Parliament.

Mr. Chairman, I also submit that the resolution passed in the last meeting of the Interim Executive Committee of NRM binding every member to decisions taken by NEC at Kyankwanzi and the Movement Conference at the Conference Centre two years ago, was taken in error, outside the provisions of our Party Constitution. I therefore do not accept it.

Two last points Your Excellency, I would like to make.
The first one is that we must dissociate the National Resistance Movement from the money that was given to members of Parliament. At no time was this a subject of discussion by the Interim Executive Committee. Therefore it was not NRM money. If it was a cabinet decision, the government should own it. In fact thatcould explain why it was not administered at Kyadondo 10, by our treasurer.

The secon d is an appeal to you Mr Chairman. Please do not allow the support for Kisanja to divide the NRM any further. There are very many of us who are avowed members of the NRM but who are opposed to amending the constitution for the sake of Kisanja.
This is why, as I resign from the office of Vice Chairman, I remain a member of NRM and of the Interim Executive Committee by virtue of being a promoter of NRM.

Yours in the struggle,
c.c. Members,
Interim Executive Committee

© 2004 The Monitor Publications

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