It's all about Vin Diesel.  The man we are all dying for.  I wish I could have a one-night stand with him.  I wish, I wish.  Oh God, how I would enjoy every moment of that and re-play back every scene in my head. 
I wonder how big or small Vin's downstairs is.  Can someone tell us, please?  Maybe, someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who was with Vin intimately in the past.  Vin is not a virgin.  He is not married either.  He's had a string of past girlfriends.  The dude claims that he has no present girlfriend.  He must be in lots of one-night stands then.  You know, those things are good sometimes.  Especially when one is not in any sort of relationship. 
There has got to be someones out there who have been with him (past & present).  Someone tell us.  Hahahah, LOL.  I love talking such crap.  Such crap is good for the mind sometimes.  We loosen up and talk a lil' bit dirrrty.
I own every good Vin movie ( Fast & Furious, Pitch Black, Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury, A Man Apart, XXX ).  I have already pre-ordered The Chronicles of Riddick.  I am waiting for Vin's The Pacifier movie to come out in theatres in 2005.
A Man Apart was good.  My favorite part was when he told the stripper to get off his lap.  That man is crazy and has a dark side to him.  He is one of those you don't have any business F-ing with.  There is an animal side to him.  Vin can be furious and I think that movie gave him a channel to express that side of him.  He also showed some love with his wife.  The most hot/sexiest scene was when he was in his pajamas gun-fighting off the assassins at night, in his house.  I loved, loved, loved it.  The man is sooooo hot in his pajamas.  Better than he was in XXX's pajamas.  I love the scenes where he hits the men, especially the last man (in his pajamas).  That was very athletic, hot, intense with emotions, anger, and in line with the movie.  Just what I love to see.  Hahahah, LOL. 
However, Knock Around Guys lacked something.  I did not buy it.  Sorry folks!  Vin's acting was great in that movie, but the movie still lacked something.  I didn't dig it enough to buy it.  I love the man's acting, personality, and presence.  Anyways, what can I say?  He is HOT.  It's a gift.  Lord help him.
Hey Ladies! 
Vin said that he has not found that special someone.  He wants an Independent Woman (with her game one).  Hahaha, LOL the man is full of it.  He does not want Clingy Women.  If you are one of those who can not stand on your feet without a man by your side, pop off!  He is not the guy for you.  If you are a b--ch, forget him!  The man said he wants a Cool Girl.  He wants someone who can hang out with his boys!  He wants someone who will get along with his mama and daddy, sister and brother.  LOL, hahah.  Oh poor Vin!  No wonder Mrs. Right has not arrived yet.  These girls around are not interested in his family and friends.  They want only him (selfish Bs).
But ladies don't give up.  Keep your fingures crossed.  One day you might run into Vin somewhere and kick it off from there.  One thing though, he should look outside hollywood.  Love does not live in hollywood anymore.  The Maria Manoues, the Michelle Rodriguezs, the Summer Altis, and rest are all in the waiting to catch a hunk like him.  Just watch how model/actress Jazelle caught Leonardo deCaprio.  Just watch that.  Justin Timberlake with Cameroon Diaz.  Who thinks such "come togethers" will last?
Vin needs to look outside hollywood.  Just like Britney Spears did.  Britney has found true love in her dancer (hahaha, LOL) and dropped other celebrities she was secretly dating.  Look at JLO, she had to go outside that place to find Mark Antony.  Otherwise, she would be stuck with the Bens and P. Diddys of that place.  Sometimes, celebrities have to date outside their celebrity rings to find the Mr.(s) and Mrs. Rights for them.
If you are not a celebrity just hope that you run into him someday, somewhere.  You might have a chance. 
As for me, I would love him to sign every movie of his I own.  I would love to have his original signatures on my DVDs.  I am tired of duplicate autographs.  I want the real one.  And I would also love to have a photo taken with him.  I would proudly hang that photo on the wall.  It would be too precious, too good to hide in a photo album.  I would love to have lunch or dinner with him.  I would love to have atleast a total of 3hrs chat with him.  Talking to him for five minutes will not be enough, not for me.  After that, I would thank him for making my dream come true, and we would each move on with our lives.  That would be my dream date with my favorite actor.  Let's keep dreaming.  Afterall, dreams come true.
Zakoomu M.

riddick672001 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

im from richmond ,indiana its close to ohio line .ive live here all
of my life .thanks for making me feel so welcome to this group . its


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