The fact is that the  International donor nations  have been very supportive of the NRM military dictatorship over the years.

Donor are probably now much aware that the funds granted to the NRM military dictatorship  have instead been used to buy Lakwena off, or West Nile Bank Rebels part iii, or buy 1,000 dogs ( at the cost of 15,000 dollars each ) to fight "kony" or pass envelopes to Uganda Members of Parliament to buy their votes so that they may endorse  Yoweri Museveni's Ekisanga ( also known as the sad Term).

That the International donor community  have  come up with a different story, if you like,   about the support for Museveni's Dams, could in fact be a way for the donors to air out their grievances..albeit "diplomatically"  against NRM corruption. my two cents!




Museveni Accuses Donors of Distorting His Programmes


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Joseph Olanyo

President Yoweri Museveni has blasted Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), which connive with donors to distort his programmes, saying they are criminals.

He was addressing the 5th African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) at the Imperial Resort Beach, Entebbe on Wednesday.

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Museveni said NGOs and donors keep giving wrong advice on projects in the country citing the dam projects.

He said while the power consumption in the country is at a mere 38 kilowatts per person per annum, the donors said building three power dams was dangerous to the environment.

"There are feeble groups. Something non governmental, non responsible organisations that say we shouldn't build dams here because we are endangering the environment. These pseudo environmental groups which interfere with the development of power here are criminal organisations," he said amidst laughter from the participants.

Museveni said the danger to the environment was to destroy the biomass, not dams.

" A few years ago when I was trying to build new dams, they said I was in danger of too much electricity. That when we build three dams at ago, we will suffer from electricity indigestion. So we didn't build the dams. Now we are having a big electricity shortage in the country," he said.

He blamed it on the lack of independent decision making in Africa.

" Here you must consult, this and that. Nobody is responsible in Africa. There is a power vacuum. Let me make my own mistakes, let me make a decision. If it's wrong I will learn out of it. I don't want outsiders to teach me how to make mistakes," Museveni said.

AMCOW is a grouping of ministers responsible for African countries. The Nigerian President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, launched it in April 2002 in Abuja, Nigeria.

The 5th ordinary session of AMCOW brought ministers from various countries in the East, West, Central and Southern Africa. Participants included the Prince of Orange, Netherlands, His Royal Highness William Alexander, the AMCOW president Mr A.M Shagari from Nigeria, AMCOW vice president, Ms Maria Mutagamba, Egyptian Water Minister, Dr Abu-Zeid, the Executive Director, UN Habitat, Ms Anne Tibaijuka and representatives from the World Bank, European Union and other donor communities.

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The Prince of Orange, an activist in the water sector, appealed to governments to improve on the water investments.

Museveni stated the government's commitment to eradicate poverty.

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