Museveni is Playing Usual Games - UPC


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Mwanguhya Charles Mpagi

Uganda People's Congress (UPC) has dismissed claims of the reported contact between the government and their jailed former Minister, Mr Chris Rwakasisi.

Rwakasisi is on death row at Luzira prison awaiting execution. But there has been talk that he may benefit from a presidential pardon and be freed.

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The Vice Chairman of UPC's Presidential Policy Commission, Mr Henry Mayega, told The Monitor in an interview recently that Museveni was playing his favourite game of keeping people waiting in a bid to win over a section of the voters.

"He is targeting the Bairu (the biggest ethenic group)," Mayega said.

The Monitor learnt that Rwakasisi had been moved from Luzira's Upper Prison, to Boma. Sources said Rwakasisi's internal transfer was normal given his poor health condition.

"He is usually moved to Boma where there is more space so that he can exercise due to his poor health," an inmate said.

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But another source said talks between Museveni's agents and Rwakasisi have been going on for years.

Museveni in 2001,while responding to a caller on a talk show on Radio West, who sought to know why Rwakasisi had not been pardoned, said he was reluctant to sign Rwakasisi's death warrant.

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