Resistance Holds Majority Of Fallujah; “Intifada Growing Too Big To Control"
Nov 17, 2004

A leader of one of the Resistance organizations in Fallujah confirmed to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city that many of the Resistance organizations in the city have resolved to “disappear from view” in order to wage a war of attrition against the US forces inside and outside the city.

The Mujahideen leader described to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent the tragic situation in the demolished city “which has become unbearable due to the large number of dead Iraqi civilians in the streets whose bodies are being eaten by dogs.”

He said that bodies of children shot dead by American snipers yesterday or the day before as they tried to cross the street, were being devoured by the dogs. Neither the families nor the fighters are able to retrieve the remains of their mangled bodies because of the American snipers are still perched atop high buildings. The Commander described whole buildings that were totally burned with everyone inside.

“All such things,” he said, “have compelled some of the Resistance organizations to incline to taking up the method of war of attrition.”

The Commander said that this decision was not unanimous among the Resistance organizations, some of which have opted to reduce the pressure they exert from within the heart of Fallujah, in view of the determination of the American forces to destroy the city and commit a wholesale slaughter of the inhabitants. Other Resistance organizations have resolved to continue fighting at the same pace as before.

The Commander noted the contrast between the determination of the American forces to kill children, women, doctors, nurses, and civilians and the silence of the whole world in the face of such atrocities. No pressure has been brought to bear to save the civilians suspended in the city despite the unparalleled success that the Resistance has had in waging a street war against the invaders.

Some of the Resistance organizations in Fallujah have chosen what has been called “the option of our brothers in Samarra’” who sought to reduce the pressure on their main support, after God, that is, the civilian population, by withdrawing to the suburbs of the city where the ferocity of their Resistance operations produced the first instance of mutiny and rejection of orders within the ranks of the American troops in Iraq.

The Commander repeated that this was not a unanimous decision, however, and he noted that there were many Resistance organizations, “that I don’t know anything about,” as he put it.

The Commander concluded by saying with a confident smile, “Iraq will see what we are bringing about with our own hands . . . the victory of all of Iraq; an intifada that has grown too big to control.”

The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that there is a leadership of major Mujahid organizations in Fallujah that is still pursuing the fight as before. One of them is the group of Shaykh ‘Abdallah al-Janabi, the Chairman of the Consultative Council of the Mujahideen of Fallujah. According to Quds Press, Shaykh al-Janabi spoke Tuesday to a gathering of Resistance fighters defending the city, saying “the Mujahideen control firmly and completely 60 percent of the territory of Fallujah. The rest of the city is a battle zone where fighting is going on in fits and starts between the American aggressor forces and the Resistance that is defending Fallujah.”

Shaykh al-Janabi said that Fallujah Mujahideen had used a captured American tank in their assault on US military positions and the operation accomplished its goals completely. He said that the Iraqi flag had been raise in official ceremonies over 12 positions regarded as battle zones.

The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Fallujah commented that these positions of the different Resistance organizations in the city were not in fact contradictory or mutually exclusive. Past experience has shown, he wrote, that every Resistance group helps out the others despite their differences as to their ultimate aims. A proof of that can be seen in the meeting held last Tuesday that took place under a unified leadership.

The source of differences among the Fallujah Resistance organizations is the issue of the unarmed civilian population and what to do regarding them. Some organizations believe the best course is to continue to resist, particularly since other fronts of struggle against the US forces have now been opened elsewhere. But other groups believe that the civilians cannot bear the pressure of the siege any longer. Another source of difference of opinion among the Resistance groups is that some believe it is necessary to open another big front to confront the aggressors on their rear lines, while other Resistance organizations fear that this could result in the fall of the city.

Quds Press reported that extremely fierce fighting was underway on Tuesday on the edges of the al-Jawlan neighborhood of Fallujah. Powerful explosions shook the area and could be heard throughout the city, though their exact cause was difficult to determine. Since early Tuesday morning US military aircraft prowled the skies over the city, strafing and rocketing what they regard as targets in numerous neighborhoods throughout the city. US snipers are deployed on the roofs of many tall buildings that over look the city, and they fire on anything that moves in the streets below.

Resistance Pounds US Marines On Outskirts Of Fallujah

Iraqi Resistance forces carried out an intense rocket attack on concentrations of US Marines to the north, west, and south of Fallujah. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in the city reported that more than 31 powerful Tariq and Grad rockets were fired at the American troop concentrations in three areas outside the city.

The correspondent wrote that the rockets fired into the American Marines to the north of the city were launched from a branch of the Tigris River. The rockets that struck the US troop concentrations to the west and south of the city were launched from the direction of al-‘Amiriyah and some from mobile launchers mounted on vehicles.

American Troops Use Women And Children As Human Shields

A field Commander for the Mujahideen disclosed to a correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Fallujah what he called the “tragedy of the street fighting” in reference to the way that the invading American troops were using Iraqi women and children as human shields.

The Commander said that the tragedy began last Tuesday and that before that, he had never seen such things, when the Americans used used women and children to shield their tanks. The Commander commented: “this state is living through a type of savagery that history has never known before.”

The field Commander said “we could hear the cries of the children and the women’s calls for help from atop a column of tanks that was driving along ath-Tharthar street last Tuesday. Some of our fighters closed their eyes in pain and wept at the sight.”

Statement >From The Iraqi Baath Party On The Battle Of Fallujah

The Department for Political information and publication of the Iraqi branch of the Arab Socialist Baath Party issued a statement on Tuesday in which it said that the current Anglo-British offensive against Fallujah is a “premeditated criminal act of revenge against the heroic Fallujah in which the official Arab regimes and the Arab news media owned by the wardens of the oil fields of the occupation forces are taking part in according to their distribution of roles that have been imposed or agreed upon beforehand.”

Nevertheless, the heroic battle at Fallujah, the Baath Party said, would be an “example to be followed in Iraq, first, and then in Palestine.”

The Baath statement said that in the Battle of Fallujah, fighters from of the Baath Party were participating in the fighting with units of the Forces of Resistance and Liberation, under the banner of Resistance and Jihad, and that in the military expertise of the Army of Iraq and the Republican Guard were being used in “a continuous and on-going battle, one that is not isolated.”

The US and the (Allawi) puppet regime in Baghdad hoped in vain to get political mileage out of Fallujah in the up-coming meeting of regional regimes with the United States in Sharm ash-Shaykh next week however the continuous and comprehensive battle will lead instead to the exhaustion of the aggressor and the downfall of the puppet regime. It exposes the strategic disability of the occupation and will eventually be reflected inside the US with respect to the mobilization of forces.

The battle will compel the US to make difficult and harsh demands on Arab regimes, the Baath Party statement predicted, for the future of the political game it is playing in Iraq depends on the security of its puppet regime, and that regime has no security.

As the assault on Fallujah is a crime, the Resistance to it has national and human legitimacy that demands that the Resistance proceed untrammeled and without restriction until the occupation has been routed out and the puppet authority destroyed, the statement said.

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