Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2005 6:08 PM

Professor George Ayittey
The week end is ending and it has been a very busy 2 days for me for I had to travel to the National Capital Ottawa and Quebec City where I had to participate into a whole series of meetings. Meetings which blessed me to meet Africans of great brains like a Ghanaian by the name of Kwesi Yeboa. Yes Africa owe him to be proud for he is a mine of information, at a certain point he almost made my brain crush for he was pumping in so much information that the memory chip was about to fail to handle it. He is a great Ghanaian. But as every African, he promised to meet me in Poque night club where we had dinner and he did not show up. I mate Ugandans including Mwaami Ssenyange a very intelligent Ugandan, than I was so time bad that I failed to have enough with him, Mwaami Ssenyange "I will be back" And yes it is a threat.
Having finished with all that, let me go to the business of this note to the Professor Ayittey. I have decided to post this note to all chat rooms for it is a matter affecting us the most as Africans.
Just before the week ended, we had a discussion in Mwananchi forum regarding a woman in Zimbabwe that was raped by MDC members. I posted that article under a heading " A Posting Caroline and Pat missed" In the number of exchanges that happened under that topic, you responded on January the 7th at 5.11 Pm and you stated "So, you see, criminal wrongdoing is defined according to WHO Edward LIKES!!It is this kind of Idi Aminisque logic that has helped ruin Africa."
Professor Ayittey my name is Edward Mulindwa and I have a personal logic. You failed to attack my posting factually and you decided to camp or group me into the Amin camp. And I was very offended  by that act. Ayittey I have been in these forums for a long while, and they are very many. I follow the West African politics, the Great lakes and all over the continent. Cameroon has a very intelligent discussion that has been going on to today when a halt was put on. But we agree to agree or agree to dis agree. We do not camp  or tent people. Ayittey what is the Aminisque logic, can you  kindly use your Professorship to define the term?
Africa has lost millions of people due to classing or camping them. It is the Tutsis, the Hutus, the Banyamulenges, The Interahamwes, Those Northern Ugandans. We are not stating facts based on individuals but on their classes. Ayittey, I do not think you have the ability to understand why I am very offended so I will ask this question so that the rest of Africans can understand how very terrible , a man you are. Where does my Aminisque end? At my self, or my children, the in-laws or the 5 months baby in my niece's tummy too? Where does it end? My village or my entire tribe? As a man who was in Luwero District during the entire Museveni war and saw how camping people result in deaths, as a one who know how Paul Kagame has used classing in Congo to make sure all Hutus are killed, as one who saw what happened in Sarajevo, I am very disturbed that you decided to camp me as well.
One day I stated that Professor, you are a loss to Africa, let me add this too today, You are not only a loss to Africa but a proof to how terrible is the education system Africans kids take in North America, for if with such a brain you can be a Professor, why bother taking our kids to school in North America?
Edward Mulindwa
        The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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