Given the politics of Ankole ( and the son of Kaguta is very much aware of this fact) we are yet to see Museveni installing Omugabe.  He is just goofing around  playing Machaviallian tactics with some  Buganda, the Banyoro and the Acholi, Bagwere, e.t.c ..most of whom cannot engage in CRITICAL THINKING

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So he has attended the Buganda, Buluri and Acholi coronation. Any idea when he will attend the Omugabe installation?
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 2:16 AM
Subject: [Mwananchi] Museveni attends Rwot Acana coronation


The fellow , Yosweri that is, appears rather comical  with I hear his military fatgue!!! Kaguta  , with his demented brain, believes that somehow  he would pacate Acholi anger  against the NRM military dictatorship for twenty years during his  NRM military dictatorship  has created hell on earth for the Acholi people. Yosweri  you can prostrate all you want to "rwot Achana"..and the end of the day the acholi people are not going to forget what NRM militaristic policies of fighting wars has done to the acholi!! NEVER!! Yoweri NO more machaviallian tactis is going to war for you and your bloody NRM military dictatorship.



Museveni attends Rwot Acana coronation

STATE RECOGNITION: Museveni greets Rwot Acana II after his enthronement in Gulu on Saturday

By Alfred Wasike, Chris Ochowun and Justin Moro
Cultural institutions in Uganda have been warned against fragmenting society.
While attending the enthronement of the paramount chief of Acholi, Rwot David Onen Acana II, on Saturday, President Yoweri Museveni said African countries were conquered by Europeans because of fragmentation of communities into smaller and more vulnerable units.
The coronation ceremony, which included inaugurating the Acholi Cultural Council, was held at Kaunda ground in Gulu town.
“Traditional leaders must not be identified with fragmentation of our society. Traditional leaders must be identified with unification and development of our people because Africa needs unification to defend herself against all these hungry wolves in the world,” Museveni said from his open-roof white cross- country Mercedes Benz.
Clad in plain-green military fatigues, Museveni said the NRM government works not only for the unity of Uganda but al so the unification of East Africa.
Museveni said tribal groups in Uganda have strong historical inter-linkages in their languages and in other aspects of culture but only use different dialects.
“It is rubbish for some western-trained but ignorant scholars to say that Ugandan tribes have no linkages and that Uganda did not exist until it was created by the British. That is absolute rubbish,” the President said. 
“We backed the rebirth of the cultural institutions because they can be used to unify our people rather than fragment them.”
Museveni donated a new double-cabin pick-up truck worth over sh50m to the chief.
Acana appealed to the LRA rebels to respond to the Government peace talks initiative to end the 18-year-old conflict in northern Uganda.
“I appeal to the LRA to respond to the government peace efforts. This is very important not only for Acholi, but also for Uganda and Africa. We can’t let our people continue suffering this way anymore,” he sa id.
Hesaid traditional leaders would continue to work hard to receive children born in the bush.
He urged the LRA rebels to accept the peace initiative so that the IDP camps are dismantled and the displaced persons move back to their homes.
“Acholi people now don’t know their displaced relatives due to the prolonged LRA war,” Acana added.
The Omukama of Bunyoro, Gafabusa Iguru, said the cultural ties between Acholi and Bunyoro started centuries ago and had grown stronger with time.
He donated five cows to Acana. He caused laughter when he said the British ate over one million cattle, which they had not paid back to Bunyoro.
The coronation was attended by ministers Betty Akech, Henry Oryem and Grace Akello and chief peace negotiator Betty Bigombe.
Acana II is the 24th hereditary leader in a dynasty that begun in 1420 with Rwot Luo in Shiluk Bar-el-Gahazel, Sudan.

Published on: Monday, 17th January, 2005

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