I have used these two terrible words so that I can be able to make some comments on the Holocaust being recognized this week. This is a very terrible week for it reminds us how terrible human being can be, and I will go on record to state as well, that no body can understand the suffering of the people who have gone through these terrible two words than the victims them selves. But as we are contemplating about this Holocaust I have concerns as well that I wish to make public.
1) When a society passes through genocide or Holocaust, it is still a  part of us, and it offends me very much when ever I hear people through Holocaust or genocide, calling me " A you have no idea and you do not understand what we went through man" Yes for many years we have taken out our pants and we have lamented because of the merciless deaths that happened, can we now build the future?
2) When a society passes through this period, it should use it to build a floor of peace in the world. It bothers me to see that in all people who have passed through genocide and Holocaust, the last thing they respect is people's lives. Israel is an example where a soldier shot a full magazine in a girl's body, a girl who was even dead. Today the most murderous regime we have in the world is in Rwanda. A nation with a government built on a basis of ending the genocide. Why am I putting Rwanda and Israel together? Because both nations use one explanation. We have a right to live. Palestinians have died in thousands, innocent kids have been blown up, and Israel has always responded with one sentence, "Israel has a right to live. Record must show that in Rwanda/Burundi/Congo the Tutsis have killed Hutus several times, right from 1959 -62, 72, 88. The Tutsis have as well attacked and killed Congolese in thousands right from 1994 to today.
The very simple question I have is this. As we are remembering the Holocaust, when is killing a Palestinian a holocaust? As we are remembering the deaths of the Tutsis in Rwanda, when is the Killing of the Hutu's a genocide?
Today as you are reading this posting Rwanda and Israel should have been the nations flagging peace for all the world for they know exactly what happens if you muzzle the population and kill them in secrecy. Rwanda and Israel should be nations of peace today, nations where our children should go and visit the Historical buildings to know what happened and how bad it was. In fact I would even expect those two nations to spend more in development than building armies. because they are nations which preach that they were built on stopping genocides. But when I look on facts on ground I fail to find that.
I hope one day my children will leave in a world where we do not onyx recognize the Holocaust day or even the Genocide, but a world where a Jew has every right to live as a Palestinian, and a Hutu as a Tutsi. For if we fail to get that we are not any different.
This site shows you the genocides we have today. 2005 Read it and wonder why Tutsis have killed these Hutus that much they complain about genocide. A genocide that came to Rwanda at every one's knowledge.
Good evening
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