
This is the 4th time you've been asked a similar question on this net. You have never tempted to answer them. Your silence is A PROOF OF YOUR ETHINIC IDENTITY LIES. Why hide? Be like the rest of Ugandans on the net!

--------------------------------------- Read below:

From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] New Vision: King Mutebi!\ mulindwa
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 11:03:31 -0500

Mr. Mulindwa,

Just as I cannot say "yes" or "No" to Achili's Rwot or Teso's Emorimo, you cannot say Yes or No to Buganda's Kingdom. To prove it, you dont have " Olunnyiriri, Omutuba, Essiga na Kasolya" in Buganda. If you can disprove that, then we will listen to your arguments.

J. Ssenyange

From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] New Vision: King Mutebi!
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 01:28:04 -0500

Fellow Ugandans

I have never in my entire life had such a complicated decision to make as to whether I should support my own Kingdom in Mengo, but today I have made the decision and it is no I am neither going to support my Kingdom nor vote for it. This decision was very complicated to make for I have been with several problems with the way Mengo runs, but I had learnt to some how live with it. I had a problem with the falling of Teefe Bank and I wanted to see the official standing of Mengo on this bank, and I failed to get a proper standing from Mengo on this issue but I let that go. Calling the Kabaka's appointed members of Lukiiko Ministers also brought some hard-ship on me for it puts some connotations on them that they should not have, but I let that go as well. The Katikiro came to The States and he advised all Baganda abroad to meet and elect representatives among our selves, out of whom we can get a representative to Ssabasajja, and a meeting was held on January 15th, I wondered why Katikiro finds it important for us as Baganda to elect our own representatives abroad when Mengo, an institution he administratively lead does not believe in elections, why can't we as Baganda abroad meet and appoint our representatives as Mengo does? But I still let that go for you know Rome was not built in one day so I believed that let us keep on telling the Mengo people our concerns may be one day they will move the right direction. I am sorry I was wrong and what made me make my decision today is the appointments of ministers made by our King on the week end. That pushed me over the edge. And I will explain.

The problem in our nation is neither Uniterism or Federalism nor tribalism, our problem is Lack of leadership. We need a government with leadership qualities. It does not matter if you use a Mayumba Kumi, A Movement, UPC, DP, Military Government to get it, but what we as Ugandans are crying for is a government with leadership in our nation. When The Movement came to power, it lost my support for it decided to play the Patronage card. It made appointments based on Tribes not on ability. The movement has the most ministerial positions for it wants to make sure every one in Uganda is happy, thus the creation of positions like Minister of State, Deputy Minister, and so on. These are people who are appointed when they can not do anything for one wonders the difference between each of them. But hey they are Ministers that is what counts. That is not a government with leadership qualities.

In Ssabasajja's appointments he appointed 3 Ministers of State, what does a Minister of State do and what is the difference between a Minister and a Minister of State, who does what and who does not do what? This is a classic example of Patronage appointments. Ssabasaja appointed as well Mau Kanani to the Lukiiko for he is close to the royal family and designed the Kabaka's wedding robe. Is that enough to appoint some one to the Lukiiko in Mengo? Christopher Ntabaazi was appointed as a minister with out portfolio. Ugandans these are appointments The Movement does to make every body happy. When the Movement became Politically Bankrupt, (An NRM term) they decided to go Broad Based. Mengo has today gone Broad Based for it has appointed not only A Munyala but two Asians as well. Broad Based does not go better than that. And I say if we have a Minister with out Port Folio today, we need a Minister of general duties as well. That is the Mengo we have today, a true child of The Movement.

Ugandans these are patronage appointments made by our King who is still asking for more powers from the Central Government, he has however started by the Patronage trip before he got the powers he is asking for. Mengo does not collect our taxes yet, for I bet tomorrow many Ministers would have been appointed and given a new Mercedes Benz with a Driver and escort. That is not leadership that is just a continuation of the NRM legacy. Mengo should have used this time to prove to us as Ugandans how different they are from the Movement and they have failed. As you are reading all this remember one very vital thing. In 2006 you have a right to vote the Movement out of power, but in your entire life time you will not have a right to vote this Ssabasajja out of office. Is that the leader you would take? My Answer was a clear No and that made my decision very clear, Mengo has lost not only my support but my vote too, and when ever they ask for more powers, remind them about the patronage appointments they have done when they do not even have any powers. Yes remind them for it is your right as a Ugandan.

Edward Mulindwa
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: musamize
  Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 10:27 PM
  Subject: [Ugnet] New Vision: King Mutebi!

King Mutebi!

SIR - I wish to thank the king of Buganda, Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II, for his multi-national cabinet reschuffle early this week.

Such a move will not only stimulate Buganda's fame and greatness, but also a building block towards inter-regional co-operation, peace and unity.

    David Isabirye
    Makerere University

    Published on: Saturday, 22nd January, 2005


    Katikkiro explains federal cause

By Sam Dick Kasolo
The Katikkiro of Buganda, Joseph Mulwannyamuli Ssemwogerere, has said Buganda Kingdom is agitating for a federal system of Governance because it respects people's cultures.
Ssemwogerere was addressing members of the Lugave clan of the "Essiga lya Settuba" during their annual meeting at Bugema University.
The Katikkiro toured the university led by vice-chancellor Prof. Elisha Ssemakula, a member of the Lugave clan.
Ssemwogerere planted trees at the site of the proposed television station and at the telecommunication centre.
The Katikkiro said the system of governance which respects people's cultures makes them trustworthy.
He spoke highly of the role played by clan leaders in restoring the kingdom. He said if it were not for firm clan leaders like Grace Semakula Musoke of the Lugave Clan, it would have been difficult to restore the kingdom in 1993.

    Published on: Friday, 21st January, 2005

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