Cheeye claims SG sitting on Zzimwe file
By Simon Kasyate

Feb 6 - 12, 2005

KAMPALA â The director of economic monitoring at the Internal Security Organisation has dismissed allegations that he received a bribe from a Kenyan bank to help solve a fraud case.

Mr Teddy Seezi-Cheeye rubbished media reports that he solicited $200,000 and received $100,000 to help Standard Chartered Bank of Nairobi recover more than $1 million it lost to alleged Ugandan fraudsters in September 2003.

"That is total rubbish and I cannot lose any sleep over it," a visibly angry Cheeye told this reporter at his Katatumba Suites offices.

He challenged anyone with evidence to produce it.
Cheeye is investigating a case where local businessman Andrew Kasagga Zzimwe, city lawyer Paul Kalemera and Mr Cedric Nzamba of Goldfinger Forex Bureau allegedly defrauded StanChart Nairobi of $1 million and attempted to defraud the same bank of another $2 million in 2003.

Kenyan authorities have since asked for the trio's extradition for trial in Nairobi without much success.

The Uganda directorates of public prosecutions and criminal investigations say they are yet to find criminal doing by the three men.

There have also been recent press reports that Cheeye could be arrested for overstepping his area of jurisdiction by investigating a case supposed to be handled by CID, Interpol or the External Security Organisation.

"I am doing things very officially," said Cheeye, a former muckraking journalist and publisher of the defunct Uganda Confidential newsletter. "It is just a few corrupt elements in this government trying to pour cold water on the case, but I will continue with my work and time will tell."

He also said that Solicitor General Lucien Tibaruha was "sitting" on the Zzimwe file and was using the confusion following the Cabinet reshuffle that saw in a new attorney general to slow things down.

"The solicitor general is always a willing participant in any case involving corruption," Cheeye charged. "Tibaruha should be advised to put the nation before his stomach. His greediness is going to cause bad relations between Uganda and Kenya."

"I think that man [Cheeye] has gone mad," Tibaruha fired back. "I have not seen any documents on the Zzimwe case from anybody. I only read about the matter in the press."

Cheeye insisted that Tibaruha is aware of the documents and is only feigning ignorance. "Corrupt people sit on files and deny any knowledge of them," he said.

Cheeye also said that a senior Cabinet minister and two presidential assistants were frustrating him over the case.

"I have documentary evidence of this senior minister seeking to assume the role of the attorney general to handle this case," he said but declined to name the minister.

Neither did he name the two presidential aides. "These two presidential assistants are making phone calls everywhere, intimidating people. The good news is that President Museveni is very supportive because he is looking at the bigger picture of regional co-operation," Cheeye said.

It is also alleged that Cheeye is hounding Zzimwe because the businessman refused to give him a bribe of $200,000 to "kill" the case. This is a separate amount from the StanChart one.

"That man asked Mzee [Zzimwe] for money so that he could kill the case but Mzee refused, that is why he is so much on him," a source said.

Other sources said that Zzimwe and his friends were willing to pay Cheeye some $100,000 to settle matters but he insisted on $200,000.

"That is not true, it is total rubbish," Cheeye said. Cheeye said he was instead contacted by some of Zzimwe's friends requesting that he talks to him rather than damage him.

"The vice president contacted me saying Zzimwe had appealed to him but when he saw my evidence on the matter, he was very supportive," Cheeye said. "I told Zzimwe that I can only help him if he got the money and paid back the bank."

 2005 The Monitor Publications.

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