 We have for close to 19 years now been talking about the killings in Luweero and the skulls........
Here is a quotation from Betty Kamya of FDC:
..........."As for people “hobnobbing with UPC”, I suggest that Byaruhanga and his likes should go slowly on the so-called “atrocities committed by UPC in Luweero”. Evidence is coming out, particularly from former Kadogos, now frustrated and disillusioned UPDF soldiers, who, if their security was guaranteed, would testify that they were recruited into the NRA after their parents had been brutally murdered by people they were told were Uganda government soldiers, but whom they now know were NRA rebels....."
Speaking of Luweero killings, information coming from Kampala reports how M7 is severely battling the ghost of Dr. Apollo Milton Obote that consistently interrupts his sence of speech. An incident recently occured when he arrived in Nairobi for the meeting. In this one I understand it occured just when President Kibaki was receiving him at the airport. It was untill his wife had reassured him that Obote was not there did he calm down. The report says that he constantly sees Obote sitting just four seats down from wherever he [Museveni] is sitting or Obote is walking a few steps ahead of him.
Usually when in piblic rallies and he suddenly stops and looks out bedazed, those are the moments when Obote (usually smilling or taking) shows up to him. It would take Jnaet's reassurance that he should continue, and that Obote was not there.
He wakes up frequently at night.
The report also concludes that Obote is a constant appearance to him [Museveni] at the office.
You know this seems to hold true especially for those who know about the sufferings of the Americans who always have when they returned from war fronts. It is descibed as "Post-traumatic stress". It is usually at about this time when he [Museveni] is undergoing [through] stress about an on coming elections or heated parliamentary debate on controversial issues that the Obote vision becomes more frequent. This is often noticable by him clenching his teeth and hold his right arm up tightly on his chest. I understabd President Mkapa is aware of this and in their recnt meeting in Kampala, Mr. Mkapa saw it happen and he calm him down since there were just the two of them in the room talking. It wa either as a result of a breifing from Janet or he indeed had prior knowledge.

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