Bwana Ssemakula,
I think that bell doesn't toll for English (or Swahili) alone. How many speakers of Luganda (and I'm using this phrase deliberately, well aware that a significant percentage of Luganda speakers are not Baganda) do you know who care enough for the language to buy Luganda books for reading at home (i.e. for pleasure and to satisfy their personal -- non-school -- quest for knowledge)? Skills in one language translate well into learning a second, third, etc language. For example, my appreciation of the finer points of English grammar have been immensely useful in my efforts to speak and write better Ma'di, Arabic, Kiswahili, and Lugbara.
We have an across-the-board problem and those of use who care for the survival and thriving of African languages could do something far more useful and non-partisan about promoting a culture of reading in Uganda. My anecdotal conclusion is that our brothers and sisters in Kenya buy more books and newspapers (English and local languages included) per capita than us.
And then, generally Ugandans currently have a poor regard for learning the standard form of any of the languages that they speak.
Just my two non-partisan, non-polemic cents.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Ugnet] Will this is be the fate of Swahili?
From: "musamize" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, February 22, 2005 7:42 pm

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