One can only wonder as to what the so called "international Crisese Group " would have to say now? ..Why don't you just tell  the Texas DUDU  George  Bush that the so called International Crises groups simply does not know what is taking place on the ground in Northern Uganda. 




"LRA Rebels" Attack Gulu, Three People Killed


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Frank Nyakairu

Gulu town was on Tuesday reminded of those sleepless nights after a group of rebels attempted to attack Alokolum trading centre outside the town leaving three civilians dead.

The rebels, estimated at 50, were said to have tried to attack their former colleague Onen Kamdulu who has since surrendered.

The northern region intelligence chief Lt Col Charles Otema said the rebels wanted to kill Kamdulu's mother but the army blocked them.

They came early in the morning and their motive was to kill the entire family of Onen Kamdulu but we repulsed them," Otema said. He said, "in the process of pursuing the rebels they attacked Olokolum Internally Displaced People Camp and killed three of the four people they had abducted."

The attack comes after the Government ceasefire expired at 7pm Monday, February 21. Onen Kamdulu who surrendered on February 4 was the Chief of Operations in the LRA rebellion that has fought President Yoweri Museveni's government for the last 19years.

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Kamdulu currently lives in Acholi Inn. He under protection of the UPDF and the government hopes to use him and his colleagues to woo the LRA top brass out of the bush.

Former senior LRA commanders Kamdulu, Sam Kolo and Kenneth Banya on Tuesday met with senior government officials but the details of the meeting were not available by press time.

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