Why we are as we are!

Now just imagine that a man climbs a street light on Kampala or Bombo Road with 
a motive to steal the light and so he does – how possible could such an act 
take place without anybody reacting?! Or let us just imagine that no body 
reacts at all and why exactly?

Mark you, as compared to the past – Uganda urban centres are filled with 
security guards from all former fighting forces manning and guarding buildings. 
All these so called security agencies, in one way or the other are owned by 
government officials with a military background! Their business acumen and 
shrewdness and the poor’s laziness!  

Many Ugandans might be quite expectant - I am not, unless there is a strong 
movement to stand firm on the ground, against the ruling order ready to 
practically do something about our situation. 

If you were made a procurement officer for ambulances for a third world 
country, what will you buy? Citizens ambulances are cabin pickups, many of 
donated to each and almost every district or small dispensary. Better than 
nothing but a pickup can’t deliver a wounded soldier, without worsening his 
/her situation – but this is Uganda. Look at ambulances on the west bank in 
Palestine or military ambulances indeed there’re not pickups!

Observation shows, since 1979, when there was massive looting – the habit has 
been fully internalised and legalised, into Ugandans psychic and unfortunately 
lifted to the highest society level of governance.
The collapse of clothes making factories, UCB and in particular Uganda railways 
and Uganda Airlines are two dazzling examples. These are special in that it’s 
government officials and their allies, who stole everything – today’s 

 Aah sanity and the peasant!

I have personally interacted with one of the above entities with a sole motive 
of getting more information about what exactly is happening and I have some 
reasons to fear for the future of our country.

Is there no single person who can for example run a light city train (tram) or 
at least a cow wagon on given lines i.e. to tackle city traffic congestion? 
Think about it and ask what the matter really is? Mark you; all senior 
government officials have been at least once in European, Asia or North America 

Owners of bodaboda and matatu – the boss!

Or who sabotaged Wavamuno buses, Entebbe buses, and recently suggested public 
buses now transferred to Kenya? Who told lies about Uganda Airlines, Kichwamba 
– liberators indeed. 

Why is it that politicians on the opposition side and its supportive media 
infrastructure don’t talk about such issues - what is their fear or at stake!?  
There must be something greater than mere ignorance on their side, if not 
deliberate malice.

The majority of well to do – of our society reside in and around the capital 
city Kampala. Usually in so-called posh suburbs of the city with slums 
surrounding them. 

What happens and I say to all of them, the issue is a skin off their noses.
Unfortunately not a single individual, however highly placed or status on any 
society level has ever intervened into the conditions that rule in the city.  
Now why should they get concerned with society poverty, degeneration and the 

Do you remember Barlonyo no kichwamba 

This is shocking and must worry us a lot, on the one hand, the most wise are 
ready to stop any entity that tries to arrest that order in and around the 
In fact the same people have been at the forefront of furthering and acerbating 
the situation in the capital by: running money ventures detrimental to the 
development of the city, some have a premeditated idea that any governmental 
intervention into the same, is a danger to their monetary standing hence their 

So whatever happens in this country, is not that country is not organised to 
tackle it but rather that interested parties with their internal motives, only 
understood by them are well organised to stall all such progressive changes. 
- and you believe them if you wish.

Bwanika (dfwa -U)


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