Somewhere in the nineties a force of Uganda – Rwandanese and Rwandanese citizen 
launched a war from Uganda. A point of entry into Rwanda was in South Western 
Uganda - Kigezi. 

The process of war left Rwanda villages virtually empty of human population, as 
an orgy of manslaughter and wanton killing went on both sides. More than 2 
million Rwandese went into exile in the Congo, about or more than a million 
people were killed.

Now, Uganda production industry had a feast day and indeed Kigezi enjoyed the 
fruits of war as the Uganda merchandise passed through this region on its way 
into Rwanda, Kivu etc.

Who else could Rwanda Patriotic Forces turn to for material products and trust 
more than Uganda?  “War is good because it creates instant economic booms”.

Logically Rwanda entire production capacity was eliminated, the entire 
production forces in Rwanda both physical and human were either decimated or 
physically eliminated by systematic destruction and killing respectively. 

Business dominated by the Hutu where left in shambles. The situation that ruled 
here is reminiscent of what happened in Uganda in 1970, 1979 and 1985-6.

Kenya once enjoyed that kind of situation and in fact her industry profited the 
more on Uganda state of paralysis, that towns like Eldoret and Busia developed 
out of Uganda desperate situation.

In principal a Tusti dominated Rwanda country was ravaged on such a scale that 
her source of both human and material resource for some years was based on 
Uganda resources. From milk to blankets, toiletries, building material and even 
simple food stuffs like cassava (muwogo)

The same situation obtained in Kivu region in the Congo – which was completely 
devastated by war and on top of that the natural forces volcanic eruption 
destroying part of the urban region.

Which region in Uganda would have benefited most from Rwanda misery?

However Rwanda has since come out of this malaise and in fact develops faster 
than Uganda has ever done.

The question still remains - which Ugandans profited on the five-year war trade 
boom – notice Kigezi still remains one of the poorest districts in Uganda 
today. The situation is so precarious that Ugandans here are migrating as far 
as Northern tip of the Congo and Uganda to do all jobs to bring home a coin for 

Truth is, those who dominated trade here are practically politicians and their 
cronies – cry the beloved country as Kigezi sink further into an abyss of 

Above is a vivid example of African politics decay and why Africa still will 
wiggle in misery and poverty for some time to come, especially in a unique 
country like Uganda. 

For your homework, ask does African government fail or they are failed?

When time arrows, I write how Luwero was systematically underdeveloped.

Hear from me later,

Bwanika (dfwa-u)


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