Museveni has survived on only one thing, plying on minds of uncritical Uganda thinkers. And in the end they die and Museveni stays in power. That is why those of us who do not know that much, just keep our eyes open and in the end we say "I told you"
It is very sad indeed for Ugandans just do not learn.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:19 PM
Subject: RE: [Ugandacom] Re: [Ugnet] Re: For EM: UPC Patriotic Songs in Washington


EM and Bwabuga

Since  Museveni has been squezed into yeilding to this point we should prepare our fellow citizens for the potential next regimes wand  in its oppress and suppress scheme. The game being the gaming on dividing its opposers possibly beyond Mois level. If you know what I mean. Also the obvious fiscal totures, abitrary arrests, hiding behind the KAP militias to attempt on hurting the opposition both mentally and fiscally. jO

>From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <ugandanet@kym.net>
>Subject: [Ugandacom] Re: [Ugnet] Re: For EM: UPC Patriotic Songs in Washington
>Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 04:34:24 -0500
>Omukulu Wambuga thank you.
>You and I and very many Ugandans both in these forums and Uganda have been at the war against this man for now decades. And I must thank you for that, for many have turned their backs in the process and decided to go for the Manna from his table. But this is what is baffling me, we have failed to understand that Museeni is in power because he is shrewd and we play on his tune.
>Uganda needs a total transformation. Look my friend in yesterday's monitor the numbers were posted in Mwenda's piece and I will repeat them for you. Here we go this is Uganda in 2005, 20 years and counting of this man being in power.
>"97 percent of households in Uganda depend on fire wood for their energy needs, 92 percent have no electricity, 49 percent depend on "word of mouth" for information, 75 percent use tadooba as main source of light while 77.4 percent of households in Uganda live "on rammed earth floors." The country's economic prospects are dim as 73 percent of Ugandans still depend on agriculture, 68 percent of whom are subsistence i.e. hand to mouth farmers. Only 2 percent of Ugandans depend on industry for their livelihood, and 8 percent on services."
>Let me add as well than 78% of teenage girls in Uganda are in marriage. If this is not a nation in anarchy what is?
>And you think that by registering and getting a certificate NRM has to show why you are arrested? Is that the issue here that we must be proud of? You know when I read your posting, it reminded me how The Federalist became so excited that we are going to have a federalism discussion because Museveni has said so. Fed net was started and the debates started on what to be presented to Uganda government. Air tickets were bought and flights to Uganda were taken to make sure these points are made in front of the Federal commission. Those of us who saw it as a born from Museveni's table, were taken as enemies. My self and Lisa Toro became the first victims to be thrown out of Fed Net for we wanted to look at the situation in a different line. Today it all died as a wave on a lake.
>Uganda is bleeding today. And unitary or federalism or political partys is not the solution. It is to create a situation where all the above can function and in NRM we will never get that.
>Federalists should have been the best example for UPC to learn from. One wonders if you did.
>Thank you
>  The Mulindwas Communication Group
>"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: B Wambuga
>   To: ugandanet@kym.net
>   Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 9:27 PM
>   Subject: [Ugnet] Re: For EM: UPC Patriotic Songs in Washington
>   EM
>   Registration in a lay man's language means that Bwana Museveni has accepted defeat. There is no more tricks in the eyes of the court. You as a Ugandan in Kampala or Luwero can, repeat can, now go to the constitutional square and sing ee mamma, na UPC, and incase you are arrested, they have to come with an official reason why they are arresting and possibly detaining you. Is your arrest on the basis of loittering or because of your conscience. It is not proof that Uganda as a state is now politically open and things will any different regarding freedom of speech.
>   As for the second question, NRM never refused UPC as a party to sell CD's and Tapes in Washington. Rather, NRM made it illegal for us to do those things.
>   You see EM, we in UPC like to do our things legally and transparently. We are not very good at doing things under the table. In fact each time one of us tries, we get caught, and end up in jail. So NRM made it very easy for us to do illegal things which unfortunately we are not very good at doing. That is our only complaint.
>   The floor is yours EM.
>   BWambuga.
>   Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     Bwambuga
>     Can you kindly in a lay man's language explain to me what that registration means? Should I as a Ugandan in Kampala or Luwero see this certificate as proof that Uganda as a state is now politically open and things will be any different under NRM leadership regarding freedom of speech?
>     Lastly and I do not tend to ask a whole lots of questions, how did NRM refuse UPC as a party to sell CDs and Tapes in Washington, a party that has been able to make meetings in taxi cabs of Kampala?
>     Ears to you.
>     Em
>     Toronto
>      The Mulindwas Communication Group
>     "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>                 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>     "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
>       ----- Original Message -----
>       From: B Wambuga
>       To: Uganda Net
>       Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 5:40 AM
>       Subject: [Ugnet] Fwd: UPC Patriotic Songs in Washington
>       Netters.
>       By now we almost all of us are aware that Uganda Peoples Congress Party is now officially registered and issued with a certificate from the Registrar General. That means our party now has the legal manadate to operate legally without fear or favour. We are no longer holding our meetings in Taxi cabs anymore.
>       All Ugandans are now legally free to communicate and exchange ideas with the trully Ugandan party.  You may now xontribute in all ways possible to see your party grow and develop your country. For those who were there at independence in 1962, you made your pledge to your country. Now come and revisit that pledge and renew your committment here now.
>       You may now place your order for a copy of the UPC Patriotic Songs on CD's and Tapes.
>       It includes songs in the Ugandan languages and English for those who are linguistically challenged.
>       The Washington Bureau of UPC wishes all a Happy Easter holidays.
>       UPC Oyee,
>       Everywhere, UPC
>       Thanks,
>       BWambuga.
>       Note: forwarded message attached.
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