We Africans do not want an organization which is being fronted as that which belongs to africans , and yet in reality it is  thouroughly infiltrated by  whitemen may be Langley boys, champion the cause of African's Liberation Struggle from Imperalist Neo-Imperalist and Neo -Colonialist!!!

George Ayittey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You people are really funny. Condemn the Free Africa Foundation all you want but why don't you set up a BETTER organization to promote freedom or "African solutions for African problems"? Have you?

Look, if Ayittey writes a book and it is no good, write a better one. If Ayittey runs an organization and it is no good, set up a BETTER one. My frustration is with "educated" Africans or blacks who only destroy WITHOUT leaving behind a better alternative.

How many African writers or organizations do you know? Why so few? Because if an African or black writes a book and sets up an organization, the Val Ojos, Evlyne Joes and others will DESTROY it and they won't leave anything behind.

The Free Africa Foundation was started in 1993 and still exists. Evlyne Joe, in 1994 or 1995, started the Institute for Free Africa. Ask her what happened to her Institute.

George Ayittey,
Washington, DC

Oba PaAb wrote:



Free Africa Foundation is now exposed. That most of the advisors and board members are whites tells volumes about from whom Africa MUST be freed. The many proxy wars, assassinations, aids, plus many more are processes.

Africa cannot be freed from Africans! If the Professor and his other African entourage in the organization cannot even read this subtle philosophy, or it may be thats just what they want to do, because they hate themselves and Africa/ns, then Africa/ns cannot feel sorry.

1/2 intelligent Africans unfortunately have been left to destroy the continent for far too long. And thats the reason I said African problems are within or approaching danger zone: Do for Africa and Africans or die!

BTW, are these may be the reason that funny head Desmond Tutu has been attacking Mugabe and Mbeki?

MsJoe, I think there are some few Africans(from Ghana only?) in the organization. But their names are being kept out. Who might they be?

Back to work.

Good job.

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Mwananchi] Ayittey's Lies & Contradiction:Free Africa with a majority, white Board from US? Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 01:02:14 EDT Africans: Boom, boom. In Source Watch, _www.sourcewatch.org _ (http://www.sourcewatch.org) do a search on the site for "The Free Africa Foundation." The description is: an advocacy organization on African policy with close ties to conservation U.S. think tanks and foundations. George Ayittey is not an African man enough to face the truth that a majority, foreign board cannot be an indigenous entity or reflect un-compromised African perspectives. There is absolutely nothing wrong in Ayittey admitting that he is a private contractor since his Free Africa Foundation is manifestly a front for foreign, pecuniary interest in Africa. In this email, see the background of Ayittey's board - from those destabilizing governments in Africa to ultra right wingers. If this is what inspires and informs Ayittey's African Solution, he needs native medicine for his head or other detoxification program in Africa. Western tablets would only be palliative, not curative because the nearness to his handlers will cause a relapse to crawling for crumbs. I am sure he's accustomed to being branded a lunatic by his sheer contradictions so he takes to space to call people lunatics in a classic case of what psychologists call " projection." Caught under the table, where he has been salivating under the tutelage of foreign directives, George Ayittey tries to fend off facts by boxing and kicking like a tortoise. He is even lousy at th at for it takes a real man who can stand on his feet to get in a ring; not a stooge that must be propped. Read his latest tale, a laughable attempt at salvation, asking everybody to stay out as if I have anything personal with him as he tries to make people think. I don't. It is a public issue. How idiotic his claims. I have known Ayittey's modus operandi and vivendi for a dozen years. They are none of my business and the records show I have defended his right to whatever his associations. Cato, Dato, or Eato, etc., has the right to hold any kind of conference and give Ayittey breakfasts, too. That's not the issue. But when Ayittey displays his signatory stupidity and crudeness - insulting Africans who disagree with him, enacting a divide and conquer antic to carry out his duties like a rogue, he needs to be reminded that this is not a throwback to colonial subjugation where spineless Africans are paid to create distractions, coup d'etats and worse, and the tricks can go undetected . It is a known fact that I organize All Africa functions as an independent advocate for Africa not sponsored by, hence beholden to, any person, entity or government. NEVER SHALL, NEVER WILL.I will donate $5000.00 to any African cause voted by the readership of Mwananchi if George Ayittey proves any single occasion that I organized or attended for Yoweri Museveni. Where was the function for starters? Not that I cannot attend, but it is yet to happen. In fact, I would like to meet Museveni face to face for the express purpose of saying seeking a third term by changing the constitution would be a ruin-ruin for Uganda and slippery slope for Africa. He should take the exit like Dr. Bakili Muluzi of Malawi. Another $5000 if he proves I have ever been on the payroll of any African government or at the mercy of an American think tank. Money is not the motivation but I will defend African governments any time against imperialistic incursions and impositions. Africa cannot be free if we do n ot tackle both ends: internal accountability and external culpability. I make no bones and owe no apologies. But George Ayittey has never had the liberty as an independent operator to depart from his one-eyed sight seeing, blinded to western thievery. So I can understand how an emasculated man without balls can doubt the definition of backbone. I cite verifiable facts; Ayittey gasps then grasps at straws when his slimy footwork is traced. The question is: how can Ayittey look at Africans in the eyes and talk about African solutions when the fountain of his views are determined by Western purse strings? There is no African in the United States who belongs to Ayittey's board of directors because he is afraid that his talking with one side of his mouth and eating with another side will be revealed. So he has three Africans in Africa who cannot question him or know where he gets his funding to betray and chain Africa. There rest are Americans, all white, conservative males, except a female with Carnegie Institute. How Africa will be liberated is an osmosis with Ayittey's fronted think tank from the West. It begs the exclamation: Wonders shall never end!!!. 1) Larry Diamond; White, conservative male: Senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. From January to April 2004, he served as a senior adviser to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq. 2) Jude Wanniski. White conservative male. He founded Polyconomics in 1978 to advise corporate and financial strategists on the impact political events would have on the stock and bond markets and on the domestic and global economy. 3) Bruce Barlett: White conservative male. Mr. Bartlett is a columnist for an online conservative publication, TownHall. He is also with National Center of Policy Analysis, whose goal is to develop and promote private alternatives to government regulation and control. Mr. Barlett is a former deputy assistant secretary for economic policy at the U.S. Treasury Department and senior policy analy st in the Office of Policy Development at the White House under Bush 1; and former senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation. 4) Jim Blanchard: White male. Mr. Blanchard died in 1999. But Ayittey is such a crook that he still lists him as a living person. A dead white man is far more productive than an African. When Mr Blanchard was alive, his most favored foreign project was assisting rebels to overthrow the government in Mozambique; just as what was happening in Angola. Through Blanchard Mozambique Enterprises, he obtained a concession to rejuvenate 580,000 acres and created the largest privatized game reserve in the world. Africans, there we go; Ayittey and men who want to unchain Africa. Now, do you have a keen picture why Ayittey will bend out of shape, prefer to even run naked on the street on land matters in Zimbabwe or anything else that diminishes the interests of who pays the piper? The stakes are too high. On a charitable note, perhaps Ayittey can be pronounced not guilt y by reason of insanity if he thinks for one minute that Africans in their right mind would buy into his treacherous sellout - disguised and bundled as "African Solution." Whatever, Ayittey's days as a political pimp at the expense of Africa are threatened and a drowning man will clutch at a serpent. I give precise facts; he dabbles in miserable exploits and inconsequential attacks. MsJoe In a message dated 4/11/2005 3:28:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Joseph, You would be wise to stay out of this because it has gotten nasty and personal. Evlyne Joe works for African governmnets here in Washington DC. In the late 1990s, she organized an event for Presidnet Yoweri Museveni when he visited Washington, DC. Now, she working for President Mugae. It is her prerogative to work with whichever government -- African or foreign -- that she CHOOSES to. She was miffed because I posted events (conferences) on Zimbabwe organized by the American Enterprise Institute and the Cato Institute. She is particularly outraged by the fact that the Cato Institute will hold a book forum for my new book, Africa Unchained. She had denounced the Cato Institute as a right-wing conservative and imperialist organization. This is what started all this. She attacked me and sent copies to: 1 Ghana's Amabssador, 2. My employer (President of American University), 3. Cato Institute, etc. etc. Joseph, here are some questions for you: a. What has any of these got to do with my MESSAGE or advancing the search for SOLUTIONS to Africa's problems? b. She is free to work with whatever African government she chooses but Ayittey is not free to associate with whatever organization he chooses? c. Why is she so rankled that the Cato Institute is holding a book forum for me on May 4th? Here is a person who attacks me because of my association with the Cato Institute and the American Enterprise Instiute and then turns around and invites Jack Kemp -- a CONSERVATIVE who has served a s Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and gave many speeches at the Cato Institute. She wants Jack Kemp to give a Keynote speech at a conference she plans to hold on April 30 for which she has asked ME to find a venue for on AMERICAN UNIVERSITY campus. Is she mentally balanced and emotionally stable? She does not even know what the Cato Institute stands for. Cato is not conservative; it is LIBERTARIAN. It espouses individual liberty and minimal government. Cato hates foreign interventions and vehemently opposed the war in Iraq. Where Cato and I see eye to eye is on LIBERTY, FREE MARKETS and LIMITED GOVERNMENT. You know my position on African "governments." In many parts of Africa, we don't have "government." What we have is a "vampire state" -- government hijacked by a phalanx of unrepentant BANDITS and crooks. Of course, I don't agree with all of Cato's other positions. Cato believes in legalization of drugs; I don't. They believe the Federal Reserave should be abolished; I don't because I believe Central Banks are useful. I don't need anyone's permission as to which organization -- American, foreign or African -- I should associate with. Lunatics think I need their permission. George Ayittey, Washington, DC joseph odwe wrote: Ayitteyi It's obvious that you didn,t have it thus no way would education sharpen what wasn't there in the first place. Read your literature to Everlyne here under and tell yourself if there is any brains behind the thought but paranoia and lunatic quips. Which has been very common with you I must add. Should have you taken my prior advise to ease yourself into a deep breath, then revist your approach as to people as to how you treat others and issues or discusions on the table you wouldn't be in such a fixed corner you find youself now. but hey it appears in your world of kno it all, wise than all put together no advise is good enough for you. Ihave a word for you if you belief as put here: IF YOU CAN"T GET IT THE WORLD ALWAYS HAS A WAY TO TEACH SUCH STURBON UN-CORDINATED LOST MINDSETS A LESSON.jO >From: "African Oracle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"Naijanet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"TalkNigeria" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >CC: "Evelyn Joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: [Mwananchi] Re: [abujaNig] RE: George Ayittey FW: Zimbabwe Events in Washington >Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 00:23:17 +0200 > >A shame or what did you call it Dr. Ojo? Is there anything worst than that? >Just wondering if George Ayittey's acclaimed coconut heads were to descend >to his level to by blocking him from stepping into any country in Africa for >writing all nonsensical stuffs about them. Of course there will be >international outcry because one of their messenger is denied access. > >Moving forward - What George is doing should not be ne w but should rather >serve as a lesson to many Africans that though being educated will at least >call for some decency forgetting that education has nothing to do with one >being omo aleja or agbero or area boy. > >When people failed to know that it is time to live a stage where once >admiring audience all of a sudden turned to shouting down the playing drum >then such person should critically examine himself. > >Ayittey, this is a brotherly advise, disengage from here for some time, go >and recoup and renew yourself. Go back to your drawing table to draft >solutions that will work for the people of the 21st century. > >Again you are free to say that my mental is dysfunctional but the world now >could read who is having a mental problem between the people you tagged and >yourself. > >Dele > > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "Dr. Valentine Ojo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; "AbujaNig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; >"[EMAIL PROTECTED] Comom" ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Africare-Newpublications" ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Naijanet" ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "TalkNigeria" "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." _Dr. Seuss quotes_ (http://en.thinkexist.com/quotes/dr._seuss/)

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