Due to the murders that the British and Americans are doing in Iraq this week end, we are going to take a step out of our normal bounds today, and focus on the murders of old men women children and innocent in Iraq that has happened since last Wednesday. Iraq is third world country and the so called developed nations, namely Americans and the British, have such a life style that can only be maintained by resources that are neither in UK or in The States. This very same fracas has cost us a whole millions of our people in Africa for the again developed nations want our resources. The very same resources they are looking for in Zimbabwe. It has funneled the wars in Congo, Uganda, Angola, Central African republic on and on.
As the British and Americans mine and pull minerals out of a dying population, as their citizens enjoy the life styles funded out of money with blood. Let us all remember the families of the people in Iraq who have died so massively from Wednesday to tonight. We can not help you, for we are as word less as you are, but may the Lord who does not work for pay give your departed a resting peace. Hope one day we will have a world where The British and Americans can not kill so many innocent people for looting the minerals and oil to support a life style.
The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
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