Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 8:32 PM
Subject: [Jambo] Is your child aware of defilement?

Is your child aware of defilement?  
By Robert Mukombozi and Gaaki Kigambo
At 7pm, 13-year old, Nakku, in her dirty white and blue uniform, retired to her dormitory on a Wednesday evening.

The exhausted little girl, carrying her books after a long day's class work and play, relaxed in her dormitory as she prepared for the next day.
As soon as she lay down, Nakku noticed her teacher, Mr Stanley Isabirye standing at the door of the dormitory, three strides away from her bed. The teacher walked towards Nakku.

"Nakku my little pupil," the teacher called her, "Yes sir," she quickly responded, jumping out of her bed where she was resting. She just knew her night of canes had come, because Mr Isabirye is a tough teacher at school.


"My heart sunk once because I did not know what Mr. Isabirye wanted."
" To my surprise he asked me to go with him to his home and help him to cook supper. But I answered very politely and in a very low tone that it took him a minute to understand that I had never cooked anywhere in my life," said Nakku.

Unfortunately for Nakku her teacher insisted he would teach her how to cook and they would do it together.

The other young girls in the dormitory protested Isabirye's taking Nakku to cook with him, but he commanded them to keep quiet.

"I was now shaking because Mr Isabirye had become tough and I could see myself about to receive uncountable strokes of the cane," narrated Nakku. "My friends looked on helplessly as I led the way to Mr Isabirye's house. There was grave silence. I could only hear stamps of his footsteps but could not make out what he was doing behind me. I had no option but to walk to his house."

When Nakku reached Mr Isabirye's one-room house, the latter closed the door behind them immediately.

There was no sign of smoke and fire, prompting her to imagine she was going to be punished for something she did during the day.

"As I sat on the stool in his house, I patiently waited for the cooking to start but he chose to go and undress in his bedroom. The bedroom was separated from the sitting room by a transparent white curtain"

She explained that when the teacher came out of the bedroom, he told her they were going to do "Things that fathers and mothers do in bed." "Under great fear and shivers, I told him that I did not understand what he meant," Nakku said.
"He pulled me off the stool, tore my small sized blouse and skirt while I tried to resist,â She said.

"He over powered me, removed his 'black thing and put it in me' as I helplessly struggled to get rid of him," she said in tears.

She said she raised an alarm that attracted other teachers in the neighbourhood, to her rescue.
Nakku said although Isabirye tried to cover her mouth with his palm, he never succeeded. "The alarm had already raised attention."

She said fortunately for her, the defiler had forgotten to lock the door, which created easy access for the angry rescuers to reach him. She says the teacher was beaten and kicked badly until he fell off her onto another bed.

With clothes in tatters, blood dripping from her private parts and tears rolling uncontrollably down her cheeks, Nakku, a primary three pupil, was rushed to Kayunga Hospital by her rescuers.
Nakku is not alone. A number of young primary school girls throughout the country have fallen and are continuing to fall victim to teachers and unruly men who defile them.

Most defilement cases have been reported in upcountry schools. Mr Edward Wangolo, the deputy headmaster of Shimoni Demonstration School, says these cases occur sometimes because of redundancy among teachers. However a teacher who declined to be identified, said that whereas defilement is bad, teachers should not solely be blamed. "Some of the defiled girls are actually big girls who entice teachers." Adding that "In upcountry schools, big girls are sent to school to entice teachers by laughing with them in a bid to get marks."

According to Ugandan law, defilement is a criminal case only handled by High Court. As such, when someone is accused of defilement, Police immediately apprehends him and produces him in the Magistrates court, which commits him to High Court because it does not have jurisdiction over such cases.

However Mr Wangolo argues that when a teacher is accused of defilement, he is summoned to the School Management Committee, which interdicts him pending investigations into the accusation. "Headmasters do not have the powers to sack the teacher but the school management committee can suspend him and when he is proven guilty, it recommends to the ministry to sack him," explains Wangolo.

Wangolo says in cases where a teacher is suspected to be badly behaved and is transferred to another school, the transferring authority informs the administration of his new school about the teacher's behaviour and character.

"In the case of Shimoni , Kampala City Council will inform the Shimoni administration about the behaviour and character of the new teacher," says Wangolo.

When asked if the school has sex education classes to sensitise pupils on sexual matters Wangolo said,"Most schools have trained senior women teachers for girls and a senior man teacher for boys. Children are encouraged to speak to them about anything bothering them."

In Kibaale district, the education officer (DEO), Mr Cleophus Mugenyi recently expressed concern over the increasing number of primary school teachers defiling their pupils. He said more than 20 girls were defiled in the district by their teachers every term.

"The 20 are only cases now reported to the Police. Such cases were not common in the district in the past five years," Mugenyi said. He decried the delays in prosecuting the suspects. "We cannot take disciplinary measures like terminating the teachers' services because they are not proved guilty. If prosecuted and found guilty, of course they would be jailed and also deleted from our list," he said.

At Mukono district Police station, where we found Nakku, Police is holding Mr. Stanley Isabirye the 28-year-old who allegedly defiled her. Each passing day more and more cases of defilement are reported in the media. These alarming defilement rates prevailing in the country have irked non-government organization like the Action for Development (Acfode). The Ministry of Education and Sports (MoE) in a move to stop defilement in primary schools, has drafted a policy.

According to the policy. the ministry will dismiss teachers who defile pupils or even those suspected."Once you are pin pointed in any indecent assault or defilement case, we shall immediately strike you off the staff list and leave the police to handle its part," Mr Nyombi Thembo, the Minister of State for Education said.

Victimsâ names have been changed

Defilement Statistics

  • According to Ms Rosemary Nyakikongoro advocacy officer with Acforde between 2001 and 2003, 4,854 cases of defilement were reported to the police.
  • A 38-page report released by Save the Children, says 6,500 girls as young as 8 are in captivity of the Lord's Resistance Army
  • As a result of war there are more mothers mostly below 19
  • Victims leave in fear and suffer in silence as they re-live their horrendous experiences.
  • Girls, 12 years of age and younger return pregnant
  • In Uganda any person below 18 is considered a child. It is illegal for anyone to have sexual relationships with him or her.
  • Most defilement cases are pending in court and account for approximately half of all High Court cases.
  • Half of the inmates in central prisons are held pending trial for defilement.
  • The law does not make any legal distinction between a voluntary sexual relationship between two teenagers and a brutal rape committed by an adult.
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