Instead of denying and dismissing Eddy Mulindwa's assertion that the  UPC Government constantly and over a great deal of time  remitted funds to Kabaka Edward Mutesa for his maintenance   while the Kabaka was in exile in London, a better  intellectual approach to challenge Mulindwa's assertion would be  to call upon   Mulindwa to provide  evidence to prove his assertions. 
Mulindwa would then  do some "digging" so to say,  of the public records in the Ministry of Foreign affairs in Kampala or Finance, for that matter...and  then bingo.. post his findings on this Uganda net  for all to see !!!
....but no! ..instead you are shooting your mouth dragging in Obote.. I hear Obote living in Zambia..Obote this ....Obote that.... Obote Yoooooo!!! You people simply cannot can not in simply logical analysis!!!

musamize <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mr. Kipenji:
I always think and identify as a Muganda before anything else - religion, politics, gender, education,  inclusive.  So, I do not find it strange, neither do I take offence, nor do do I feel slighted if anyone else does so.
IMHO, to do otherwise would be putting the cart before the horse.
The hogwash that "Let us talk about the 1966 problem with Mengo. Sir Edward Muteesa left Uganda for United Kingdom. Obote as the Uganda president instructed Bank of Uganda to send money to Sir Edward for upkeep. That is why Sir Edward did not end up on a welfare line in United Kingdom." is just that: unadultered Grade Z hogwash and sophistry generated by a singularly contorted mind.
We all know that Obote was did not endup in a welfare line while in Tanzania. So, should we conclude that this was due to General Idi Amin's "generosity" in "instructing" the Bank of Uganda to send money to Obote for upkeep? From which account, and who was paying?
Likewise, we all know that Obote did not endup on welfare  in Zambia after being kicked out of power by the Okellos. We also know that Obote has never worked a day in his life in Zampia (and, for that matter, in Tanzania). Why then don't we sing the praises of Okello, and Museveni for similarly  instructing the Bank of Uganda to send money for Obote's upkeep courtsey of the pizanti, aka "common man"?
What is good for the goose ...

Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There are other sufferers in the north
With due respect I found Yoni Okwera-Olok's letter: "Let the Government prove it does not hate the Acholis" very bothering and a true example of the problem we have in our nation today.
Mr Okwera must remember to always be a Ugandan before he thinks as an Acholi. Many of his facts are not true and we need to throw away passion on this issue so that we can see through the web of Okwera's lies. Only then can we try to plant nationalism in our nation.
Okwera must remember that Uganda has gone through very hard times during the Movement. Ombaci happened in West Nile, Mukura was in eastern Uganda, Kibwetere was in western Uganda. Yes, northern Uganda has had the largest suffering under the Movement. But northern Uganda is not only a land of Acholis, so let us not play a tribal game here. The last time I checked, Uganda had a people called Langis. Can Okwera tell us today that Langis are not in camps? It is quite wrong for us to get a problem in our nation and we tribalise it.
The example Okwera-Olok uses of Obote and Buganda is equally false, for Buganda has never enjoyed power in Uganda than under both Obote's governments. Yes, Okwera has a right to hate Obote, but he must as well recognise that the most powerful ministers in Obote's government were actually Baganda. Okwera-Olok must remember the names of powerful Baganda like Eriya Babumba, Apolo Kironde, Luyimbazi Zaake, Kalule Ssetaala, Keefa Ssempangi, Sam Mugwiisa, Bidandi Ssali. Let us talk about Attorney Generals like G. L. Binayiisa or even Nkambo Mugerwa. Governors Bank of Uganda like Mubiru, Kikonyogo, Leo Kibirango. All these were very powerful Baganda during Obote's government.
Let us talk about the 1966 problem with Mengo. Sir Edward Muteesa left Uganda for United Kingdom. Obote as the Uganda president instructed Bank of Uganda to send money to Sir Edward for upkeep. That is why Sir Edward did not end up on a welfare line in United Kingdom. Baganda did not organise any means for maintenance of their exiled King. What is interesting is that this money continued flowing into the same account through Amin's era, up to today, because the instructions are still on Uganda papers. When Obote came back to Uganda, as a President and a minister of finance, he did not cancel those instructions.
We must be very careful when we make false public statements to push our agenda. Okwera-Olok's claim that Obote hates Baganda is totally unfair. If he did hate them, Miria Obote should have been a Langi or an Acholi. This is the mother of Obote's children.
By all means we have a problem in northern Uganda and no one will debate that. But this problem is the same with Langis as well.
Edward Mulindwa

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