Economic, Development Theory vs Urban Planning 

-       I am heading to Kazo ANGOLA to wittiness a shriving sub –urban filthy 
city sprawl! Why Angola?! I will discover. 

-       I am through with Katwe and further inside after messing up my gumboots 
terribly bad. 

-       Children here are to “who it may concern” do the pup in labyrinths 
snaking through muddy waters and ramshackle muddy houses going for houses.

-       It is terrible out there but it is also Kampala City. Good lord save 
our people from a piggy lifestyle. 

-       We have now in place a rigorous and exhaustive Urban Plan ready for 
implementation; we have started with the central region, soon moving east and 
northwards, as resources are made available.

-       We do consult, study, develop and improve – 


TOTAL SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION (dfwa-U) currently our sole preoccupation. Delta.

-       Human beings as natural beings and by nature do not change it is 
appearance that changes. Revolutionaries. We are precisely focusing on that. 

-       KCC how could Katwe deteriorate and expand to such a mega filthy piggy 
enclave into Makindye, Kibuli and beyond without the Kampala City Council 
counselling people into a better life? 

-       We are very knowledgeable where the limits of politics particularly in 
African even, in countries like Senegal. We have transformed (Z) to doing.

-       After five months of intensive study in the villages and towns, I have 
come to a realistic grasp with the flux of socio-economic political trends in 
Uganda and an elitist mentality. 

-       In fact we were written off as people who didn’t know what we are after 
– now they all know better. Those intimidating me don’t waste your time.

-       Who by the way are the engineers of the most rare corruption 
establishment ever, past and current political impasse in Uganda.

-       Current socio-economic political trends will continue for sometime in 
this African country. 

-       Unless administrative core politics at municipal and district level are 
guided, strengthened on implementation and supervision level under the laws- 
Uganda has no future. We are therefore setting the pace. Alfa

-       The alternative is to go fully-fledged federation based on current 
district socio-demographic configuration- hence harmonisation of 
social-economic and politic beliefs and the nexus of antagonistic ideologies.

-       It is however no solution.

-        Given to inherent weakness in these institutions, which are basically 
pedestal on organic solidarity not so much compatible with a modern medialised 
and marketised thought matrix.

-       People who’ve gained (now free radicals!) but also lost out in NRM 20 
year socio-economic political stint are current opponents of the current 
government, to settle personal long socio-economic and political grievances, 
redundancy? (Diminishing returns)  

-       They are the majority and more vocal even in the trends of pervasion of 
justice and the said rule of law they offer to re-establish.

-        Peasants and simple privatised government institutional workers have 
absolutely gained nothing and will gain nothing with the above arrangement.

-       The ontological status of the problem.

-       Implying losers to the next regime of politics and politicians will 
solve nothing, instead generate the next bout of political salvo and the 
impasse will continue.

-       The above category can be subdivided into two groups, a combination of 
economic and political power quest. 

-       To solve such typically African political gridlock  – we’ll have to 
come to terms with several issues some of which are being tackled like housing 
in Wakiso on a national scale.

-        Agriculture as elevated today is empty but not necessarily a useless 

-       However will bear nothing but further misery as high breed crops and 
commercialised intensive farming take root and collapses at the same time. 

-       The peasant will be a peasant.

-       That will be the demise of the agriculture sector, as we have known it 
in Uganda economic history. Economics gone sour with cash crops.

-       I’ve therefore developed a comprehensive matrix for physical planning 
and social planning we will implement nation wide.

-       To totally divert socio-economic politic development and trends.

-        Hence lessening the impact of politics on social and economic 
inclination to save the peasant from political garbage.

-       What it entitles is guidance of what should be done, how and when in 
form of rural and urban planning and transformation.

-       In essence it delimits stochastic political hearsay, tittle-tattle and 
individualised competition for resources i.e. corruption and synergies wasted 
on attaining social unmet needs, wants and desires.

-       In the past I have asked current political opponents to open up their 
debts accounts, current economic status; incomes, expenditure, assets, and 
maybe a short history of their emergency as economic right footers.

-       That can be a pointer to the forces driving and behind the politics in 

-        We stay on this level we can as well forget Uganda.

-       I am ready to offer and share free service in Physical Urban and Social 
Planning based on the above issue of Urban Planning.

me Bwanika



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