Let us say you observe two persons in the bushes of Northern Uganda. Both are armed  with AK 49 how can you conclusively  determine that one is a "rebel" and the other is  UPDF soldier? The answer is that you cannot tell.
How then do you know who is abducting who? or who exactly is committing atrocities against our people? .
Okutu: the  glaring fact is that If  Museveni's UPDF men   kill  Acholi Children ....and claim that they have been  killed by  "rebels" . Uncritical minds like yours will believe this. 
If the UPDF abducts and murders Acoli  children, men and women and claim that the 'invisible" LRA has done the deed,  minds like yours  will believe .... do you see  how pathetic and gullible you and your type are. wake up man!!!

Okuto del Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hallå där, lätt som en plätt ( simple)!!

The one is LRA the other is UPDF.

The one is Ugandan national army the other is a rebel terror. The one has mandate and jurisdiction to operate within Uganda in protection of national interest the other is a resistance army.

"...How then can you conclusively prove to us that the Acholi in the camps are running from "LRA Rebels" and not From Soldiers possing as "rebels"?

I do not. All Iam saying is "call a spade, a spade" not the big spoon!!

These days of proving,since the national army is the one that has the mandate and jurisdiction to operate within the territory of Uganda in protection of our citizen, the dice for proving is thrown to you Matek: prove that they are UPDF soldiers posing as "rebels".

Would you?

Thanks in advance

Noc'la gau

--- On Fri 05/20, Matek Opoko < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Matek Opoko [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ugandanet@kym.net
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 02:32:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] There are other sufferers in the North


Let me ask you a simply question: please eductate some of us.

What is the diffrence between the so called "Kony's LRA rebel"and Museveni's UPDF soldier? How can you look at two gunmen, who are exactly identical and conclude that one is a "rebel" and one is a genunine "government Soldier"?

How then can you conclusively prove to us that the Acholi in the camps are running from "LRA Rebels" and not From Soldiers possing as "rebels"?


Ochan, at which of the camps do the Acoli fleeing from LRA mutilation take solace?

The kind of Acoli that I know are at the camps because of the LRA.

The kind of Acoli that I know became concubines, sex-slaves and forced wives to LRA officers including Kony himself.

The daughter of one of my best friends, was abducted and became the bosses concubine at THIRTEEN!!!

Another dear friend was a Headmistress. Was abducted and infested with HIV!!

And the LRA propagandist, who is also married at Pece knows these. He also figured in the so called LRA press release which pledged for a continuation of the strugggle: "the struggle continues".

Should Ugandan say let Acoli leaders, who have more often than not uttered expressions like "governmente rac; Kony bene rach" , prove that they do not love KONY / THE LRA?!?!

You Ochan forwarded the article "LRA press relese" which was full of distortion and which appended with "the struggle continues". After opinion altenation, some one else came up with what he called "to clear the air" about the serious concern some of us had about that garbage "press release".

Juging from your argument below, you do not believe that Acoli who are running from LRA atrocity are not in the Camps. Top that with the fact that you had both the write and read rights to the LRA press release (considering that you were able to alter some details from the copy to Ugandanet). Your position appears (rightfully so) obscure and controversial (EVEN HERE, YOU ARE DISTORTING MATTER OF FACT ABOUT ACOLI IN THE CAMP!!!).

Should we request you to prove that you are not a LRA sympathiser of that you should prove that you do not like LRA?!?

When you blow your facts please acknowlege that there are victims of LRA atrocities around, whose feelings you might be hurting!!!

Best regards

noc'la gaoumoy

--- On Wed 05/18, Ochan Otim < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Ochan Otim [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ugandanet@kym.net
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 10:40:52 -0700
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] There are other sufferers in the North

In response to http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/msg19613.html

There are two types of camps in Uganda.

1. Internally Displaced People's Camps (IDP), the ones into which people ran voluntarily (and rightfully so) for security. These are found in Lango, Teso, and elsewhere. And then there is the

2. Forced Displacement Camps (FDC). These camps are found exclusively in Acholi. These are camps into which people were FORCED to live to free up the fertile and vast Acoliland for "investors". There are tons of evidence to back these facts: the forceful remo val of citizens and the motive behind it. Acoli people were safer from LRA and UPDF among their tall grasses before they were herded into camps.

Okwera's challenge to "Let the Government prove it does not hate the Acholis" is therefore very legit. I also say, let the government of Uganda prove it does not hate the Acoli people.


At 01:33 AM 5/18/2005, you wrote:
Can Okwera tell us today that Langis are not in camps? It is quite wrong for us to get a problem in our nation and we tribalise it.
There are other sufferers in the north

With due respect I found Yoni Okwera-Olok's letter: "Let the Government prove it does not hate the Acholis" very bothering and a true example of the problem we have in our nation today.

Mr Okwera must remember to always be a Ugandan before he thinks as an Acholi. Many of his facts are not true and we need to throw away passion on this issue so that we can see through the web of Okwera's lies. Only then can we try to plant nationalism in our nation.

Okwera must remember that Uganda has gone through very hard times during the Movement. Ombaci happened in West Nile, Mukura was in eastern Uganda, Kibwetere was in western Uganda. Yes, northern Uganda has had the largest suffering under the Movement. But northern Uganda is not only a land of Acholis, so let us not play a tribal game here. The last time I checked, Uganda had a people called Langis. Can Okwera tell us to day that Langis are not in camps? It is quite wrong for us to get a problem in our nation and we tribalise it.

The example Okwera-Olok uses of Obote and Buganda is equally false, for Buganda has never enjoyed power in Uganda than under both Obote's governments. Yes, Okwera has a right to hate Obote, but he must as well recognise that the most powerful ministers in Obote's government were actually Baganda. Okwera-Olok must remember the names of powerful Baganda like Eriya Babumba, Apolo Kironde, Luyimbazi Zaake, Kalule Ssetaala, Keefa Ssempangi, Sam Mugwiisa, Bidandi Ssali. Let us talk about Attorney Generals like G. L. Binayiisa or even Nkambo Mugerwa. Governors Bank of Uganda like Mubiru, Kikonyogo, Leo Kibirango. All these were very powerful Baganda during Obote's government.

Let us talk about the 1966 problem with Mengo. Sir Edward Muteesa left Uganda for Unite Kingdom. Obote as the Uganda president instructed Bank of Uganda to send money to Sir Edward for upke ep. T hat is why Sir Edward did not end up on a welfare line in United Kingdom. Baganda did not organise any means for maintenance of their exiled King. What is interesting is that this money continued flowing into the same account through Amin's era, up to today, because the instructions are still on Uganda papers. When Obote came back to Uganda, as a President and a minister of finance, he did not cancel those instructions.

We must be very careful when we make false public statements to push our agenda. Okwera-Olok's claim that Obote hates Baganda is totally unfair. If he did hate them, Miria Obote should have been a Langi or an Acholi. This is the mother of Obote's children.

By all means we have a problem in northern Uganda and no one will debate that. But this problem is the same with Langis as well.

Edward Mulindwa

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