Okutu Del Coli:
Even as I write,  Western Intelligence services, unbeknown to you and Mucebeni , are flooding Uganda, as tourist, visiting professionals, embassy  workers, students, NGO personal ...you name it.  That stated, Mucebeni's buddies in the west know exactly what they want or can get from the regime in Kampala. If the they somehow calculate that Mucebeni and the NRM has become  a liability to their interest in Uganda, believe me, no matter how many PR firms Museveni hires in London of Washington DC..nobody will listen to this RP or is it PR firm!!!

Okuto del Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In my mind, I am not looking at Musseveni, NRM, MOVEMENT, UPC or whatever. I am looking at strategy. Certain things cost much but produces manifold the costs, in dividends. If I were the one concern and my target is the Western European donors, a Western European PR agency or consultant would also be my preference.

The things that capture their donor hearts, ears, and eyes are of a different sort, at a different level, requires different level of qualitative professionalism. We live in a sophisticated era (mass medial not least). Certain things need to be presented in certain ways for maximum dividend.

You my brother Matek, better start sharpening your campaign technology if you are to have a chance come election 2006.

No Matek, be truthful. It is a sign that he is eying the bigger catch. Marketing his visions in the manners suitable for that category market, so to say. That is what you politicians should all do.

When you present the Northern crisis to the West, do so at and with appropriate level of professionalism.

Like you are saying, the West knows what Musseveni is doing. They are use to it. In their culture it is the politicians daily bread. You know it from Canada there. You should instead rival him out! I am aware that is not the simplest thing.

One more thing, the West knows most of the things that they need to know about what is happening in Uganda. They also know that Uganda has a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT, which besides, is implementing (at least they claim so) various charters, articles of UN conventions.

Take for example that on terrorism. The ICC says yes we see violation. Acoli leaders say:” no we solve this the home way”( bouncing back UN, The same UN they cry for help from). Ugandan government giggles!!

There are several UN conventions and treaties to which Uganda is signatory.

Best way for Ugandan politicians like you would be to take a look there and see if there is any help they can get. For example the UN Millennium goal, Food for ALL, UNESCO’s qualitative education for all, etceteras.

Don’t you see how refugees to Europe tell such lies that almost quakes?!

It is about arrival!!

Best rgds

--- On Fri 05/20, Matek Opoko < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Matek Opoko [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ugandanet@kym.net
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 02:22:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] Western PR company to sell Uganda

The issue here is that Yoweri Museveni's Regime is willing to spend all this monies on a western PR firm to sell " Uganda's Image abroad " ; expecially given the fact that this funds could be used to fund other essential programs such as poverty eradication in Uganda.

Those Western Nations who are now critical of Yoweri Museveni's regime, if the facts be told, are very much aware of what is happening in Uganda. They do have embassies in Kampala. Their Embassy staff constantly send information back to their respective governments about the Kampala regime and the state of Affair in the country.

That Kaguta must now resort to hiring a PR firm to promote Uganda's image , is a clear sign of a dying regime which is grasping for air to breath!!!


Okuto del Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

Quite normal professionalism, really!


The oppositions are well also busy selling themselves?!

noc'la gaumoy

--- On Thu 05/19, Matek Opoko < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Matek Opoko [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], ugandanet@kym.net
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 19:07:21 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Ugnet] Western PR company to sell Uganda

Western PR company to sell Uganda

Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni
Museveni was once the darling of western leaders

The Ugandan government is to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to promote its image abroad after growing criticism.

Details of the move emerged a day after President Yoweri Museveni released a statement asking foreign donors to respect his country's sovereignty.

The UK recently cancelled £5m ($10m) of aid, saying not enough had been done to establish fair multi-party politics.

A growing number of critical reports have appeared in the western media.

The foreign minister said on Wednesday that the government would be spending about $675,000 to improve their image.

The London-based company, Hill and Knowlton (H & K), will also be working with the government to try and improve relationships with human rights groups like Human Rights Watch.

The PR company itself been criticised in the past for aiding countries like Indonesia and Turkey, whose human rights records have also come under fire.

Since President Museveni came to power 19 years ago, Uganda has operated a unique political system which severely restricted political parties.

The political landscape will soon change, with multi-party elections expected next year.

Critics accuse President Museveni of using these changes to push through other constitutional changes to allow him to run for president again.

Rock star and Aid campaigner Sir Bob Geldof recently accused Mr Museveni of wanting to be president for life.

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