As you are a trusted confidante of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and other centers of Pan-Africanism on our beloved, but suffering continent, I would like to impose on your time and address with a request in re the upcoming AU Summit in Sirte;

Please convey to our brothers and sisters that we urge them to move with all dispatch to create a unitary-federal government for the continent, along the lines of that which was suggested by your revered father decades ago, namely functions such as defense, economics, diplomacy and associated tasks be the purview of the continental government, and all other functions being the reserve of the individual constituent states.  Further, we note that the proposals of the Great Jamahiriya at the 4th AU Summit in Abuja were specifically related to aspects of the overall blue print provided us by your august father.  In those proposals Libya advocated the creation of the following ministries and projects:

1. Creation of the following offices:  Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defense, Minister of Foreign Trade,  Minister of Transportation and Communications;

2. Initiation of the necessary steps to abolish customs requirements applied to other AU members states and institution of a common customs tariffs regime to be applied to the non-AU states;


3. The building of an African satellite that will serve the continent, and its peoples, as a whole.

We would hope that the delegates attending the July Sirte meeting will recognize the logic of these proposals, and will draw the proper inferences, that is that the optimal functioning and productivity of these steps depends on the degree that there is a central political organization that can speak for all of Africa, and all of Africa's interest, that is only answerable to the African people as a whole.

If they would do this, then such problems as those associated with Bretton Woods Institutions' usurpation of the prerogatives of African states; the general undemocratic nature of the dispensation of power in multilateral agencies; our various military inadequacies and the rest of the myriad concerns, will be well on their way to to a satisfactory resolution.

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