The reign of Idi Amin exasperated a political decadency which started in the 1960s. It exploded with the fall of Amin's regime. A country cannot experience stability and progress when ruled by a minority regime. The Tutsi planners knew this very well and indeed one could argue that their effort to contribute to the internal insecurity, political murders, and polarization of the general population against the ruling groups of Obote through GSU and Amin's State Research was towards this aim.
Some people have claimed that Museveni volunteered to fight for FRELIMO in Mozambique and later underwent military training in North Viet Nam. While this could make him look like a macho fighter, there is no concrete evidence to support that claim. We know from first hand witness that President Nyerere was a strong supporter of FRONASA and so permitted them to send their trainees to Nachingweya Military Training Camp in southern Tanzania where FRELIMO trained their men. The team which went there for training included:
Ahmed Sseguya (leader)
Sallim Sarey, Fred Rwigyema, Jim Muhwezi, Muchunguzi, Kihanda, Rwandali, Keitongwa, Rweibanda, Muwanga Jackson, Yoweri Museveni, Kashaka  Shaban.
Could this have been part of the Tutsi Dynasty Plan of 1962 to train their youth in military tact for eventual take over of the Great Lakes Region?
One of the strategies which NRA used extensively and effectively in Uganda's bush war against Obote was to kill thousands of civilians at night and by daytime fabricate stories that Obote's soldiers massacred innocent civilians. Such a trick caused the civilian population and world community to turn their sympathy from Obote's government to the rebel group. In 1983 a German Journalist, Mark Schumdt, went to the war zone in Bulemezi to investigate what was going on as  news of mass killings in the Luwero triangle were spreading worldwide. Mr. Schumdt met with Museveni and his high command who told him what they wanted him to hear. They then chose David Tinyefunza and Jim Muhwezi to escort him to places where they had piled up dead bodies of civilians whom NRA themselves had killed. The same killers blamed Obote's soldiers for their crimes. When Mark saw those bodies, he became suspicious and asked: Why would Obote's army collect dead bodies and not bury them knowing this could implicate them for killing innocent people? He also asked them how they knew that dead bodies are collected in that place since there was nobody in that area other than the NRA soldiers. He insisted that he wanted to interview civilians in the area so as to get their views about these killings. Museveni's officers did not like Mark's approach because he had become suspicious that Obote's army may not have killed those civilians, but NRA did the killing for the purpose of tarnishing Obote's image with the population and the international community. Hence, they ordered that Mark Shumidt be sent back immediately. While on his way back, they killed him and confiscated his camera and notes.
In 1984, the NRA got a British reporter, William Pike, who is suspected of having more connections than a telephone line and was also broke and had all the tendencies of a mercenary journalist to NRM. NRM cut a deal with Mr. Pike to run their propaganda in the world media. He was willing to do anything for
money. He successfully used his journalistic skill to fabricate favorable reports for the NRA, galvanizing tremendous sympathy for Museveni and his men. Upon NRM/NRA victory, William Pike was awarded the position of Managing Editor of NRM government newspaper, The New Vision. That paper became the mouthpiece of NRM/NRA regime in a manner to what PRAVDA was to the Soviet Union and Mr. Pike's fortune skyrocketed.
We see a parallel in later years when RPF invaded Rwanda, killing people by the hundreds in the northern part of the country. Alison DeForge, Catherine Watson, Colette Brackman and Roger Winters were the most notorious propagandists for RPF, fabricating favorable stories and covering up RPF's crime. Alison DeForge in particular crisscrossed the English speaking world spreading RPF's mendacious flatteries.
During the bush fighting to overthrow Obote, Tutsis including Museveni, used to brainstorm their plan of taking control of Uganda first using it as a staging ground to take over Rwanda and other neighboring countries. They used to claim that only Tutsis were destined to rule and despised Hutus and other Bantu tribesmen as inferior objects whose role in society was but to follow orders. This same sentiment was to be echoed later at RPF training of their intelligent operatives in the Catholic Bishop's house in Kabale, Kigezi some years later.
Soon after Museveni took over power in 1986, he imposed on the people of Uganda the "nonsectarian law" which forbids calling any person by his tribal affiliation. It was later discovered that such law was intended to forbid Ugandans from complaining about the excessive number of Tutsis in high positions of government.  Fred Rwigyema was Minister of Defense and the entire Command and control of that ministry was in the hands of a Tutsi/Hima clique. Uganda Commercial Bank under a Hima Frank Mwine was totally bankrupted; so were all the parastatal corporations. The funds which were channeled through fictitious personal loans may have ended up in financing RPF operations. The Uganda Treasury accumulated foreign loans supposedly for development projects which are non-existent in Uganda.
Perez Kamwinanwire became Ambassador to the U.N. and later to Germany. Ezra Surumana alias Suruma was Deputy Governor of the Bank of Uganda. Emmanuel Ndungutse headed the Uganda Investment Authority - an agency he mismanaged and robbed thoroughly. With millions from the UIA, he went to Rwanda after the RPF conquest and invested in a number of business ventures in addition to serving RPF regime.
It is important to recall that the bulk (80% to 90%) of the fighting force which toppled Obote's regime were Baganda. By the time of capturing Kampala and taking over the reign of power, most Baganda fighters of officer material had been killed in mysterious circumstances. Hence, the control of the NRA was in the hands of Museveni's Tutsi men. He further purged the skewed number of Baganda in the military by dismissing hundreds of them in order to create room for other tribesmen. While that move gave him temporary political credit, the actual results were different.  Instead, he recruited thousands of your people from Ankole and Kigezi areas to the total exclusion of the entire northern region plus other areas of the country.
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