LRA rebels strike in northern Uganda

    June 21 2005 at 09:12AM

Arua - Insurgents from Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) on Monday hacked to death four villagers and wounded five others after rounding them up from their fields, the army said.

Army spokesperson Lieutenant Kiconco Tabaro said the rebels attacked a group of villagers who had gone to work in the farmlands in Oryang village in the northern Pader district early in the morning.

The rebels used farm tools "to kill four of them and left five others unconscious and have since been rushed to Kitgum hospital where they are admitted", he told reporters.

Relief agencies in Gulu confirmed the attack.

Tabaro said the raid followed an incident over the weekend in Atanga in Aru County - about 40km from the scene of Monday's attack - in which the army claimed it killed six rebels and recovered guns and ammunition on Sunday.

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"This was a revenge attack on the innocent people after we killed six of them," said Tabaro, adding that the army was pursuing the insurgents.

The LRA, which operates from bases in northern Uganda and southern Sudan, has been fighting President Yoweri Museveni's secular government since 1988, vowing to replace it with one based on the biblical Ten Commandments.

They are best known, however, for atrocities against civilians and abducting villagers as bearers, child soldier conscripts and sex slaves.

The conflict has displaced more than 1.6-million people, who are living in squalid camps in northern Uganda. - Sapa-AFP

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