Mr. Mulindwa, understanding your Big mouth.....aposing any thing from Kabila, 
Kagame, Kaguta you have any solution if any, about our African 
leaders???????!!! Except failires like Obote,Binaisa ,Besingye.,Muwanga,and 
Amin? Not forgiting  your mad- man Kony. CWA.JB

----- Original Message -----
Date: Thursday, July 14, 2005 6:55 am
Subject: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 12, Issue 91

--- Begin Message ---
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: [Ugandacom] A brief commentary (Edward Mulindwa)
   2. Re: [Mwananchi] Re: Why Africa needs the white man - we   need
      him! (Edward Mulindwa)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 06:31:42 -0400
From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: [Ugandacom] A brief commentary
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

If Museveni did not come to power through a vote, why does voting for a third 
term make him stay in power? And I am starting to look at this problem from 
another end. Suppose all MPs voted against third term then what? Museveni would 
have walked? I do not think so. I think Uganda is screwed and I think those 
like Kasangwawo and Dr Kigongo, the Ssenyanges who preached to us the infidels 
that Uganda is under savior, have to realize today what we knew long ago when 
their relatives were eating at the cramps falling off the table. That we have a 
killer in power and he is not going any where, third term no third term. What 
in the future? Museveni will get pissed one day and even close Mengo crap. 

Just watch.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Matek Opoko 
  Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 2:09 AM
  Subject: [Ugandacom] A brief commentary

  Fellow Citizens:
  By now all of you must have heard of the move by Yoweri Museveni's members of 
the so called Uganda Parliament to grant Yoweri Museveni his so called "third 
Term".  All I can say is that a sad chapter in the Ugandan Political History is 
once again about to unfold. Those  so called MP's who voted  for Museveni's 
KISANGA , will most definately live to regret their  decision.  Let time be the 
judge. You will quote me in the very near future on this one.
  Good night!

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Message: 2
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 06:53:51 -0400
From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: [Mwananchi] Re: Why Africa needs the white man -
        we      need him!
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED],,       rwanda
        [EMAIL PROTECTED],      CameroonNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Congo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


"Let me remind Pat Anderson that foreign expatriates like her husband who feed 
fat on aid money and on NGO and World bank money, riding around African 
villages in 4X4s clowning around and spending money loaned or "given" to 
African countries with stringent conditionalities, are part of the problem of 
the continent."

These bold words must be embedded on each and every African's door, as an 
assurance that we will fight to the last blood to make our population regain 
their dignity. Be it in Kenya or Sierra Leone.

I hate this computer which cross posts.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Moses Ochonu 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [Mwananchi] Re: Why Africa needs the white man - we need him!

  If this fellow is truly an African, which I doubt (anyone, even a skin head, 
can acquire an email address and use it to join an internet discussion forum), 
then one must really weep for Africa. If he is an African, he is way too lost 
to be retrieved, and such a self-loathing, white-man-worshipping, and insecure 
African does not deserve any Africa anyway. 

  Predictably, his tirade resonated with Pat Anderson and her tales of the 
white man's salvation mission to Africa. As usual, she has ceased upon the 
posting by "Clarence Kamara" to regale us with stories of how her husband went 
to Nigeria on one such mission to save Africans from themselves by teaching 
them civil engineering, a practice which until her husband's arrival in the 
country was unknown to the people, who, according the "Clarence's" racist 
construct, lived in a barbaric, Hobbesian state before the arrival of the white 

  Let me remind Pat Anderson that foreign expatriates like her husband who feed 
fat on aid money and on NGO and World bank money, riding around African 
villages in 4X4s clowning around and spending money loaned or "given" to 
African countries with stringent conditionalities, are part of the problem of 
the continent. Her husband probably went to Nigeria as part of a cardinal 
conditionality of one of those Western "aid": the so-called foreign expatriate 
involvement in projects, which eats up a large chunk of aid money since these 
folks and their spouses (like Pat) have to be paid and taken care of from the 
money supposedly given as aid. In the end, what is left gets lost in corrupt 
African bureaucracies, with very little trickling down to those who need this 
aid money. What a cycle of wasteful hypocrisy. 

  Pat's story is a classic illustration of the hypocrisy of Western Aid. 
Western aid is an avenue for providing jobs for every dislocated, 
disillusioned,  jobless, frustrated, or idealistic Dick Tom and Harry of 
Western extraction. Then when these aids do not succeed because of these 
multi-layered and expensive expatriate aid bureaucracies, the same Western 
governments and agencies who impose the likes of Pat's husbands on African 
countries scream about Western aid disappearing in Africa and talking about 
endemic, if not genetically embedded corruption. Iam not even going to talk 
about the Western banks, businessmen, and corporations which routinely 
facilitate the transfer of these funds to secret Western bank accounts, 
ensuring their safety afterwards. 

  What a racist rant! 

  On 7/13/05, davidkapinga1961 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

    Our confused African brother (patriot?), if this is 
    name calling, as you may define it, so be it! 

    I hope you don't aspire to high office. You'll be another Tshombe, and
    may be even worse in terms of poisoning the minds of our youth who are
    the future of Africa. If people like you are in "stewardship" of our 
    continent, we won't have it!

    Where were you raised, in Liberia or Sierra Leone? I go by your last
    name and know of some people from those countries. I'm familiar with a
    few names in that region, including yours. 

    I hope you don't become a leader of one of those countries if that's
    where you come from. That's why I asked where you come from. 

    You have a way of presenting facts to seduce and fool the gullible. I
    know about Nyerere and his leadership and what he did for Africa. You
    are one of the few Africans - although I don't the others - who say he
    misled Africa and did almost nothing good, the same indictment you
    have levelled against Nkrumah and Sekou Toure. 

    Sekou Toure once predicted that after he is gone, the French will be
    back. He has been vindicated by history. "You will miss me," he is
    quoted to have said. I'm sure not all Guineans miss him but proud 
    Guineans who are proud of being African and not servants of the French
    do, even if it is for the simple reason that he stood up to the French
    and demanded full independence and dignity for all Africans including 
    you, and not just for Guineans. 

    But to people like you, the struggle for independence was meaningless!
    And you are proud to be an African? What kind?

    David Kapinga

    --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "clarencekamara"
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    > Africa needs the white man!
    > Dr. Ojo, you sound so much like Dr. Nkrumah, and so much like Sekou
    > Toure, and so much like Lumumba and Mugabe and Samora Machel ( and 
    > even like Castro in his seven-to-nine-hour-long speeches when he rages
    > against western imperialism and the exploitation of the Third World),
    > with your militant rhetoric about African unity and anti-western 
    > In this category, I also include Farooq, Oba, Professor Ochonu,
    > together with you as the intellectual ringleaders in this forum always
    > compalining about the West. But I want to tell you this: We do need 
    > the West, we do need the white man in Africa. Without whites, without
    > the West, Africa would be in worse shape than it is in today. And you
    > know it!
    > Europeans brought us the blessings of material civilization: schools, 
    > hospitals, cars, trains, factories and industries, pens, ink and
    > paper, even clothes (remember untold numbers of our people, if not
    > most of them, wore nothing but tree barks and animal skins or nothing 
    > at all; and they walked barefoot as millions still do today). White
    > people also taught us how to read and write. Those are facts, nothing
    > but facts, ladies and gentlemen. In fact, Europeans brought us many 
    > other things we never had and which are too numerous to mention here
    > and without which life would be hell, and things you yourselves
    > wouldn't want to give up or swept out of Africa, our beloved home. I 
    > am sure you like all that, thank you to Europeans for coming to Africa
    > (for going to Asia, as well, and to the Americas).
    > And people like Mrs. Patricia Anderson, the British lady in this 
    > forum, know full well what good things her people, the British and
    > other whites, brought to Africa in terms of development and material
    > civilization - even spiritual! We never knew a thing about the Bible 
    > before them! We worshipped at the shrines of pagan gods, instead of
    > the Almighty. We offered human sacrifices, nothing but barbarism! Just
    > face it. Tell me if you still support all that, and if you do, why you 
    > still don't pray that way but have instead embraced Christianity.
    > Christianity may have been abused by some Europeans when they came to
    > Africa to justify colonization and exploitation but that does not mean 
    > that Christianity itself is bad or wrong. That is why many of you are
    > Christians.
    > Now enters Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, with his anti-western bias, an African
    > nationalist par excellence. Also add Dr. Julius Nyerere to this. After 
    > Dr. Nkrumah died, Dr. Nyerere became the strongest proponent of
    > Nkrumaist views, in addition to his own he articulated very well even
    > if they were misleading to us as Africans, besides Sekou Toure but who 
    > did not live or last long in power as Nyerere did.
    > My question to you, Ojo, Ochonu, Farooq, Oba and others is this: Be
    > honest, just be honest, what did these leaders do for us with all
    > their anti-western talk? Tragically for Nyerere, he stayed the longest
    > in power, longer than Nkrumah and Sekou Toure, only to prove that he
    > did nothing for Tanzania and for Africa. When he stepped down, he said 
    > during his tenure, post-colonial Tanzania trained thousands of
    > engineers, doctors, teachers and other professionals; and that
    > Tanzania achieved over 90 percent literacy, the highest in Africa
    > during  his leadership. 
    > My questions to you, and to this highly intellectual president Nyerere
    > as he was widely acknowledged, are these: Where are the jobs for all
    > those engineers and doctors (Nyerere trained) without Europeans, yes, 
    > without  white people, building industries and factories in our
    > countries we cannot build? Where are the hospitals for doctors to work
    > in without the West helping us to build those hospitals as they still 
    > do today? Where is the medicine without which hospitals and clinics
    > are nothing, medicine which comes mostly from and is manufactured
    > mostly by white people in western countries? Where are the colleges 
    > and universities without western help to build them in our countries?
    > During colonial rule, Makerere University was the Oxford of Africa,
    > attracting some of the brightest African students from all over 
    > Africa, from Kenya to Sierra Leone, Tanganyika to Nigeria, Ghana to
    > Nyasaland and so forth. But what happened to this prestigious
    > institution under African leadership after independence? Everything 
    > went down the tube! The same for Ibadan University, another pride of
    > Africa, as well as other institutions of  higher learning built by the
    > colonialists. They are now empty shells or have very little to show 
    > for all their former glory.
    > Those are facts, harsh realities, my fellow Africans and the rest of
    > you who are not African but who are now reading or hearing this.
    > Challenge me on that with facts. No name calling, please. I am not a 
    > sellout. I am an African like you, and I love Africa as much as you
    > do. All I am saying is that we should appreciate the help white people
    > have given us and which they continue to give us. If they pull out 
    > today, we have nothing! If they pull out today, with everything they
    > brought to Africa and take it back to Europe or to America, many of
    > our people are going to die. Plain and simple. I know truth is a 
    > bitter pill to swallow, but there it is, swallow it. You may get
    > better and awaken to reality, however harsh it is, however demeaning
    > it may be, and however severe a blow it is to our dignity as a people. 
    > I speak as an African, as one of you, as much as you are a part of me,
    > and you should appreciate candour especially from your own kind like me.
    > When our people starve, it is white people who bring us the food. When 
    > our people are ill, it is still the same people, white people - more
    > than anybody else - who bring us medicine. Even when our people are
    > drowning, or are trapped in collapsed buildings, it is white people, 
    > with their equipment and  rescue dogs, who come to our rescue, not
    > fellow Africans from other countries on the continent, not even from
    > neighbouring countries. That is because they can't do it! That is 
    > because they have nothing, I mean nothing, they can use or give to
    > help their fellow Africans. But white people can do it, and they
    > always prove it! We don't and can't. Nothing but facts, ladies and 
    > gentlemen, however harsh!
    > Remember all that maize, all the beans, flour, milk, high-protein
    > biscuits, and other foods including vitamins and medicine for our
    > starving people who also suffer from  all kinds of diseases as do 
    > millions others? Remember all that? Does it come from Liberia or the
    > Ivory Coast or Ghana or Guinea to feed the starving in Mali or Niger
    > or Burkina Faso? Does it come from Nigeria or Kenya to feed the 
    > starving in Malawi or Sudan?  No! It comes from European countries,
    > and North America, and from Australia and New Zealand and other
    > non-African countries to help us. And you know it. Those are facts, 
    > indisputable facts. Dispute all that with facts, not with insults and
    > name-calling.
    > What would we do without western help, what would we do? Eh? What
    > would we do without white people helping us more than anybody else? 
    > What would we do without their food and mediicne and equipment? What
    > would we do without their technology? What would we do? Can you
    > honestly answer that? We wouldn't be able to do anything to save all 
    > those lives without western help. Those are not African planes
    > transporting and sometimes dropping bags of food to the beleaguered
    > across the continent. Those are not African ships bringing to us the 
    > commodities and other things we need. We don't even make cars! Let
    > alone ships and planes! Yes, we may assemble cars, from car parts, in
    > a couple countries or so. But we don't make them. They come from 
    > Europe, America, Japan and China. And that is not our technological
    > achievement. That is not our food, either, brought on ships and
    > planes. It came from Europe and America. And they don't even have to 
    > do it! Why don't some of  us appreciate western help, and even help
    > from some Asian countries as well as some in Latin America? Can you
    > answer that?
    > I may be coming down hard on ourselves, collective selves as a people, 
    > but we need, and we must, face reality if we are going to improve our
    > condition across Africa. It's just too bad that we are in such bad a
    > shape. And, please, don't jump on the West for this, hell, we had more 
    > food and even more soap and toothpaste during colonial rule than we do
    > nowadays in many of our countries. And remember, we didn't start
    > making soap, or toothpaste, either! And what we had then and we have 
    > now is still imported from the same countries, from the same people,
    > mostly white people. Yes, from the white man!
    > Many of us even enjoy western foods. I personally love hamburgers! I
    > don't know about you, but I'm just crazy about them (as well as ice
    > cream and milk shake), to be honest with you. We don't have all that,
    > or only very little of it except for the elite in, Africa. What's 
    > wrong with that, enjoying western foods and delicacies? Not all of our
    > food, African food, is nutritious. That's why many of our people,
    > millions and millions of them,  are malnourished. I'm not saying 
    > hamburgers are more nutritious than all African foods, but it's a
    > delicacy to some of us, and many of us enjoy it in a way we never did
    > in Africa! I am not humiliating myself or our people when I say this; 
    > it is only a way of saying thank you to westerners, yes, white people,
    > for all this enjoyment, as much as you enjoy driving and riding the
    > cars they make, and as much as you enjoy using their computers and 
    > other electronic gadgets and other things you use and which were
    > invented or developed by them, white people whom we desperately need
    > in Africa in order to develop.
    > The main point I am making is this: What's wrong with seeking, 
    > accepting, and getting Western help to help us fight malnutrition and
    > disease? Whom are we asking for help now to fight the AIDS pandemic?
    > The same westerners who are maligned so much by many of our people. 
    > What is wrong with asking white people to help us develop our
    > countries? After all, when they are helping us, they are also helping
    > themselves. It makes it easier for them to get raw materials from us. 
    > It makes it cheaper for them to have their goods manufactued in Africa
    > because we are underdeveloped. It provides them with a large market
    > for their manufactured goods. And it helps us to develop by learning 
    > their methods and technology we don't have. Benefits are reciprocal.
    > So why rage against the West, biting the very same hand that feeds us,
    > nurses us,  and sometimes even saves us from starvation and even from 
    > drowning, as we desperately scramble out of our leaky boats and rusted
    > ships? Remember the flood in Mozambique where many of our people were
    > even hanging up in trees, including a pregnant woman, to save their 
    > lives? Who first went to their rescue? White people from South Africa.
    > Next? Next were the British and the Germans, the French and the
    > Americans. Not one plane flew into Mozambique from another African 
    > country with relief supplies from us, fellow Africans. It all came
    > from white people. And tell me we don't need them! Yet many of  us
    > continue to rage against the West.
    > Kwame Nkrumah did all that in the years he was president, which is one 
    > of the reasons why the CIA helped overthrow him of course (he was so
    > anti-western). Sekou Toure, also, did all that. And Nyerere, even
    > after he retired from the presidency and became chairman of the South 
    > Commission, continued to rage against the West as the biggest
    > exploiters of Africa even today. I have read some of Nyerere's
    > speeches on the South Centre web site and they have an unmistakable
    > anti-Western bias, and full of anger, at the West, on behalf of Africa
    > and the entire Third World. But look where he sought emergency medical
    > help when he was dying of lukemia: the West, where he died in a London 
    > hospital in 1999. Look at where Sekou Toure, another fiery
    > anti-western, sought emergency medical assitance for his failing
    > heart: the West, in the United States, where he died at the Cleveland
    > Clinic in 1984. 
    > Nkrumah, of course, sought medical help for his cancer not from the
    > West but from the East, in Rumania, where he died in 1972. Still,
    > Rumania, and the East, is not Africa. And it is not black. It is 
    > white. Thus vindicating my position that Africa needs the white man;
    > not because he is white (I want to me this very clear) but because the
    > white race is the most advanced race - in science and technology, 
    > education, industrial progress, medical advancement and innovations,
    > and in many other areas where we Africans lag far behind probably more
    > than anybody else; Asian and Latin American countries are ahead of us, 
    > except South Africa, which is also developed because of the white man
    > and his ingenuity and technology.
    > In Sierra Leone today, many people are glad the British are back and
    > they want the Brits to rule them again. Why? For peace, for law and 
    > order, for medical and educational help, and for development in
    > general. You hear the same cry in other parts of Africa including
    > Congo, Gabon, and even in Kenya, to give only a few examples. 
    > We also had more freedom of speech back then under colonial rule than
    > we do now  in many African countries where you can get killed just for
    > opening your mouth. Our countries were doing much better under 
    > colonial rule than they are today in terms of law and order and even
    > in terms of  economic progress. Yet when, for example, college and
    > university students in Tanzania in the mid- and late sixties said 
    > colonial rule was better, Nyerere was furious, extremely angry, and
    > addressed the nation in one long speech for hours on the subject, on
    > the radio, and asked the students if it was the British who built the 
    > university and colleges in Tanzania; and if it was the British who
    > built the National Hospital, one of the best in East Africa. He told
    > the nation how bad the colonialists were, and that they were not the 
    > ones who built the University of Dar es Salaam and other colleges in
    > Tanzania, or the National Hospital, within less than ten years since
    > independence. In all the years the British ruled Tanganyika, they 
    > never built a single university or university college; the country had
    > only 2 engineers and about 40 doctors when it won independence in
    > 1961, Nyerere said. 
    > I don't deny that. What I am saying is this: 
    > Where are jobs for our educated people without white people, and even
    > Asians, investing in our countries, building factories and industries?
    > What is the point of training thousands of engineers and other 
    > professionals, as Nyerere said his country did under him in the 24
    > years he led Tanzania, if you don't have jobs for your people - until
    > white people come in to create those jobs for us with their technology 
    > and the factories and industries they build, including mining and
    > lumbering which require the kind of capital, technology and
    > infrastructure we don't have? I don't know how Nyerere, and Nkrumah,
    > would answer that. Having educated people is not enough by itself. May
    > be, Dr. Ojo, Professor Ochonu, Farooq, Oba, Edward Mulindwa and others
    > can answer that for them, these two leaders who are among the most 
    > admired, respected, and deified even today across Africa where one
    > would think they would be anachronistic, with their antiquated views,
    >  in this age of global capitalism masterminded by the West. 
    > Did these leaders do any good? Of course they did. They fought for
    > independence and made us proud as a people and as equal human beings.
    > But that's about it. 
    > What did independence bring us besides misery and suffering, and some 
    > pride as an "independent" people yet who are still so reliant on the
    > West and other people but especially westerners? What did it bring us,
    > under our own people, fellow African leaders, besides instability, 
    > repression and even anarchy in some countries? What are the fruits of
    > independence, Dr. Ojo? Professor Ochonu? Farooq & company? Can you
    > answer that, please? With facts, only facts, not with rhetorical 
    > appeal to nationalist sentiments to incite the masses. Let's just deal
    > with facts here, as gentlemen, cold facts.
    > Dr. Nkrumah boldly predicted that Ghana would surpass the Ivory Coast
    > in terms of economic development. It was all talk. Yet, because of his
    > Pan-African rhetoric and militancy, and as a proud African like
    > Nyerere, Sekou Toure, Lumumba and others, Nkrumah was voted by
    > Africans in a poll by the BBC a few years ago as the most influential
    > African leader in this century and would remain one for a long, long
    > time to come. Can you, please, tell me what this influence is, what 
    > it's all about, and where it has led us  as Africans, besides giving
    > us only pride as Africans and nothing else? We can't eat pride, can
    > we? May be you know something I don't. Tell me if you can survive and 
    > develop on pride alone.
    > So what do we need?  Jobs. Development. Education. Health. Hospitals.
    > Medicine. And even a square meal, sometimes, from white people when we
    > are starving and they bring us donated food. 
    > That is what Houphouet-Boigny, whom Nkrumah considered to be a French
    > puppet and a sellout who had sold his country to the French, did
    > during his rule. He invited and even begged the French to stay and 
    > come in to invest in the country and the Ivory Coast became the most
    > economically developed country in West Africa, attracting skilled and
    > unskilled workers from all over West Africa and from as far away as 
    > Nigeria. Under Houphouet-Boigny, the Ivory Coast also was one of the
    > most successful countries in the entire continent. 
    > What happened to Ghana under Nkrumah? Everything went downhill, while 
    > he blamed the West for the country's economic mess, and the CIA for
    > overthroing him and even said in his book "Dark Days in Ghana" that
    > the CIA also almost overthrew Nyerere in the mid-sixties but failed to 
    > do so.
    > In East Africa, Nkrumah's compatriot, Nyerere, ended up in the same
    > mess. Nyerere railed against the West. He criticized capitalism and
    > made a mockery of the Western claim that true democracy originated in 
    > the West, arguing that traditional African societies were also
    > democratic in their own ways even if in varying degrees. Yet Tanzania
    > under him got nowhere in terms of economic development. Now look at 
    > Kenya, Tanzania's neighbour. Nextdoor in Kenya, Kenyatta invited the
    > British to stay. Mzee Kenyatta, the Old Man,  was also wise enough to
    > invite other westerners into the country. Result? Kenya had a vibrant 
    > economy, while Tanzania under Nyerere went downhill, like Ghana did
    > under Nkrumah. Now defend that, Dr. Ojo and the rest of you.
    > Did Nkrumah's and Nyerere's anti-western rhetoric (like yours) develop 
    > their countries - Ghana and Tanzania - or ruin them? Westerners left
    > those two countries, fast, and were discouraged from investing there
    > by the highly nationalistic policies of Nkrumah and Nyerere. Same mess 
    > in Mali under Modibo Keita from the early to the mid-sixties until he
    > was overthrown and his successors invited the French back to revive
    > the economy. And the same mess in Guinea under Sekou Toure who 
    > literally told the French to get the hell out, when Guinea voted "No"
    > to a French proposal for the country to remain in the French
    > Community. Result? Guinea suffered. Nkrumah rushed to Sekou Toure's 
    > rescue with some economic assistance but it was not enough to replace
    > French, hence western, aid. Yet you say we don't need the white man or
    > the West? Those are facts, gentlemen, facts, nothing but facts. Prove 
    > me wrong.
    > Did their African pride, of these leaders (Nkrumah, Nyerere, Sekou
    > Toure, and Modibo Keita), feed their people, or did it help starve
    > them? Houphouet-Boigny, the "French puppet," had the French create 
    > jobs for his people. And Kenyatta had the British develop Kenya which
    > even today is still derisively called a British colony. But at least
    > Kenya's economy is working, great, with British and other western 
    > help. Tanzania's, after limping along for years, is now catching up
    > after Nyerere's successors turned to the West for help, help from the
    > same white people some of our people say they don't want in Africa or 
    > don't want help from them.
    > I remember in March 1997, on the 40th anniversary of Ghana's
    > independence, Nyerere went to Ghana, invited by President Jerry
    > Rawlings, a follower of Nkrumah and also a great admirer and follower 
    > of Nyerere especially when he himself was a firebreathing militant as
    > military head of state before also turning to the West for help and
    > rescue to revive Ghana's economy. I was in Accra during that time. I 
    > remember, especially the older people who were almost in tears when
    > they saw Nyerere and heard him speak. A few, in fact, shed some tears;
    > he had such oratorical skills and great brilliance of mind, and great 
    > dedication to Africa even if he misled us. Anyway, Nyerere was the
    > main speaker at some events and reminded them how the people of his
    > generation fought for independence. He recalled how Dr. Nkrumah 
    > invited him and other African leaders to Accra back in 1965 and spoke
    > highly of Nkrumah as a great son of Africa, as a great African leader,
    > a proud African, and a source of inspiration to millions of Africans, 
    > and that he missed him a lot. In fact, more than 30 years later, he
    > was still angry at the CIA for helping overthrow Nkumah back in 1966. 
    > Fine words. But where's the beef, where's the prime steak? Where's the 
    > meal, square meal, we sometimes get from the West when we are starving
    > in Africa and the same kind of meal, western foods, we relish when we
    > live in the West? What did independence bring us? What are the fruits 
    > of independence? Who is enjoying them?
    > I am not, at all, saying that we should have remained under colonial
    > rule. I am saying this: we need partnership, a new partnership, even
    > if we have to play a subordinate role, second fiddle, because of our 
    > underdeveloped status. We need the West. We need whites. We should
    > invite Westerners, including our former colonial masters, to work with
    > us and invest in our countries to help us develop and create jobs for 
    > our people. We need their expertise. We need their technology. We need
    > their capital. We need their experience. Not their race or their
    > colour but what they have to offer. And it's plenty of it if we know 
    > what we are asking for and how we are going to get it.
    > Colonial rule was morally was wrong. But it was also beneficial in
    > many ways. And you know that, Dr. Ojo and the rest, don't you, really? 
    > We wouldn't be where we are today in terms of education and progress,
    > and material civilization including infrastuctural development,
    > whatever is left of it since our leaders took over and ruined almost 
    > everything, without the help of Europeans. Proud as we can, and should
    > be, as Africans, as an African people, we must acknowledge that we
    > still need the white man in Africa, contrary to what Mugabe says when 
    > he argues that white people don't belong anywhere in Africa, and that
    > they should be in Europe where they came from.
    > It is reality, it's common sense, pure, simple, plain common sense.
    > And please, please, answer with facts. Name-calling does nothing to
    > advance our cause as a people. And it definitely is not a solution to
    > African problems.
    > Long live Africa, our beautiful motherland! 
    > Clarence Kamara
    > Fellow African patriot

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