Ssenyange do not call your creations, facts on record.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
           Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message ----- From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 12, Issue 170\ Mulindwa

Mr. Mulindwa

But its on record that you were close to mu7 before he took over and a few years after, until your boss, the late Wamala Bakulu Mpagi ( RIP), passed away while he was taking up his new embassador post in N.York \ Washington. Is it because mu7 cronies refused you the job Wamala had promised you at the US embassy?

J. Ssenyange


From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 12, Issue 170
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 18:04:40 -0400


I did not give Museveni even the first 7 months. Museveni was not elected, in fact in the last known election that took place in Uganda Museveni was rejected by his own people where he grew up for a DP candidate. In fact if you follow Museveni's life he has never been elected any where.

Why does he need my permission for another three years? Let him continue to run his personal country using a personal army, until when a ZOO will turn into a circus.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
           Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:15 AM
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 12, Issue 170

Mr. Mulindwa,, dont you sense Mu7 is only leader Uganda have known,after nightmare of Amin-Dada, Lutwa, Muwanga, and Obote 2., to be safer than all? So give the Man more three yrs.Most Ugandans have enjoyed peace and free speak- even calling him names and so on..encluding you.,or you can go back to Uganda take over .with your back ground and education you could rule Uganda peacefully than all of above.Remember Rome was not built in three days......good luck ...Mulindwa-----yamaawu.CWA.JB

----- Original Message -----
Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 6:26 am
Subject: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 12, Issue 170

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Today's Topics:

  1. Re: [Mwananchi] Museveni's Third Term Sad Moment for Africa
     (Edward Mulindwa)
  2. Re: [Ugandacom] Kony must die - Ochora (Edward Mulindwa)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 06:18:39 -0400
From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: [Mwananchi] Museveni's Third Term Sad Moment for
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Museveni is not moving he is already a  life president. Only that
society is very slow in catching up, those of us who knew how
Museveni came to power we warned about this nightmare more than 15
years ago, and we were taken to be jokers. Well here we are. Hope
next time we become better critical thinkers that this time around.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
           Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

 ----- Original Message -----  From: James Chikonamombe
 Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 3:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [Mwananchi] Museveni's Third Term Sad Moment for Africa

 Is this the same Kaguta who used to make fun of
 Africa's Presidents-for-life?  Now he's moving in the
 same direction.
 James Chikonamombe

 --- Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > Museveni's Third Term Sad Moment for Africa
 > The New Times (Kigali)
 > July 24, 2005
 > Posted to the web July 25, 2005
 > Silver Bugingo
 > Kigali
 > Finally, the contentious issue of deleting the two
 > five-year term limit clause for presidency provided
 > under the Ugandan Constitution is a foregone
 > conclusion, never mind about the treacherous tactics
 > employed.
 > During the last four years, there has been a curious
 > debate on the switch to multi-party politics which
 > has for nineteen years running, been legally
 > prohibited. Thus the more the talk raged on, the
 > more it dawned on the proponents of multipartism
 > that president Yoweri Museveni would obviously seek
 > to amend the Constitution and remain eligible for
 > the post he has held for two decades, for as long as
 > he wants.
 > For President Museveni and his accomplices, it has
 > been but a matter of the medieval adage of "the end
 > justifying the means". Last November, 'honourable'
 > legislators were given Shs5m to 'educate' the people
 > about the term limits issue. In May, they were given
 > Shs6m refund in taxes they have paid since November
 > 2001. And president Museveni further promised them
 > Shs12m Constituency Development Fund, understandably
 > should they overwhelmingly support his third term
 > ploy. This is a very unfortunate behaviour for the
 > 'honourable' law makers for which history will never
 > absolve them.
 > Constitutional or any legal amendments the world
 > over is a very healthy act provided it is done in
 > good faith and motivated by the desire to see
 > harmonious political development in the country and
 > nothing more. However, the deleting of the
 > presidential term limit clause from the 1995
 > Constitution of the Republic of Uganda by the
 > legislature a few days ago was a very dangerous
 > precedence that will have far reaching
 > repercussions- negative repercussions not only on
 > the socio-economic and the political stability of
 > Uganda but also on the regional political stability.
 > What the Parliament did a couple of weeks ago in its
 > feverish haste to uproot presidential term limits
 > from the Constitution was to fulfill a legal
 > requirement to allow Museveni present himself as
 > candidate in next year's general elections and
 > nothing more.
 > Constitutional amendments are never made for
 > individual or political purposes. In any case the
 > term limit clause, which is a very sensitive issue
 > in the context of Uganda's and indeed Africa's
 > turbulent political history had not yet been tested
 > for once yet in countries where it has been tested
 > like Tanzania, Kenya it has caused no harm, rather
 > it has resulted into sustainable stability and
 > political discipline.
 > Again, within the context of regional integration,
 > there is need for political and constitutional
 > convergence in the Eastern Africa, if at all the
 > regional leaders are serious about making a strong
 > market entity and the proposed political
 > confederation of the East African Community.
 > We don't need to scratch our heads to make sense of
 > what the future post-2006 Museveni regime has in
 > store for the peace-loving Ugandans. The ill
 > intended and subsequent constitutional amendment has
 > already caused more harm than good. In the words of
 > Museveni's childhood friend and comrade in the
 > liberation struggles, Augustin Ruzindana, who has
 > since turned his erstwhile rival: "The third term
 > ploy has ended long established friendships, it has
 > split the movement, it has split the country, it has
 > led to the abuse of elders by youngsters?-oeit has
 > led to all sort of manipulation of the constitution,
 > the law and parliamentary rules, it has led to the
 > promise of innumerable districts and above all the
 > depletion of the national budget" he is reported to
 > have painstakingly told the Speaker.
 > The essence of including term limit in the Ugandan
 > Constitution and in any other national Constitution
 > is among other things, to curb excessive executive
 > powers through various provisions of checks and
 > balances, separation of powers, strong provisions
 > protecting fundamental human and individual rights,
 > creation of independent oversight institutions like
 > the Electoral Commission and an independent
 > judiciary. However, the overt spirit behind the
 > untimely amendment is to increase executive
 > authority, castrate the judiciary of its discretion
 > by restricting judicial reviews, intimidate the
 > independent voices and emasculate the oversight
 > institutions and water down the checks and balances.
 > In short, what has been a de facto dictatorship has
 > been constitutionalised. What a shame!!
 > In fact, for constitutional law scholars, Uganda's
 > constitutional review process of June 2005 will go
 > down as the most treacherous political maneuver
 > which subjected the otherwise good Constitution to
 > an emergency surgery- to reconsider 102 articles in
 > a desperate effort to disguise the political greed
 > and bad faith in removing the presidential term
 > limit.
 > Other African rulers tried the fraudulent attempt
 > but were nipped in the bud. Former Presidents
 > Fredrick Chiluba of Zambia and Bakili Muluzi of
 > Malawi, whose constitutional two-term mandates were
 > nearing expiry made desperate moves but were blocked
 > by the legislature, opposition politicians and all
 > peace-loving citizens in their countriers.
 > Ironically, instead of these incidences having
 > served as an eye opener, our 'visionary' man set out
 > to exploit the situation to his insatiable political
 > greed, the apparent negative repercussions likely to
 > culminate notwithstanding.
 > Already, the most recent press report indicate that
 > President Benjamin Mkapa of Tanzania, whose two-term
 > constitutional mandate expires in October this year
 > and who has harboured no intentions whatsoever to
 > seek another term has threatened to pull out of the
 > East Africa Community because of Museveni's Kisanja
 > ploy. It must be remembered that the EAC which was
 > revived just a few years ago, had disintegrated in
 > 1977 because of the unbecoming behaviour of then
 > Ugandan military dictator Field Marshal Idi Amin.
 > What all this means is that the country's future is
 > at cross-roads. What started and was conceived as a
 > united revolutionary political movement or is it
 > political party, has split different political camps
 > that live a 'cat and mouse life'. The harm this is
 > likely to cause on the social fabric of the entire
 > society is everybody's guess.
 > Museveni's strategy of "separating sheep from
 > wolves" to be sure of a dissent-free term will
 > definitely leave an insurmountable number of
 > causalities; his priority now is to completely phase
 > out dissenting contemporaries from NRMO and infuse
 > in more young people who can easily toe his line.
 > Critics of Museveni, however console themselves in
 > the fact that each person Museveni sacks tears a
 > chunk off the Movement. Thus the Forum for
 > Democratic Change, the dumping ground for most
 > friends-turned opponents will hopefully metamorphose
 > into a broader and formidable political force
 > capable of restoring sanity. Indeed Museveni's
 > former friend and ally cum strong critic, Jaberi
 > Bidandi Ssali has observed that the presidential
 > term limit clause will be reinserted in the
 > Constitution "when a sane government" succeeds him.
 > But for Gods sake, for how long shall people have to
 > endure successive political upheavals?
 > Surely my humble submission is that the African
 > Union and other credible African leaders must come
 > out and make their positions sound and clear on
 > their colleague's unbecoming political appetite,
 > lest his unfortunate legacy will be followed by
 > others.

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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 06:25:27 -0400
From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: [Ugandacom] Kony must die - Ochora
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Godfrey Ayoo Elum Aniap
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Another alternative is to know that Uganda as a government has
failed to show leadership and to protect the population of Uganda,
let it move out of power and we get a new start on this problem.
That is not asking for too much.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
           Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

 ----- Original Message -----  From: Godfrey Ayoo Elum Aniap
 Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Godfrey Ayoo Elum Aniap
 Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 5:33 AM
 Subject: [Ugandacom] Kony must die - Ochora

 Kony must die - Ochora

 By Justin Moro

 JOSEPH Kony, the leader of the Lord's Resistance army (LRA)
rebels, has to be killed if total peace is to be realised in
northern Uganda and southern Sudan, Gulu Lc5 chairman rtd. Col.
Walter Ochora said.

 Ochora ruled out any possibility of dialogue with the LRA chief,
saying Kony will never talk peace.

 "As long as Kony is still alive, we shall not have peace in
northern Uganda and the children here will have no future. I have
doubts in the possibility of Kony talking to Betty Bigombe (chief
peace broker)," Ochora said.

 He was meeting the UNICEF executive director, Ann Veneman, on
Friday at his office in Gulu town.

 Veneman and the UNICEF country director, Martin Mogwanja, had
called on district officials.

 The UNICEF chief visited Gulu to witness the impact of the 19-
year conflict on children and families of the displaced
population. The UNICEF team later visited Gulu save the children
organisation, where formerly abducted children are rehabilitated
and integrated into the community.

 Veneman said UNICEF, together with all the other organisations,
would do everything possible to end the conflict so that the
children once again live a normal life.

 Published on: Tuesday, 26th July, 2005

 ``When in the course of human development, existing institutions
prove inadequate to the needs of man, when they serve merely to
enslave, rob and oppress mankind, the people have the eternal
right to rebel against, and overthrow, these institutions.'' -
Emma Goldman

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