Here we go again with those Kifaro stories in Bweyale.
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Kifaro owango ot i Bweyale centa

David Lakoch

MAC mo ma kibyeko ni obedo kifaro otyeko poto atura ka owango woko ni kwic kwici ot pa Mego Ajati ma obedo lacat wil i Bweyale.

Mac man opoto ikine ka cawa 10 ki nucu me dye wor me ceng aryo ka owang wa odiko kama jami ma onongo tye iot meno owang ducu niruk iot.

Latin awobi mo me mwaka 15 ma onongo obuto iot meno oloyo to cwicwi ka lwak aye olare ikare ma mac man ocake ma mego Ajati onongo tye wa i Arua inino meno.

Jo ma gin olimo kacan man cut cut, gutito ni jami magi onongo obedo me dukan dok owang ducu labongo laro ne.

Published on: Wednesday, 3rd August 2005



Kifaro burns a house in Bweyale center.


A mysterious fire believed to a “Kifaro” broke out and burnt a house belonging to Mego Ajati to complete ashes. Mego Ajati was a businesswoman in Bweyale.


The unexplainable fire occurred at around 10.30 p.m on Tuesday burnt on until morning incinerating everything in the house.


A young boy of 15 years old fled from the fire and was rescued by the community. He was sleeping in the house at the time. Mego Ajati was away on a trip to Arua on that fate full night.


The people who lost some items there said they had not evaluated the shop merchandise, and therefore could not estimate the value.

B. Wambuga wa Balongo

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