Your points are very eloquent and I can not post them any different. But that is not the big picture, a picture we all as Ugandans must learn in this arrest.
Reporters are always arrested, some are even killed in arranged accidents, you only have to look at Iraq. But members of parliament are not arrested, for these men set the laws and run theater business in a different environment.
When the Members of parliament were arrested, what were your comments? No you kept quite for these were Northerners any ways. You decided to take it as a non issue. Not only you but most of Ugandans especially from the South so it became a problem only worried about by the people from the North. This idiocy has been running in Uganda since Museveni came to power and he has used it to its optimum.
That is why I have told you always, that you need to be a Ugandan before you are a Muganda, because if we as Ugandans opposed the arrest of MPs from the North, we surely would have had a bigger say on Maenad's  arrest but we do not, we think in our little holes and Museveni has just exploited that.
Another good example is the federalism debate that started in Uganda. Little brained as we are, when it started, Kibuuka your self, Kigongo and many because ecstatic, to the extent that you chased us from Fednet, and Kibuuka decided to fly to Uganda for now Buganda is going to become federal state. The question became what do Ugandans think? I think Kibuuka is already back or planning to be back for I do not see a federal state in Uganda. I happen to write articles in Monitor and one day you said that you do not understand why my postings are published yet yours are not , does Monitor have an agenda? You forgot that my postings are made based in a larger picture of agnation which is Uganda.
Musamize Museveni has an agenda, an agenda that in the end he will even close Mengo. And you are saying Ffe Kasita Twebaka untill when it will be closed then you will start to look for people to complain too? Musamize we need nationalism, for tribalism has failed and very miserably.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: musamize
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 9:45 PM
Subject: [Ugnet] Re:Monitor Talk Show Host Arrested for sedition



Just be glad Mu7 is not in the medical field. He'd let the patient die and be buried first then write a prescription, have the body excavated to be given the medicine.


In this case, ignoring his own constitution and judicial system he ordered Monitor Radio closed. After that, in the guise of wanting to seem to be conducting some sort of investigation, he had Andrew Mwenda arrested (before any evidence was gathered that we were told of, perhaps without even so much as an arrest warrant). Possibly we shall see some sort of trial in a kangaroo court and then perhaps imprisonment or whatever the punishment for “sedition” is. Colonialists, in order to legally harass and suppress Africans who were demanding self-government, by the way, introduced sedition laws.


Some revolution Museveni’s turned out to be.  With every passing day the stench of a dictatorship grows stronger.


One wonders what the investor who put up the tons of money needed set up a functioning radio operation must be thinking.

Sandy L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Netters this is scary: Thought we were logn past this.
Monitor’s Mwenda detained

The host of the Tonight With Andrew Mwenda Live talk show on 93.3 KFM has been arrested and detained on charges of sedition.

Mr Mwenda who is also the Political Editor of the Daily Monitor was yesterday interrogated by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) for at least one and a half hours and later whisked off to the Central Police Station (CPS) where he was booked for the night.

According to the Monitor Publications Ltd Legal and Administrative Manager, Ms Anne Abeja Muhwezi, Mwenda was questioned over his August 10 edition of the talk show. Earlier on Thursday, the Broadcasting Council had shut down KFM over the same programme and suspended the radio station’s broadcasting licence for allegedly “offending minimum broadcasting standards.”

Mwenda, clad in a blue short sleeve KFM shirt, a black pair of jeans walked into the CID headquarters along Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road near Parliament at 3:43 pm after receiving summons earlier in the afternoon.

Upon arrival, he joked to colleagues from Daily Monitor who waited outside the gate, “I have left my phone at home, I have no belt, and I am ready to go to jail.”
Accompanied by Monitor lawyer James Nangwala and Muhwezi, Mwenda walked straight into the office of Assistant Superintendent of Police Charles Kataratambi.

“Good afternoon gentlemen, I am here for you to bite, to chew and to swallow. What are you saying?” he joked upon entering the office. Kataratambi replied, “I am pleased you know how to keep time.”

Seated in the office was the Presidential Assistant on Political Affairs, Mr Moses Byaruhanga, who was one of the guests on Mwenda’s show on Wednesday.
Mwenda and Byaruhanga hugged and exchanged pleasantries before the latter was led to another office within the CID complex.

Shortly afterwards Kataratambi ordered the journalists to stay away, saying only Mwenda and the lawyers were required in the office.
Byaruhanga did not spe ak to journalists but CID officials said he had recorded a statement.
Mwenda stayed in Kataratambi’s office for close to two hours before the interrogation began.

He was later moved to another office by the O/C Serious Crime SSP James Habuchiriro where he was kept for one and a half hours before he was later returned to Kataratambi’s office. Mwenda was charged and cautioned for sedition under Section 50 of the Penal Code Act before he recorded a statement.

Sedition is an utterance, which has the “intention of bringing into disaffection the person of the president, the government as by law established or the Constitution.”
A charge and caution is a procedural requirement that whatever is said may be used as evidence in a court of law.

Nangwala said before being questioned and making the statement, Mwenda dramatically tried to acclimatise himself to prison conditions by lying on the floor, surprising the Police officers present.

Nangwala told Da ily Monitor that after Mwenda made his statement, Habuchiriro made several phone calls before a gray Saloon car Reg. No. UAD 476R, arrived to take him to CPS.

“We were not told at any time that Mwenda would be detained,” Nangwala said adding, “so when he was asked to get into this car, we had to follow the car.”
At CPS, which was in darkness due to a power blackout, Mwenda was taken to the booking office where he was booked in and later moved down a dark alley into a crowded cell in the basement of CPS at 7:05pm.

Monitor Publications Managing Director Conrad Nkutu described the detention as very unfortunate and “an excessive reaction from the government.”
Nkutu said Mwenda had walked himself to CID and they should have invited him to appear again.

He said the law of sedition under which Mwenda was charged “does not have a proper place in a democratic state.”
“All countries that respect press freedom as a pillar of democracy have removed from their books laws that criminalise media offences,” Nkutu said.


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