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 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2005 12:28 PM
Subject: [rwandanet] Re: [Ugnet] ] MUSEVENI & THE FREEDOM OF PRESS IN UGANDA(For Mr Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga!

Mr Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga,
    Thank you for introducing yourself to all the netters.I am pleased also to learn that you do write a column for the Monitor as I can be counted among it's fervent readers.
   Before I respond to your posting which I will do later on.I would like to point out that I make clear difference between the overall Museveni's leadership and the issue of the Freedom of press in Uganda and the rest of our continent.
         I definetely agree with you on mr Museveni big "EGO" and its impact on some of the biggest challenge our subregion is facing today.
   Bear with me,I will be writing more about It in the coming hours.
                                         Sharangabo Rufagari

Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mr Sharangabo,

I am a Ugandan journalist currently living in the United States. And I
follow closely what's going on back home and do my civic duty of
participating in democratic debates, including by writing a weekly
column for the Daily Monitor.

If you've followed Museveni's words and actions since Col. Garang's
death, you will notice that he has done and said things that have
actually more than irked our neighbor to the North. And that's in
keeping with his erratic leadership style.

Uganda's security has never been in jeopardy from the Ugandan media. So
the reasons Museveni has given for the closure of KFM are just a
pretext. This is something he has been itching to do for a while to
intimidate the more critical journalists and the media they work for as
a coup de main before the next election season.

Museveni's ego and indiscretions are a bigger security risk to Uganda
than the media. As a Rwandan and Congolese, you are no doubt aware of
the wars that the current Ugandan army has had to fight, not least with
the RPA, because of Museveni's ego.

You said: "The mass media communication.And I am coming from to what
happened in RWANDA during the 94 Genocide.This human tragedy happened
primordialy because the MEDIA tools(Radio,newspapers,etc..) During that
time the killers were guided by Radio to the potential target." First of
all, you make a bogus analogy between Uganda today and KFM on the one
hand and Rwanda in 1994 and RTLM. Secondly, to make such a comparison
not only cheapens the memory of those who perished as a result of "hate"
radio broadcasts but also signals that you really don't know what's
going on in Uganda.

You also said: "In the other aspect,I understand Museveni position.There
was definitely what I will call the Mismanagement of the freedom of
press in Uganda,from the beginning! The NRM,just gave away some very
sensitive issues away from the beginning. And now it may live to feel
sorrows about it,
The Press has to be regulated.One has not to look or to imitate
WESTERNERS(Americans,French,English) to be a DEMOCRAT. Africa has it's
own reality and we have to live by it! Or otherwise they will be som
more tragedies ahead of time."

Could you please tell us more about the mismanagement of press freedoms
in Uganda? What are those ominous sounding African realities we have to
live by? What makes you think that Africans who demand that they be
ruled more accountably and wisely are imitating Americans, French, and
English? And what's so African about Museveni's use of media-gag laws
that were first enacted by European colonialists from shutting up
African nationalists who were fighting for independence? Judged by your
standards, isn't it Museveni who is trying to live like a European
colonial governor with all the trappings of arbitrary rule?


I find Africans like yourself

sharangabo rufagari wrote:

> Omwami Edward Mulindwa,
> As I stated,I am always honored to be invited to talk with my
> African brothers whowever the may be.
> Dear Mulindwa,I am a Rwandan by my birthright but also I am a
> congolese by my birthright also..There are not a need to go trough
> history to determinate who am I.
> The most important thing is to know that I am an African! Altough
> I know the torch of the LIGHT for the REBIRTH of of our continent has
> been light Up from KIGALI. This another matter I will be explaining to
> our fellows brothers in the days coming!
> As for Mr MWENDA from the Monitor being detained.I feel the state
> of UGANDA is fulfiling its primary duty and that mean PROTECTING the
> security of the NATION.
> Omwami Mulimdwa.You will be surprised to learn that MWENDA,OBBO and
> the MONITOR represent the best of the Ugandan Media for me!Those are
> the only I read from when I want to learn about what going on in Uganda.
> In the other aspect,I understand Museveni position.There was
> definitely what I will call the Mismanagement of the freedom of press
> in Uganda,from the beginning!
> The NRM,just gave away some very sensitive issues away from the
> beginning. And now it may live to feel sorrows about it,
> The Press has to be regulated.One has not to look or to imitate
> WESTERNERS(Americans,French,English) to be a DEMOCRAT.
> Africa has it's own reality and we have to live by it! Or otherwise
> they will be som more tragedies ahead of time.
> Sharangabo
> */Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> Sharangabo Rufagari
> Yes it is good you have joined Ugandanet but you are missing one
> important fact here that Ugandanet has critical thinkers, so after
> I read your Rwandese Mumbo jumbo let me ask for a very simple
> clarification.
> If Mwenda as a reporter or a program operator made statements that
> threatening the security of Uganda, why was the radio station
> closed? Mwenda was just an employee of a radio station.
> Kindly explain to me why the station was closed.
> Em
> Toronto
> The Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* sharangabo rufagari
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Saturday, August 13, 2005 8:44 PM
> */sharangabo rufagari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >/* wrote:
> Dear netters,dear Africans,
> I would like first to thank our Ugandan
> brothers to have extended me the invitation to joint the
> wonderful UGANDANET forum which is is quoted on GOOGLE.I
> usually adress to over 10.000 netters over the world on
> daily basis and they are usualy from Rwanda and DRC.But
> this time I feel very privileged to be with our UGANDAN
> brothers as we share the same background as a People and
> mostly as BROTHERS.Brothers from the same geograpic
> area,brothers from our comon history and mostly brothers
> bound to a comon destiny.
> Dear friends,
> We Africans have to be realistical! There
> are no way we can extrapolate the western values in our
> continent.Again if we wish to do that,we should that the
> right way!
> I am talking about the freedom of Press.The mass
> media communication.And I am coming from to what happened
> in RWANDA during the 94 Genocide.This human tragedy
> happened primordialy because the MEDIA
> tools(Radio,newspapers,etc..) During that time the killers
> were guided by Radio to the potential target.
> Having this fact in mind.I believe that any
> responsible government in our continent has not only the
> RIGHT but also the OBLIGATION to intervene as quickly as
> it can to prevent the WORST to happen to his people.
> The national security matter is very important.This is
> not a joke!Not even in the MIGHTY and "Democratic"
> USA,they will allow the press to act as it wish when the
> national security affairs are concerned.One has to look
> back at the relation between the US governement and the
> press in IRAK.
> Finaly,I am convinced that the President of Uganda is
> acting on the full right of his mandate and fulfilling his
> duties which bestowed to him by the peoples of Uganda.
> Regards
> Sharangabo
> Rufagari
> Montreal,Canada.
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> Last Updated: Saturday, 13 August 2005, 16:16 GMT 17:16 UK
> E-mail this to a friend
> Printable version
> Ugandan police charge journalist
> KFM presenter Andrew Mwenda (l) with Denis Lukaya, (R) of
> the Broadcasting Council (Pic: The Monitor)
> Andrew Mwenda (l) is due in court on Monday
> *Ugandan journalist Andrew Mwenda has been charged with
> sedition after a radio debate speculating on the death of
> Sudan's vice-president John Garang.*
> The authorities also closed KFM radio which aired Mr
> Mwenda's chat show.
> The Ugandan government has warned it will act against
> journalists who endangered national security.
> The Sudanese ex-rebel leader died in a helicopter crash on
> his way back from talks in Uganda on 30 July. Sudan has
> repeatedly said it was an accident.
> Uganda's Information Minister Nsaba "reminded" journalists
> on Saturday in an article in the Monitor newspaper "that
> even where facts may be true, reporting must be informed
> by an imperative to preserve national interests."
> *Conspiracy Theories*
> Mr Mwenda's show on Wednesday aired hours after President
> Yoweri Museveni had warned the media not to report
> speculation about the crash.
> The decision to close the station the following day has
> angered opposition leaders.
> Politician James Otieno told the BBC the move was
> "unacceptable", while the Uganda Journalist Association
> said the government had exceeded its powers.
> Conspiracy theories on Mr Garang's death ranging from
> sabotage to hijackings have raged in the Ugandan media.
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> 12 Aug 05 | Africa
> Museveni warns press over Garang
> 10 Aug 05 | Africa
> Uganda backs multi-party return
> 01 Aug 05 | Africa
> MPs back Museveni re-election bid
> 28 Jun 05 | Africa
> Profile: Uganda's Yoweri Museveni
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> Ugandan paper issues apology
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                 Sharangabo Rufagari 

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