This is the charitable  organisation we registered to use as Uganda immigrants in in North America until when Muniini Mulera shipped it to Uganda. Very sad indeed especially to Ugandans with children who had high expectations from it. Let us meet, eat dance and screw each other and then go home.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: Lugemwa FN
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Fwd: Re: [FedsNet] Fwd: UNAA PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN 2005]

Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2005 14:54:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: Send an Instant Message "Phillip Kiboneka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book
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Subject: Your comment on MDMusoke website.
To: Send an Instant Message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Send an Instant Message [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Mumbowa,

These are very good questions and as campaign manager I will answer them.

1. You recently returned to USA from Kampala, on several occasions you were in the company of Mr. Andrew Kasirye and Moses Byaruhanga both employees of Uganda's security agencies within the presidents office. Could you share with us the nature of business you had in/with state house?

Andrew Kasirye is a childhood family friend who also happens to be the family attorney for the Musoke Estate.  Margaret did not meet Moses Byaruhanga.

2. You also received a large brown envelope from Moses Byaruhanga could you please share with us what was in that envelope?

Again, Margaret did not meet Moses Byaruhanga.

3. Can you assure me and other voters that you are not a member of Uganda's External Security Organization?

Margaret is not in anyway associated with the Uganda External Security Organization and has never been. 

4. Could you please tell us how long you have been a member of National Resistance Movement Organization?

Margaret is not a member of the national Resistance Movement Organization and has never been, or any other political organization in Uganda.  She votes democratic in USA elections.

 5. What assurance can you give us the voters that your administration will be independent from the National Resistance Movement?

I will point you to the public letter on independence that Margaret wrote and is on the campaign website. Margaret wrote;

“On this American Independence Day, I would like to recognize Dr. Frank Matovu, and other founding fathers of UNAA for having a vision that has lasted 17 years. This is the same vision that we are trying to advance with the proposals we are advocating in a new UNAA, independent and free from any political affiliation.”

This is Margaret’s public pledge on an independent UNAA. Please visit the website at for details.    

Thank you again, for your questions. See you in Minnesota, and join us in advancing UNAA to the next level.

Phillip Kiboneka

Campaign Manager.

Simon Nume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Note: forwarded message attached.

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From: Mumbowa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:38:33 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FedsNet] Fwd: UNAA PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN 2005]

Mr. Lugemwa
Could you please use your good offices to forward my questions to the UNAA presidential candidate?  Thanks in advance.  By the way, I tried to post my questions on the candidates website but kept getting an error message.

Elections are fast approaching and I would appreciate if you would kindly respond to the following questions, your responses will go a long way in helping me and other voters reach a decision as to how we cast our vote.

1. You recently returned to USA from Kampala, on several occasions you were in the company of Mr. Andrew Kasirye and Moses Byaruhanga both employees of Uganda's security agencies within the presidents office.  Could you share with us the nature of business you had in/with state house?

2. You also received a large brown envelope from Moses Byaruhanga could you please share with us what was in that envelope?

3.  Can you assure me and other voters that you are not a member of Uganda's External Security Organization?

4. Could you please tell us how long you have been a member of National Resistance Movement Organization?

5. What assurance can you give us the voters that your administration will be independent from the National Resistance Movement?

Looking forward to your response to the above questions.


-------- Original Message --------
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 14:18:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Lugemwa FN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 14:56:41 EDT

July 23, 2005

Dear fellow Ugandans and friends:

Let me express my gratitude for the privilege of addressing you for the last 6 weeks since declaring my candidacy for UNAA President 2005. I truly appreciate your encouragement and staying on this journey with me.

As early campaigning for this esteemed office is not in the norm for UNAA, today I would like to explain why I chose this open and direct communication strategy.

First and foremost, I do not take your vote for granted.   I know many of you who are like me have the principle of openness and being forthright.  With this in mind, I could not assume you would vote for me without understanding my vision and commitment to advancing UNAA to the next level.   It is also equally important that this is a shared vision, our vision.   I know that together we can uplift our organization to better serve the needs of our community in North America and our country.

Second is accountability.   By thinking through my plan and writing down my goals, I am holding myself accountable.   Most importantly, I would like you to hold me accountable if I do not deliver on my promise.   My platform is therefore a basis for you to rate my performance, should I become your next UNAA President.

Finally, my vision is based on a simple premise, in a platform that sums up our hopes, dreams and possibilities for ourselves and our children.   I would like to bring this fact to your attention that we have more in common than what separates us.   We are Ugandan immigrants living in North America with dreams and aspirations that have carried us this far. I know many of you want the same things, to continue on the road to success, staying connected to our community and cultures, and ensuring that our children inherit and carry on these same values.  

As with any campaign, there are always those whose aim is to divide us and keep us from our vision of a united and strong UNAA.  A UNAA that allows us to continue to expand our horizons and to help each other to become the best we can be as a cohesive immigrant group. I hope that with this in mind, we can stay on this course, focused on our common dreams, aspirations and values and use our differences to enrich our organization.  

I am a person who thrives on openness, diversity and results.   This is how I will serve you as your next President.

Your positive feedback confirms  that you share my passion, excitement and the possibilities ahead of us. Let's continue to share ideas on how we can advance our organization. Please sign up for the convention in Minnesota so that your vote and your voice can be heard to take our organization to the next level.  

I humbly request for your vote, so that together we can imple ment our vision.   Let's make the change in Minnesota. UNAA's best days are ahead.

Warmest regards,

Margaret Musoke
Candidate for UNAA President 2005

Please visit for campaign updates

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