
Well you are a journalist tell me if you would make an interview using such a language. We all oppose not only the movement but Museveni's leadership, but that does not mean that we have to go that low in ethics. And Yaobanga can call it trash but you see that is the very danger many Baganda have today, that every thing bad said on Obote or any trash thrown to him is justified. But every thing good must be stated on Museveni.

That is just being plain stupid. I am just too sick and tired of Ugandans who in the process of opposing a leadership decide to go personal. Mwenda went personal and that killed the chance we all had of getting a trained journalist asking serious questions. And I can bet if this fracas happened 10 years ago before the creation of FDC, Dr Munini Mulera's editorial would have been different as well.

I wrote it and I will back it up, take it or leave it


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
           Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message ----- From: "Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Fw: [Ugandacom] Exercise your freedom within the lawEdward Mulindwa TORONTO

Did you write that EM? Or was it your alter ego?

Edward Mulindwa wrote:

*From:* gook makanga <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Monday, August 15, 2005 4:37 PM
*Subject:* [Ugandacom] Exercise your freedom within the law Edward Mulindwa TORONTO

Exercise your freedom within the law Edward Mulindwa TORONTO

In reading Dr Muniini Mulera's article in your Monday's opinion pages, I found it hard to pass with out a comment.

My friend Dr Mulera makes some very good points and I completely agree with him that there are questions which have to be both asked and answered. I have a problem with the closure of KFM 93.3, the Monitor’s FM radio station, but not being in Uganda I do not know if this station was warned by the agency on what it should air on the public waves or not, makes it difficult for me to make a call on it either way.

But here is where I have a problem with Mulera's article; he is failing to make one very important point, that freedom of speech is not an open ended status. We all use freedom of speech but we respect the law.

I read the transcript of Andrew Mwenda and some of the statements he made in that program, Dr Mulera can not make them in Canada waves if he wants to have a license. I have to be very careful here for Andrew Mwenda's case is soon going to be before a judge so I cannot debate any of his statements.

But I would ask Dr Muniini Mulera to go back and read the transcript of that program, and wonder if he had a radio station in Canada if he would make such statements on a prime Minister of Canada and see if the CRTC would not yank his license.

Freedom of speech does not empower us to disrespect our leaders, and I happen to be one of the people who have opposed the Movement for a very long time, but like it or not Yoweri Museveni is a president of Uganda today, and we owe him that respect.

The danger here is that there is no way you can disrespect Yoweri Museveni with out disrespecting the position he holds. And I wish Dr Muniini Mulera used this chance to point out to his audience that respect of the presidency is paramount in all things we discuss in or on our nation.

The questions Dr Mulera asked are understandable and they need to be asked and answered as I stated before, but why am I able to understand them in Mulera's article and I can not understand them in Andrew Mwenda's transcript? Yet Dr Mulera is not a journalist and Andrew Mwenda is. That is the main problem in this whole circle.

Lastly the movement has brought very many changes to our nation. we used to have only land lines today we are in cell phone times. The Internet was introduced including reading Daily Monitor on line, but I have looked very carefully on how we use these new facilities.

The other day a Florence Namutebi from Sweden wrote a letter in Daily Monitor complaining about the abuse of Uganda chat rooms. When you read Andrew Mwenda's transcript, one can not help but wonder if we were ready to move from a state one controlled radio station.

We need to build freedom of speech in our nation, but let us not forget the growth of journalism that must follow it.




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