Good for you Nansikombi
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 1:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] First Lady Janet Museveni's response to former USAmbassador Johnnie Carson's criticism of the President's ....

Nyabbo Jenet Museveni:
I command you to leave our country Uganda alone.  Your husband and your family has killed
alot of Ugandans, it is time you leave with diginity.  We do not need you any more.  You can
not deny the killings,torture and suffering of our people.  >From the East to the North, from South to West.  You and your family have enjoyed more than enough in State House on our suffering. Just get out and go to Nyakatura.  If you use force to stay in power !!!   The Good Lord will force your family out.  Our people who have died and who are still suffering in Prisons.  God will hear our Prayers and force you out.  Your man did not get any votes, in fact It was your Brother In-Law Sam Kutesa who defeated him during election, you decided to buy him, as usual "corruption" by giving your daughter to his son, both families are enjoying Ugandans property while your husband continue killing people on the roads, in Trains and in the Bush, and the touture is evryday life feeling proud of his rifle which he used in the bush at the same time He deny killing in Luwero and the whole country, Congo.  If you managed to fool Bodda Bodda with cheap money which should have been spent in Hospitals and Schools.   Do not think that all Ugandans are fools in listening to your trash every day.  The whole world saw this and still continuing witnessing the whole episode. Do not deny what the world has seen!!!!  "Do not blame Mr. Carson".  The Lord altmighty will not accept that any more. 
Madam (Giraffe), remove your family and take them to your Nyakatura.  Leave us alone. 

Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mambo bado.

Matek Opoko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Janet’s letter draws anger
By Gerald Walulya

KAMPALA — First Lady Janet Museveni's response to former US Ambassador Johnnie Carson's criticism of the President's democratic credentials has drawn strong criticism and support from different political players.

Mr Carson recently wrote an article in The Boston Globe, an American newspaper, praising President Museveni's achievements in turning around the economy and successfully fighting HIV/Aids but also lambasted him for attempting to cling on to power.

Carson, who served as ambassador to Uganda from 1991-1994, said Mr Museveni's bid to overstay in power is intended to protect his family from prosecution for "alleged involvement in illegal activities". The former ambassador, whose article was reprinted in The Monitor on May 4, cited Museveni's son Maj. Muhoozi Kainerugaba and brother Lt. Gen. Salim Saleh as the key beneficiaries of the kisanja.

LOYAL TO FAMILY: First Lady Janet Museveni.

The article provoked an impassioned response from the first lady. Her letter, peppered with biblical quotes, was published in The New Vision on Thursday.

In the letter, Ms Museveni said that when people see her husband leading the country they think he is dong it for personal gain. She said nothing could be farther from the reality. "...serving Uganda is no bed of roses, and believe me, my family has paid a big price for our homeland that we all love so much."

She added: "Museveni does not need a job. It is Uganda that needs liberation, and he and other Ugandan patriots are willing to give all the sacrifice it will take to eradicate fascism and bring about economic liberation..."

Several opposition politicians regard the first lady's response as a direct commitment by the first family to stay at the top.

Mr Chapaa Karuhanga, the co-ordinator of the major six political parties (G6), said if Museveni is a true liberator as his wife claims, his supporters or his office should have written in response to Carson.

UPC's Henry Mayega said it was a shame for the first lady to claim that Museveni liberated Uganda yet about two million people are living in internally displaced peoples' camps in the war-ravaged northern Uganda.

However, Mr John Nagenda, the President's senior advisor on the media and public relations, said that Ms Museveni wrote the letter because she probably felt hurt as a member of the first family.

He accused Carson of personalising his comments.
"That seemed to be not a good idea," Nagenda said. "I didn't see the sense of personalising it to one family. I don't think it was worthy of somebody as bright as Mr Carson."

The former ambassador is now the senior vice president at the National Defence University in Washington.

Mr Sam Njuba, FDC's executive co-ordinator, said Janet Museveni should be cautious when talking about Uganda's liberation. "We are under the yoke of Museveni. We are trying to liberate ourselves from him. We initially thought he was a liberator but we eventually discovered otherwise," said Njuba, who once served as Museveni's minister of constitutional affairs.

Dr John Barya of the Free Movement accused the first lady of insulting Ugandans by implying that her husband was the only person who can lead Uganda.

"These people have been in power for so long that they have lost a sense of modesty and proportion," said Barya, who also teaches law at Makerere University. "They have started to think like Mobutu Sese Seko and Kamuzu Banda. Retaining the job [of President] is what Museveni is fighting for."

Karuhanga, who also is a senior FDC member, said the first lady insulted Ugandans when she claimed that Museveni is a God-given liberator.

She wrote: "The truth is that humanity has triumphed over evil for centuries because, every once in a while, there comes about a man or woman who is willing to walk an extra mile to serve humanity. God uses such a man or woman to empower good to triumph over evil. Without such people in life, everything is doomed...

"God is always looking out for such people that He may use them for the benefit of their countries."
"What she said was unfortunate of her," Karuhanga said. "What the man was saying is the truth. Her hostile response should have come from the President's Office if she believes Museveni is working for the people."

"I don't know which miracle Museveni has done to qualify him as a God-sent messiah," said lawyer Erias Lukwago. "The message I get from Janet's letter is that the first family is determined to push for life presidency, not only a third term."
MP Mary Okurut, Museveni's former pres secretary, said that as a member of the first family, Janet was right to respond to Ambassador Carson.

Said Okurut: "Carson made a direct attack on the first family. Muhoozi has never been accused of any crime. What Carson said was all hogwash. These people are exercising neo-colonialism on us."
She said Museveni is a liberator who is always insulted but chooses to stay in leadership at the request of the people. She said it is not true that Museveni is protecting any member of his family from being prosecuted because Saleh has been investigated when his brother is still in power.

Saleh has been variously suspected of wrongdoing in activities such as the botched sale of the Uganda Commercial Bank to a Malaysian investor, purchase of junk helicopters and plundering of the DR Congo resources. He has been cleared of some of the allegations.

Mr Moses Byaruhanga, the President's political assistant, also weighed in for Janet Museveni. He said he believes in Museveni as a liberator because he has done what other leaders failed to do – improve the lot of Ugandans.

He criticised Carson saying that his comments "were a misrepresentation of what is happening in Uganda".

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